Scientific Image Festival 丨 Teacher Salon is held!Educational experience and expectations in shared images

8 min read

In 2024, the Beijing Youth Science Imaging Teacher Salon event was successfully held. Beijing backbone teachers participated enthusiastically to discuss the development of images and science. Through the expression of visual images, disseminating science and culture, and looking for the infinite potential of images in scientific education.


In order to further stimulate the innovative thinking of teachers, the guests were specially invited at the scene.They are: Song Yao, the Department of Industrial Design of the School of Mechanical University of Science and Technology of Science and Technology; Mr. Ke Zhonghua, Deputy Secretary -General of the Science Popular Science Film and Television Creation Commission of the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association.


Teacher Song Yao took the title of “Exploration of the Artistic expression of light and shadow science popularization”, and analyzed the important role of light and shadow in the expression of popular science. Through vivid cases and practical experience, he showed the clever use of light and shadow.Teacher Ke Zhonghua took the title of “How to Record Science with Images” and combined with his rich popular science film and television creative experience to analyze the application of imaging technology in recording scientific phenomena and transmitting scientific knowledge.


The sharing content of the two guests is easy to explain, providing valuable revelation for the teachers present.Many teachers were inspired and asked guests to discuss the issues such as scientific documentary production and how to guide students to understand lens language.In such an interactive atmosphere, the event scene was more enthusiastic and harmonious.Not only did the exchange with the guest spark, but each teacher also actively participated in the discussion and shared his own opinions and experiences.


This event helps teachers to exchange and learn, but also promote the development of scientific imaging education.I believe that in the future, they will continue to deepen scientific imaging practice and cultivate more young people with more innovative spirit and scientific and technological practices.


At the scene of the teacher salon, I want to know what the teachers said?Come and find out, listen to their voices and expectations!
Experimental Primary School Affiliated to Renmin University of China · Wu Shuangjie (Teacher)

Teacher Wu Shuangjie has led a team to participate in the Beijing Youth Science Film Festival event for many years and has won many awards. This year he will continue to lead the team to participate.

Teacher Wu believes that a good work includes at least two aspects: one is the creation of work creativity and video plot, and the other is the ability to shoot the science and technology process.

In participating in the teacher salon event last year, he brought him a lot of help, so this year’s event, Teacher Wu was unwilling to miss it.He said that during the teacher’s salon event last year, the guests shared the shooting angle, how to compose the content, etc., which won the awards for his children’s works.Teacher Wu believes that the sharing of the teachers of the salon event this year is also very good. He specifically mentioned the light and shadow science of Mr. Song Yao. He believes that if he can apply it to his works, the expressiveness of his works will definitely improve.

When asked what benefits of scientific image creation to children?Teacher Wu first thought of “the children are very happy”. He said that the children think that the science in life by making images is more interesting than writing papers. Popular science image works realize the children’s science and technology innovation process to achieve image memory and memory of image memory.And reproduction; in addition, the case of children’s works provides very good cases for other children to understand the scientific and technological activities of youth, so that other children can find that science and technology innovation can be so close to life and so interesting.

Teacher Wu also believes that in the process of making works and participating in the competition, the children not only improved scientific literacy, but also enhanced their ability to communicate and express in scientific inquiry.In addition, science and technology are stateed by image, such as higher -level expression.

Primary School of Communication University of China · Wang Pengfei (Teacher)

Teacher Wang Pengfei comes from the Primary School of Communication University of China. As a major of media, she often wrapped up a question when she guides students to create works with science teachers, that is, how to balance the story and science of popular science video works.

She found the answer in the salon event today.According to the lecture content of Teacher Ke Zhonghua, Teacher Wang Pengfei understands that popular science image works need to take into account the rigorousness and artistry of science.At the same time, she believes that scientific image works are like a composition. First of all, the theme must be clear, and then the structure of the story must be complete, there are starting, development, turning, and ending.

In addition, Teacher Wang Pengfei said that scientific video works are not boring, more interesting, and can better help others understand scientific knowledge, and also allow its audience to experience the scientific spirit of the creator.

For Teacher Song Yao shared the content of “The Expressive Expressiveness of Light and Shadow Science Popularization”, she said that she had never seen such a unique and clever way, and she must find a chance to try with the children when she goes back.

Teacher Wang Pengfei believes that scientific image creation can not only stimulate children’s interest in science and technology, but also a inquiry process for children.

She gave an example of a student to do low -carbon life science popularization works. At the beginning, children thought that low -carbon is to reduce the exhaustion of automobile gas and industrial carbon emissions. During the creative process, the children added a lot of knowledge.A wide range of topics.

Dongcheng District Youth Science and Technology Museum · Li Ying (Teacher)

Like many teachers, Teacher Li Ying is glad to participate in this year’s scientific image festival salon. She believes that the teachers’ sharing content is very novel, especially the sharing of the artistic expression of Teacher Song Yao.Try the children.

According to Mr. Li Ying, there is a scientific imaging community in the Youth Science and Technology Museum of Dongcheng District. Last year, there were two works from the Science and Technology Museum to participate in the Beijing Youth Science Film Festival.This year, the Science and Technology Museum is expected to participate in the competition. Teacher Li Ying said that although the level of the works of everyone’s participation is increasing year by year, the competition is becoming more and more fierce, but she is confident in the award of the children’s works of the science and technology museum.

“The Beijing Science Image Festival provides children with a very good science and technology exchange platform.”Innovative spirit and ability to solve problems, in addition, this activity is also an opportunity for children to expand their knowledge and vision.Teacher Li Ying hopes that the event will be better and better.

Miyun Middle School affiliated to the Capital Normal University · Guo Zixi (Teacher)

Teacher Guo Zixi has just joined the company for 4 years, and has not led his team to participate in the experience of the video festival.

When he heard that the scientific imaging festival teacher salon event, he was very interested and immediately signed up for participation.

At the scene, he heard the theme lectures of “Light and Shadow Popular Popular Expressive Expressive Expressions” shared by Teacher Song Yao, which made him instantly “bright”.Prior to this, Teacher Guo Zixi had not been in contact with such an expression. After listening to the theme lecture, he felt that Guangying creation was too interesting.He goes back to let the children know that the original picture can be taken like this, and the popular science image works can be done.

In addition, Teacher Guo Zixi likes the science imaging festival very much. He believes that this kind of activity can make children more good at discovering scientific problems in life and allowing children to have a better recording of science ability.

Chinese University of Geosciences (Beijing) School of Earth Science and Resources · Cai Zhexin (College Student)

Cai Zhexin is a junior in Geology, China University of Geosciences (Beijing). He has been doing popular science activities in the school earlier. I heard that this year’s scientific image festival is open to college students. He feels very fresh.So quickly team with three other students from different departments.

Compared with the creation of popular science video works in primary and secondary school students, Cai Zhexin believes that they have some advantages as college students, such as “professionalism”.The scientific knowledge of college students is richer, and they also have the support of school scientific research teachers.But they are facing the same problem as elementary and middle school students: how to use images to express technology.

In the creation of work, they encountered some problems of image expression.So he enthusiastically signed up for this salon event, hoping to learn from it to the solution.

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