Educator Talk | Chen Fanglie: Cross -border thinking and scientific education

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The following article comes from science education in primary and secondary schools. Author Chen Fanglie

Science education in primary and secondary schools.

“Primary and Secondary School Science Education” is sponsored by the head of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of my country and the People’s Education Press. Disciplinary talent training.

1. Speaking from “Space Mooncake”

In the Mid -Autumn Festival the year before, a friend sent a few boxes of “space moon cakes”, which was quite novel, and quickly opened the taste.It may be because the taste is slow. I did not prefer the “space taste” marked by the merchant, but this moon cake added a romantic association to the Mid -Autumn Festival.

Moon cakes are well -known in traditional Chinese pastries.This is because it is associated with the Mid -Autumn Festival and customs, which can enable people to enjoy food while enjoying the round and white Haoyue in the night sky and the myths of Chang’e Ben Moon and Yutu.The hazy poetic and reunion and harmonious image.I think the selling point of “space moon cakes” may not be in the real “space flavor”, but in the image of integrating a trace of modern technology into the traditional festival, which stimulates people’s imagination of the aerospace industry.

“Space Mooncake” is just a manifestation of cross -border thinking.In fact, in addition to maintaining brand vitality in the business field, providing freshness to consumers, cross -border thinking also penetrates into many fields such as literature and art.For example, the “The Brightest Star in the Night Sky” adapted from Gule is through the fusion and docking of classical and fashionable, so that the ancient style enters the vision of young people; adapts to the “Dream of Red Mansions” and “Never Passing Radio” into a stageThe development of the drama, as well as the “Palace Museum Culture and Creative”, also belongs to the “cross -border” of different literary and artistic forms.Not long ago, the “Mao Dun Literature Awards Night” held in Mao Dun’s hometown was also regarded as a successful attempt to “cross -border” in literature and attracted much attention.It can be seen that cross -border thinking has gradually become a climate as a new way of thinking.

2. Cross -border thinking: innovative thinking in the field of science education

Cross -border thinking is consciously looking for their associated points from intricate things, and then conduct horizontal thinking to achieve the purpose of deepening the essence and connotation of things.It is an innovative way of thinking based on overlapping and fusion.Cross -border thinking can not only make the original split knowledge integrated, have the role of open -minded vision, but also let go of imagination, stimulate the desire of knowledge, and continuously enter fresh air to the education environment.

Cross -border is regarded as a trend of future education.It emphasizes students -oriented, spanning the boundaries of education, disciplines, and regional fields, and organically combines production, academic, research, and use.It focuses on the improvement of innovation capabilities, which is a link that cannot be ignored by cultivating cross -border talents in many fields.

Cross -border cross -border in scientific education is conducive to solving the problem of too strong education and too narrow knowledge, and helps to cultivate students’ ability to look at problems and solve problems at multiple angles and dimensions.It can be said that cross -border is the source of creative thinking.

As mentioned earlier, people’s in -depth understanding of the essence and connotation of many things depends on cross -border thinking.I have wrote an article entitled “The Confmentation of the Beacon Terrace”, which is said to be the ancient battlefield or historical story “Youwang Beacon Drama” through the “smoke” in film and television works, and scientistsHowever, it was revealed to strip out the connotation of its use of light relay transmission information from this ancient military alarm method, and invented modern communication methods such as microwave relay communication and optical fiber communication.Hollywood star Heidi Rama was inspired from the automatic piano, and became a historical book in the inventor of frequency jump communication and wireless LAN.These typical cases of cross -border thinking better confirm their significance to scientific innovation.

Today, human beings have long confirmed that the moon is just a desolate land, but people still talk about Guanghan Chang’e and Yutu Guiyu.I think this is not to deny science, but to attract people to the unknown universe space with continuous romantic imagination, inspiring people, especially young people to pursue the confusing “poetry and distant”.

3. Popular science education: cross -border thinking under the concept of big science education

Fundamentally, popular science is to shorten the distance between science and people, and set up roads and stairs to students and non -professional personnel to the palace of science.Obviously, to achieve this purpose, we must not rely on scientific language and boring discussions about science and technology technology. It also needs to use a variety of forms to make science “cute” and make people happy.

Some people have concluded that in the popular science books that are currently welcomed by readers, all ten or nine are integrated science and humanities.This is not unreasonable, because this book is vivid and readable, and readers are happy.Some people say that such books are “scientific connotation and literary packaging.”In fact, in some books that are well -integrated scientific and humanistic, literature is far more than just “packaging”. It is also a powerful pushing hand that reveals the scientific connotation.

Popular science cross -border needs to introduce the concept of science science and use multiple expressions such as multimedia and melting media.The “analog” method commonly used in scientific education is a specific application of cross -border thinking.For example, the well -known water wave -like light waves and wireless radio waves are a specific case of vivid images that can be perceived to a vivid, elusive thing.

Popular science education is an education for the popularization of science and technology, which is part of scientific education.At present, the means of scientific communication show a variety of trends. In addition to traditional paper media, there are popular science websites and popular science Weibo, WeChat public accounts and short videos supported by multimedia technology.They provide rich resources and more selectivity for our popular science education, and also give us the problem of how to select high -quality resources in the massive massive information and maximize the benefits of cross -border.

The cross -border of popular science education needs the participation of popular science educators who understand science and education, but also call for a group of high -quality cross -border works with diverse content, rich connotation, and novel forms.I think the establishment of “Science Education of Primary and Secondary Schools” will help cross -border talents from all parties to use this platform to spread new scientific education concepts, discuss theoretical and practical issues of cross -border thinking, and promote a group of high -level high -levelThe author and high -quality works stand out.I sincerely wish it a rich result!

About the author: Chen Fanglie, a popular science writer, former vice chairman of the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association.

Article information: Chen Fanglie. Cross-border thinking and science education [J]. Science education in primary and secondary schools, 2024 (2): 9-10.

Content editor 丨 Meng Xiang

Original title: “Educator Talk | Chen Fanglie: Cross -border Thinking and Science Education”

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