Weifang: Digital Zhifu can support the high -quality development of education to lead education

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Qilu.com · Lightning News, April 25th. In recent years, Weifang City has taken the opportunity to accelerate the construction of a national -level information teaching experimental zone and the only educational digital strategic action zone in the province to use digital wisdom to enable education scientific decision -making and accurate management.And efficient services, support the high -quality development of education.
In the classroom of Class 17 of Foreign Language Middle School in Weicheng District, geography teachers are explaining the knowledge points of world geography to students.Students use smart paper and pen to practice with the classroom. On the screen, the students ‘answering process and speed of answering are displayed in real time. Teachers can randomly check and conduct online reviews and corrections to effectively improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. It also improves the interaction between students’ classroom learning.Sex and enthusiasm.
Guo Yonghong, a student of the first seven of the foreign language middle school in Weicheng District, said, “Pen pen and pen class allows us to better interact and communicate in the classroom. The content of the writing through the wisdom pen is immediately displayed on the big screen. The teacher can clearly see everyone.Note and answer questions in time and correct errors.This communication and interaction makes knowledge acquisition more efficient. “
Through digital dot matrix and other technologies, the smart paper and pen system can connect students and teachers before class, in the middle, and after -school teaching situation. Without the manual statistics of the teacher, the system can automatically collect pre -examination, dangers, and homework.And writing data, and form a study report and teaching report, realizing the digital application and management of the entire process of education and teaching.
Yang Yanfei, a teacher in Weicheng District Foreign Language Middle School, said that after the teacher reviews, the answer report is automatically generated. You can view it according to people, or you can view it according to the question. You can also push it to the parents so that teachers and parents can better understand the children’s mastery of knowledge.You can also automatically generate an exclusive wrong question book for each student to correct errors.Teachers and students can check the wrong questions.The system will push multiple topics of relevant knowledge points based on the wrong question, flexibly group volume, and meet the standards.
While teaching long, Weicheng District Foreign Language Middle School also relied on the construction of the school’s smart campus to promote digital change, developed exclusive “smart Weifai” APP, and specially added the “parent (student) message” function in the APP.Effectively solve the problem that parents cannot communicate with students in a timely manner, closely connect and communicate with home schools, and create a new ecology of home schools.
Student parent Wang Junxia told reporters, “Since the child enters junior high school, I am very worried that he can adapt to the life of junior high school? Can you contact me in time when you encounter something in school? I did not expect that our school has independently developed an interactive message from this electronic class sign.Function, children can send me a message through this electronic class sign. I can reply to him through this smart Weifai app on the mobile phone, which solves the problem I worry about well.The distance.The answer situation has a more comprehensive understanding of his mathematics learning.
Right now, counting wisdom can also glow in the vast rural schools of Weifang.At the Middle School of Shibuzi Town College, Anqiu City, the teacher Yin Yujun is analyzing the testing of the knowledge points learned some time ago for the students. Unlike the previous test papers, relying on the smart campus system, through data analysis, teachers can accurately accurately accurately.Comment on the test papers to master the academic sentiment of each student.
Yu Xueqi, a student of Shibuzi Town College of Anqiu City, told reporters that since using the smart campus system, it has gained a lot.You need to change the wrong topic when you test the test. If you want to consolidate and improve, you can also choose similar questions from the question bank for training, so as to do it, to make learning more personalized and more effective.
At present, the digital teaching of smart paper and pen and scanning models in the academy middle school has been applied to mathematics, physics, biology, geography and other disciplines.Through the timely feedback of data, teachers explain the difficulty points and personalized counseling in a targeted manner to help students form a personalized wrong question set and reduce the number of repeated questions. Through the automatic analysis and review of the systemWork efficiency has further realized the reduction and efficiency of education and teaching.
Yin Yujun, a teacher of the Middle School of Shibuzi Town College, Anqiu City, said that the smart campus system now uses it to be relieved from the complicated work cloth approval and test papers in the past.The big data analysis of the operating system also further clarifies the teaching goals, and it is against the knowledge points that are prone to errors to consolidate and improve.
In the AI I heard in the class in the school, the AI system can accurately collect and analyze every pronunciation of students. Relying on the results of intelligent analysis, teachers can more targetedly personalize and accurate counseling to students to improve their students and improve them.Students’ English speaking level.
Liu Xuan, a student of Shibuzi Town College Middle School in Anqiu City, said that through the English learning method of this AI classroom, I feel that English has become more and more interesting and is more willing to speak English.It became more and more accurate, and the AI class has greatly helped its recent English learning.
Lu Fengjiao, teacher Lu Fengjiao, teachers of Middle School of Shibuzi Town College, Anqiu City, told reporters that through the AI classroom, teachers can diversify the training of students’ ability to listen and, speaking.His wrong pronunciation is not only precise to a certain word, but also to a certain phonetic symbol, which is conducive to the teacher’s more accurate guidance and practice on the students in the next step.The use of AI classrooms is to improve students’ ability to hear and speaker on the one hand. On the other hand, students are willing to speak English. This is a great progress in English learning.
Lin Zhiliang, secretary of the Party branch and principal of Shibuzi Town College of Anqiu City, said that Shibuzi Town College Middle School is a pilot school for Weifang digital empowerment rural education. In the digital transformation of campus, the school strengthened digital new infrastructure and introduced AISmart operating system, smart paper pen and English AI smart listening device.The configuration and use of these devices can make teachers collect and analyze students’ learning data in a timely manner during the teaching process, control the academic situation at any time, form a personalized counseling solution, and truly improve the practical effects of the classroom.At the same time, through big data analysis, each student can know the mastery of their knowledge points, and achieve a targeted leakage and replenishment and consolidation and strengthening.Through a period of practice, the teaching methods of teachers have gradually changed, and the classification and counseling of classification in class in class has been truly enabled.The precise learning in the “double reduction” background.We believe that digital empowerment will definitely make rural education overtaking.
Promote the construction of smart campuses and improve the level of digital application of education.At present, Weifang City has built 530 smart campuses, 69 smart campus demonstration schools, and the establishment rate of smart campus reached 54.9%.At the end of 2024, 70%of the city’s primary and secondary schools (secondary vocational) will be built into a city -level smart campus.
Du Xiaomin, Secretary of the Party Branch and Dean of the Weifang Education Informatization Research Institute, said that in the next step, Weifang City will continue to promote the construction of three national -level experimental areas and 2 provincial -level experimental areas to provide high -quality high quality for some junior high schools and all primary schools.Disciplinary digital resources and other people’s livelihood practices, high standards do a good job of cloud platform construction, further promote the change of teaching and academic methods of information technology support, fully release the value of data in education governance, teacher teaching, and student learning.In order to increase efficiency for students, use digitalization to modernize Weifang Education, and make digitalization into a new engine for the high -quality development of Weifang Education.
Lightning reporter Li Tao Kui Kuiwen Rong Media Wang Zongfeng Weicheng Rong Media Sun Zhiyong Anqiu Rong Media Han Qingxue Weifang Report

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