In the past thirty years, my country seized historical opportunities in the information age

42 min read

On April 20, 1994, a 64K international line was opened. China achieved full -function access to the International Internet and became the 77th member of the International Internet.

Thirty years ago, it was difficult for people to imagine that the Internet would change China so profoundly, so that our country with a vast area and many countries is closely connected;Community of common destiny.

Throughout the history of the development of the world, human beings have been continuously expanding the scope of material exchanges and spiritual exchanges. This is a mighty historical trend.Marx and Engels call it “the transformation of history to world history.”

For 30 years, the Internet has changed China and China has also changed the Internet.We have a long history of civilization, drawing on the concepts, technology and methods brought about by the latest achievements of human civilization, and use their own strong civilization genes to transform this “exported product”, making the biggest variable of the Internet the biggest increase in career development.The amount, deep into the soil of China, shows vigorous vitality.

Standing in thirty.We are keen at the opportunity of the times. From scratch, from small to large, from small to large to self -reliance, China has begun to catch up and lead the information era.

In the past three decades, China has developed into the world’s largest Internet market. It has the world’s largest netizens and mobile Internet users to build the world’s largest and technological -leading network infrastructure. The value of data resources has been accelerated.Core technologies have continued to break through, and digital governance has achieved significant results; in 30 years, they have advanced together, and the construction of the community of network space fate has continued to advance, and it has become a widespread consensus in the international community.

From the staggering start to the steps, we deeply realize that network security and informatization are major strategic issues that are related to national security and national development, and the work and life of the general public.Fang, innovative development, and strive to build our country into a network power.

For thirty years, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have explored a path of Internet development with Chinese characteristics, forming the way of governing the Internet with Chinese characteristics, and the magnificent pictures of online strong powers have become increasingly clearer.

Today, the world clearly listened to the Chinese -footed sound in the new era.China is promoting the new development of Chinese -style modernization with the new achievements of online power, and work together to move forward to various countries in the world to digital civilization, writing a new chapter in the new form of human civilization.

On March 6, 2024, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the President of the Communist Party of China, and the Supreme Leader of the Central Military Commission’s Supreme Leader visited the Civil Revolution, Science and Technology, and Environmental Resources Communist Party members who participated in the second session of the Fourteenth National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.And suggestion.The General Secretary of the Supreme Leader emphasized that “To achieve modern Chinese -style modernization, the Internet must pass.”Figure/Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Sheng Jiapeng)

The Flying of Fushi will fly high, a key step in the forefront of the world

History sometimes experiences long accumulation and long -term waiting to reach the moment of breakthrough.

In front of Building 2 of the Software Park of Beijing China Academy of Sciences, a bronze medal clearly records “April 20, 1994”, which is an extraordinary day for the development of the Internet.

In the late 1980s, many countries and regions in the world connected with the international Internet. However, China was rejected because of non -technical disorder, but Chinese scientists did not stop working hard.

In early April 1994, Hu Qiheng, then the vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, represented the United States in charge of the Internet in charge of the Internet reaffirmed the requirements of access to the International Internet, and the two sides finally reached a consensus.Stephen Wolf, who is responsible for Internet international cooperation, recalled: “We open the gate quietly and wait for China to access the Internet.”

On April 20, 1994, the Computer Network Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences across the International Internet.From this moment, the Chinese Internet era officially opened.

On April 20, 1994, a 64K international line set off from the computer network information center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to connect the world.

Previously, it was the hard work of several generations of Chinese people towards the information society.

In 1958, my country’s first universal digital electronic computer 103 was successfully developed.

In 1979, my country’s first Chinese -character laser camera sample machine was successful.

In 1983, the Chinese character disk operating system (CCDOS) was launched, solving the problem of Chinese characters stored and displayed in the computer.In the same year, the “Wubi Font” input method was officially released, breaking through the bottleneck of digitalization of Chinese characters.

In 1986, China opened an international networking project -China Academic Network.

On November 28, 1990, China’s top domain name “.cn” completed the registration.


Chinese people who are not far behind have never given up their efforts to follow the trend of the waves; this effort will bloom into thousands of scenery of the Chinese Internet.

The Internet “Flying into the Home of Ordinary People”

After China’s full function access to the International Internet, the four major backbone networks with international export capabilities -China Education and Scientific Research Computer Network, China Public Computer Internet, China Science and Technology Network, and China Golden Bridge Information Network have successively completed and realized international interconnection.

It is these networks that support the start of the Chinese Internet that China stepped up closely with the world’s ocean.

When the first batch of netizens in China officially touched the Internet, the Internet really began to shift from the intellectual world to the people.

Time came to May 17, 1995, the 27th World Telecommunications Day, and the post and telecommunications department at that time officially announced that the post and telecommunications department officially announced the opening of the Internet access service to the domestic society.The Beijing Xidan Telegraph Building has set up a business acceptance point. As long as it pays a certain fee and fills in a form, you can become an Internet user.

From this day, the Internet is no longer out of reach for ordinary people.

“How far is the Chinese from the information highway?”

This problem that once triggered countless people’s reveries gave an “special” answer on a billboard on the corner of Baiyi Road Street, Zhongguancun, Beijing in 1996- “1500 meters north”.

