"National Tumor Prevention Propaganda Week 4.15

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Stomach cancer is a common digestive tract malignant tumor, with the incidence of incidence third, and the first rural population.Gastric cancer is related to diet hygiene, eating habits, environmental factors and other factors.With the continuous development of modern diagnosis and treatment technology and the enhancement of self -care awareness, the overall incidence and detection rate of gastric cancer in my country are constantly increasing, so how should gastric cancer prevent?What are the symptoms of gastric cancer?How to treat gastric cancer?

What is gastric cancer?

Gastric cancer refers to cancer tumors that occur in gastric mucosure. Gastric cancer is divided into early gastric cancer, medium -term gastric cancer and advanced gastric cancer.Early gastric cancer can achieve better results through surgery, so it also emphasizes early discovery and early treatment for gastric cancer like other malignant tumors.Regarding the causes of gastric cancer, the occurrence of gastric cancer is currently related to various factors, including genetic factors, eating habits, immune factors, environmental factors, etc. This is also the cause of different countries and regions in different regions in terms of gastric cancer incidence.one.

How to prevent gastric cancer?

Prevention is always the key to controlling various diseases and reducing the incidence of diseases. The prevention and control of the disease is divided into three levels of prevention.At present, gastric cancer includes first -level prevention and secondary prevention in early prevention, and third -level prevention is that patients with gastric cancer should be scientifically visited in a timely manner.

First -level prevention

First -level prevention is the prevention of the cause of the disease.According to the current research on gastric cancer, long -term consumption of smoked barbecue, moldy food, salted salted food, processing meat, fast food, etc. will increase the risk of gastric cancer. ThereforeWait for smoked and baked foods to control the amount of salt to avoid high salt diet for a long time; reduce “leftovers” consumption, reduce the risk of mildew food intake; limit edible salt and pickled food.From the perspective of medication, the system of non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs has autonomous defense effect on gastric cancer.Living habits need to quit smoking and alcohol, while adding fresh vegetables and fruits.The above -mentioned lifestyle and diet prevention have a certain effect on reducing the incidence of gastric cancer.

Second -level prevention

Early treatment of secondary prevention is early treatment. Through daily health examinations and early screening, it is convenient to better intervene in pre -cancer status.Diagnosis is the prerequisite for treatment. Gastroscopy is the “gold standard” of gastric cancer diagnosis. Testing through gastroscopy sample pathology can be used as a basis for the diagnosis of gastric cancer.According to the international consensus of gastric cancer, different treatment measures need to be taken for different situations after gastric examination. If the gastric sinus is found mild or moderate atrophy after examination, this situation does not require regular review of follow -up;If a wide atrophy, you need to perform gastroscopy every 3 years; if you find low -level epithelial tumor changes, you need to follow up once a year; if it is a high -level epithelial tumor change, you need to be followed once every six months; gastroscopy; gastroscopy; gastroscopy; gastroscope;After examination, those who are found to have early gastric cancer should be removed from the lesion according to the specific conditions.Helicobacter pylori infection is a risk factors that induce gastric cancer. In daily examinations, the screening of Helicobacter pylori infection needs to be paid attention to.After the age of 30, the crowd should conduct regular stomach examinations, and improve the early detection rate of pre -cancer lesions through secondary prevention. Early discovery and early treatment.

Three -level prevention

Third -level prevention is patients with gastric cancer in a timely manner.At present, gastric cancer follows the characteristics of individualization during the treatment process, and requires comprehensive measures for gastric cancer, pathological type, patient tolerance, lesion size, scope of invasion, etc.Essence

In short, gastric cancer needs to pay attention to early prevention. For the “not panic” of the diagnosis of gastric cancer, the surgical treatment method is reasonably selected according to the actual situation, and chemotherapy and targeted drugs are selected according to the situation.

Guide to the Propaganda Department of the Henan Provincial Health and Health Commission

Supply expert: Wu Fei, First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University, Henan University, Henan Province

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