The size of the food and drinking ingredients in 2024 is expected to be 1.88 trillion yuan

original title:“China Catering ingredients Development Report 2024” released

The size of the food and drinking ingredients in 2024 is expected to be 1.88 trillion yuan

Our reporter Wang Jiayi

  Recently, the Red Meal Industry Research Institute and Liang Zhilong · China ingredients e -commerce festival jointly released the “China Food and Elberry Development Report 2024” (hereinafter referred to as the “ingredients Report”).The “Food Report” comprehensively analyzes the development status and future trends of Chinese food ingredients. For the ingredients company, mastering the running law of the price of ingredients, paying attention to the future efforts of ingredients, and flexible production are conducive to the establishment of core competition for enterprises to build core competitionforce.At the same time, consumers’ pursuit of safety, freshness, and taste will also promote new breakthroughs in the technology technology technology technology.

  Multiple favorable factors are promoted, and the development space of the ingredient industry is broad

  Fan Ning, co -founder and vice president of Red Dining Network, introduced that the catering industry is strong, potential, and dynamic.According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the national catering revenue exceeded the 5 trillion yuan mark in 2023, reaching 5289 billion yuan, an increase of 13.2%over 2019. The catering market ushered in a new vitality.

  In recent years, the degree of chain of catering in my country has also increased.According to the estimates of the Red Meal Industry Research Institute, in 2023, the chain rate of catering in my country reached 21%, an increase of 2 percentage points year -on -year.The increase in the degree of chain of catering is the strength of the ingredients supply chain behind it.The development of the catering industry has largely promoted the further development of the food and food industry.

  In addition, other factors have also promoted the ingredients industry.For example, the benefits brought by the policy side have increased the standardization of the ingredient industry.In 2023, the state issued policy documents such as “Notice on Further Enhanced the” Green Channel “policy service level of fresh agricultural products” and “Guiding Opinions on Cultivating Traditional Food Products and Local Food Industry”The standardized and standardized development provides policy guarantee.The centralized and large -scale ingredients of ingredients not only reduced the purchase cost, but also improved the purchase efficiency.At the same time, as the chain catering companies put forward higher requirements for the quality of ingredients, supply stability, and food safety, this has also prompted the ingredient industry to develop in the direction of standardization and branding.

  The continuous development of cold chain logistics has consolidated the “lifeline” of ingredients distribution to ensure the quality and freshness of the ingredients.According to data from the Cold Chain Logistics Professional Committee of the China Logistics and Procurement Federation, the size of the national cold chain logistics market in 2023 reached 517 billion yuan, an increase of 5.2%year -on -year; the total number of cold storage in 2023 reached 228 million cubic meters, an increase of 8.3%year -on -year increased by 8.3%year -on -yearEssenceThe expansion of the cold chain logistics market and the maturity of technology have promoted the improvement of fresh and transportation capabilities, especially fresh products.

  The increasingly mature catering digital intelligence provides a strong engine for the efficient growth of the ingredient industry.With the continuous improvement of catering and intelligence, the speed of technological innovation and product iteration have accelerated. Catering ingredients and downstream catering companies have accelerated the use of digital, intelligent technology and management methods to adapt to changes in the external environment.

  Catering companies’ demand for flexible customization has accelerated the upgrade of the ingredients industry.The change in the price of upstream ingredients affects the procurement plan and business strategy of downstream catering companies.At the same time, with the growth of consumers’ personalized and differentiated needs, the innovative customization needs of downstream catering companies, especially large chain catering companies, have been conveyed to the ingredients supply chain, which has accelerated the high -quality upgrade of the ingredient industry.The essence of flexibility is to use the ultimate cost -effectiveness to meet the personal needs of customers, create a product, and achieve the optimal solution of supply chain costs, prices and quality.Driven by the new consumption, the “personalized customization” of catering companies and the “flexible production” of the ingredients supply chain enterprise have achieved “two -way rush”.In 2023, the “Outline of the Construction of Quality Strong Countries” issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council mentioned that it is necessary to accelerate the upgrading of product quality, and at the same time, it is necessary to promote personalized customization, flexible production and optimization of consumer goods supply categories, and promote the quality of consumer goods from the production end to meet the type of production.Transition to the consumer side adaptation.

  Dining ingredients enter the era of “big items”, ingredients companies actively deploy prefabricated dishes

  Fan Ning said that from the perspective of the product characteristics of ingredients, after experiencing the age of the “big item” era, the catering ingredients have entered the era of the “big item” era after the era of comprehensive ingredients.

  Under the common effects of consumers’ increased demand for catering quality, increased catering chain rate, and ingredients management and standardized strengthening, the market size of Chinese food ingredients has been continuously increased.According to the estimates of the Red Meal Industry Research Institute, the market size of the food and food ingredients in 2024 is expected to be 1.88 trillion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 9.9%.

  The “Food Report” mentioned that with the improvement of the refinement of the catering industry and the acceleration of market expansion, the ecological characteristics of the catering ingredient industry chain are more obvious, and participants in the catering ingredient market have become more diverse.

  For example, the division of labor of the catering ingredients is refined, active on the planting, breeding end, as well as participants on the processing end, circulation and platform end, and builds a more complex ecological network.Among them, more “singles champions” appeared in the subdivided track, and Internet cross -border players brought more innovative models and ideas to the catering ingredient industry.

  The “ingredients report” analyzed the development trend of ingredients from the output of the main ingredients of the catering, and selected three sections of meat, poultry eggs, aquatic products, and fruits and vegetables for interpretation.

