This reform action plan in the field of Zhoushan Education is introduced!

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Original Zhoushan Released Zhoushan Release

Xiaobu learned from the Municipal Education Bureau

Recently, our city was introduced

“The field of education in Zhoushan City

Public Service Integrated Reform Action Plan “”

(Here referred to as “Plan”)

Shen Lei/Photo

“Plan” clarified from 2024 to 2027

Municipal integrated public education services

Main work measures and goals

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Pay attention to the role of high -quality educational resource sharing to attract the attractive effects, accelerate the gap between regions, urban and rural areas, inter -schools, and group education, create a “1+4+N” public education service system that is in line with island, and strive to integrate public education services in our city in our city.The level of the indicator is at the forefront of the province.

➣ 2024

The city will complete 4,740 new degrees, add 4740 degrees, withdraw 7 small -scale schools, 6 low -end weak private schools (kindergartens), and 1 public.(Click to view the specific list of 7 schools in the new (transposition)) Innovation implementation of preschool education funding and exemption fees, free food fees, high school funding targets to free accommodation fees, school uniform fees, and enjoy food subsidy policies.

Tonggang New Primary School Project Bird’s Appearance Design Intent Chart

➣ 2025

Six new and secondary schools (kindergartens) were newly and expanded, 4116 were added, and 9 of the low -end private schools (kindergartens) were withdrawn.

➣ 2026

Complete 1 school construction project.

Strive for 2027

The overall public education service coordination mechanism and policy system in the city are more complete and mature, and the total supply and structure of public education resources are more balanced. The island masses to obtain high -quality public education services are more convenient and can.The road of color education city integration is the best practice and optimal example of the province to narrow the “three major gaps” in the province.

What are the specific content of the “Plan”?Come and learn with Xiaobu ↓

According to the “Plan”

This year, our city will complete the following tasks

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校 Further optimize the school’s construction layout, so that the supply capacity of public education services for Benjima and Sushan Island, Sijiao Island, Liheng Island, and Yushan Island meets the needs of children and adolescents in the city, and small -scale schools with less than 100 areland should be withdrawn.

Six Hengsheng Middle School

The gap between public education services between 服务 regional regional has narrowed significantly, and strives to popularize the preparation of President Education in Preschool Education and the high -quality and balanced development of compulsory education.

The supply of public education services between urban and rural areas and inter -schools is basically balanced. The city’s public kindergartens accounted for 80%of children in the park, and the proportion of compulsory education community sharing schools accounted for 100%.Up to 100%.

障 Education guarantee between groups is more fair, and the proportion of children who hold a compulsory education section with a residence permit and need a demand reaches 100%. Special education achieves high -quality supply in the city.Education students are unified in public funding guarantee standards and family -difficult students’ funding policies.

Picture source: “Zhoushan Education Release” WeChat public account

In the next 3 years

The city’s public education service

Main work measures include

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设 Focus on the planning planning of school construction, accelerate the gathering of education resources in island, and promote the coordinated development of regional integration.

改 Focus on the reform of the community of education and the “rise in the county” to promote the improvement of education carrying capacity and promote the high -quality development of urban and rural integration.

制 Focus on the reform and innovation of teachers’ preparation and funding guarantee, realize the overall planning of element resources, and promote the balanced development of inter -school integration.

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