  1. Meat and poultry eggs: breeding will move towards green, specialized, and digital intelligence

  Affected by the increase in total supply, the price of meat and poultry eggs in 2023 was overall.With the acceleration process of de -capacity, the cost pressure relief of the cost of feed raw materials, and the active adjustment of production of meat and poultry and egg enterprises, the prices of meat poultry and egg products in 2024 are expected to stop falling back.Under such a situation, the “ingredients Report” pointed out the four major development trends of the meat and poultry and egg industry: green farming, special breeding, digital intelligence breeding and development prefabricated dishes.

  On the one hand, in the process of meat and poultry breeding, green breeding technology, characteristic breeding concepts, and digital intellectual solutions will provide sufficient “fuel” for the leapfrog development of meat and poultry enterprises.On the other hand, driven by increasing consumer demand, the products of prefabricated meat and poultry prefabricated dishes are continuously enriched, and the production lines are constantly mature.

  2. Aquatic products: The new model of “seafood land support” rises

  In 2023, the wholesale prices of Chinese aquatic products fluctuated slightly, and the prices of seawater fish, shrimp crabs and other products were explored.In recent years, the output of aquatic products in my country has continued to increase, which is mainly driven by the improvement of the production of aquaculture products. Under the guidance of the “maintenance and combination of raising and catching”, aquatic breeding is still the main driving force for my country’s fishery production growth. Essence

  In response to the current aquatic production situation, the “ingredients Report” pointed out the four major development trends that aquatic companies can pay attention to.

  Trend 1, refined breeding.Refined control and control of the breeding link, the breeds are more subdivided and diverse, so that the types and quality of aquatic products have been improved, thereby driving the growth of corporate efficiency.

  Trend II, sustainable breeding.From the traditional aquaculture model to ecological breeding models, it promotes the sustainable green and sustainable development of aquatic products.

  Trend III, a new model of “Seafood Land”.The conditions and technology of freshwater farming are mature, and seafood land nourishment provides new development ideas for country’s “seafood land support” model is emerging and growing. In 2023, seafood in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Hubei and other places ushered in a big harvest. Green crab and so on.

  Trend III, layout aquatic prefabricated dishes.Aquatic enterprises pay more attention to deep processing links, with high -value added value and diverse application scenarios.

  3. Fruit and vegetable: Develop towards high quality, large production, and wide -selling roads

  In 2023, under factors such as stable production of “vegetable baskets” products and optimization of product quality structures of products, the prices of fruits and vegetables in my country mostly increased, and the output change was relatively small.Under the effect of favorable policy, lack of supply pressure, and stable demand performance, it is expected that the fruit and vegetable market will remain stable in 2024.

  The “ingredients Report” sorted out the three major trends that can be paid to fruits and vegetables: organic, healthy, high quality; “vegetable garden orchards” in the three places of water, land and air;

  Among them, with the dual upgrade of technology and needs, organic fruits and vegetables with higher nutritional value and wider consumer groups return to natural and rare high -quality fruits and vegetables that return to nature and advocate freshness.

  Concentrated and segmented parallel, the “big item” strategy is prosperous

  Fan Ning said that with the booming of the catering industry, the diversified and healthy consumption trend of consumers is also driving new changes in food ingredients.

  The “ingredients report” summarizes the four major development trends of future catering ingredients for the development characteristics of the current food and food market.

  First, the characteristics of segmentation and centralization are significant.The segmented and centralized characteristics of catering food ingredients will become more and more obvious, and the two jointly promote the professional and standardized development of the food and food industry.

  Second, the upstream and downstream is tightly strengthened, and there is still room for excavation in prefabricated dishes.The upstream and downstream collaboration trends of catering ingredients are becoming increasingly obvious. It is no longer limited to simple supply chain transactions, but covers many links such as product research and development, quality control, and logistics distribution.This deep -bundling cooperation model helps stabilize the supply of ingredients, improves the operating efficiency of catering companies, and also brings a broader development space for ingredients companies.

  Third, the “big single product” strategy is popular, and ingredients companies attach importance to the layout.In order to improve the efficiency of its own supply end, some ingredients companies have adopted the strategy of “big items+auxiliary products” to build a relatively stable supply system.By carefully creating large items, these companies can better meet consumer needs, realize product differentiation, and then expand market share.

  Fourth, regional ingredients will be further excavated.Although regional ingredients are limited and their popularity is not high, they often have unique flavors and rich nutritional value.For example, Yunnan Tree Tomato, Guizhou Sour Soup, etc.

  With the continuous increase of consumers’ pursuit of food diversity and healthy diet, ingredients companies actively tap these valuable resources.Through the means of fine processing and marketing, they push local special ingredients to a wider market, satisfying people’s dual pursuit of food quality and health.

  The “ingredients Report” recommends that the company’s “two essence” of the future pursuing the “three communities” ecosystem is created.”Two refinement” refers to the refinement and refinement of ingredients and digging niche ingredients.With the upgrading of consumption and the rise of a healthy diet, the refined and refined needs of ingredients are also upgrading. High -quality and high -precision ingredients will open up a larger market.With the diversification of consumer taste and the enthusiasm of the exploration of ingredients, niche ingredients and special ingredients are also worthy of attention.The ingredients supply chain enterprises should start from many aspects such as products, technology, management, and communication to meet consumers’ “highly precise” and personalized needs.

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