The place referred to this advertising sign is the first Internet company in China “Erhai Wei”.Every morning, there are a group of young people waiting for the door to open the door on the steps in front of the Science and Education Museum, looking forward to free Internet access here.Its “Erhai Wei Time” was the only network in China that was based on popular information services and opened to ordinary families at that time.

The Internet is infinitely interested in wisdom and imagination, woven from humans, and can realize the Unicom and interaction of people, people, and the world.

In the online forum, as long as there is an account, you can stimulate the text and find the recognition.Mizuki Tsinghua, Cat Pu, West Temple Hutong, Tianya Community, and the Power Forum, etc. have been established and developed rapidly. More and more netizens have begun to express their feelings and thoughts on the Internet and become the creator and communicator of information.

Traditional mainstream media actively embrace the Internet boom from the face.In January 1995, “Shenzhou Scholars” magazine entered the International Internet, conveyed news information to the majority of overseas students, and became China’s first Chinese electronic magazine.Two years later, the online version of “People’s Daily” (later renamed “People’s Daily”) was officially launched. This is the first central key news website opened in China. The mainstream news media of the central government began to stand on the Internet stage.

Xinhuanet, China Network, CCTV, International Online, China Daily, China Youth Network and other central news portals have appeared. Shanghai hotline, Wuhan hotline and other local portals have also begun to compete for the Internet wave.

In the Internet era, people on the Internet have been on the Internet, and public opinion has also been on the Internet.

In 1999, the “Government Internet Project” was launched, and China’s electronic government affairs took a solid step.In March 2006, the “State Framework of Electronic Government Affairs” was issued.Governments at all levels have published information and understand public opinion through the Internet, and have become the new fashion of the government.

Blog, post bar,, school internal network (later renamed “”), Weibo and other fast and simple interactive communication platforms, bringing a change in communication methods, and giving out the force to promote social progress.

From the blog report “Basket Conservation” incident, to the forum to post to disclose the “Examination Gate of abroad”, and then expose the “cousin” to Weibo, the “Uncle Fang” … Chinese netizens’ tools for chatting and entertainment In the creative application of great vitality, the Internet participation in politics began to become the new fashion of democracy in my country.

The Internet set up a bridge between the government and the public.Understand the people’s conditions through the Internet, gather the wisdom of the people, and become a new channel for the Chinese government to govern the people and contact the masses.

Internet commercial process opening

The Internet built a flat world, and information, data, etc. interacting in it, bringing new huge business spaces.

1995 was the year of the global Internet business. The listing of the US Internet Corporation opened people’s various business imaginations about Internet companies. Chinese Internet entrepreneurs began to connect with great passion and catch up with the world.

A young returnees returned to China to establish Etoxin, which is the predecessor of Sohu, which accounts for an important seat in the era of PC portal.

Netease founded and took the lead in launching free email services. Netease mailboxes popularized the concept of email mails to many people.

Tencent was founded in Shenzhen and launched China’s first instant messaging tool -OICQ.

Baidu was founded at Peking University Resources Hotel.


Too many moments that did not seem to be inconspicuous at that time, it became a far -reaching opening in the future.

The three major portals of Sohu, Sina, and Netease have become the entrance to countless netizens entering the Internet world and the ocean of information on the ocean of information; instant messaging software QQ allows a new experience for a penguin to write online communication and communication; Baidu promotes the popularization of Chinese search engine technology technology, Greatly improving the efficiency of information obtaining information … Advanced applications and rich content, an unprecedented, vast Internet space is displayed in front of people.

“Are you GG, or MM?” This is the most commonly used question when the young people involved in the Internet open on QQ;

At the west gate of the Capital Stadium, China ’s first online coffee house -Shihua opened the Internet coffee house opened. Since then,“ Internet cafes ”have quickly swept the north and south of the river;

Twenty students from Shanghai Fudan University received the first domestic remote teaching through a PC, a modem and a telephone line, and the content of the teaching was the computer network;

Episode 43 TV series “Water Margin” broadcast on CCTV’s golden time, which was warmly welcomed by netizens;


When the “magic” of the Internet was constantly discovered, the speed of Internet access caused netizens to suffer.

In 1997, the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) released the first “Statistical Report of the Development of the China Internet”.The survey showed that 49.1%of people were disappointed with the speed of the network, and 36.2%thought that the Internet tariffs were too high.

Soon, a new technology brought good news.On the eve of the National Day in 1999, Mr. Wei in Shanghai spent 1500 yuan installed ADSL (asymmetric digital user line).For those who are accustomed to using the phone line dial -up to the Internet, the feeling of broadband is like flying, “no matter what adjectives are used, you can’t depict that kind of speed.”

After the official commercial use, the price of ADSL is rapidly explored. Family users can install ADSL broadband at 100 yuan to 200 yuan per month.Fast network speed, cheaper price, broadband networks are rapidly popular in China.In 2005, the scale of broadband access to my country reached 37.35 million. For the first time, the number of users surpassed the Internet access users, marking that broadband has become the main way for users to access the Internet.

The application of technology has promoted the innovation and enrichment of business models.

Since 1998, my country’s e -commerce website has sprung up in a large number of mushrooms: in Hangzhou, a small and medium -sized enterprise e -commerce company Alibaba was founded; in Beijing Zhongguancun South Street, it was born in Book sales; Established and officially involved in the field of e -commerce after six years … In the grand curls of the development of China’s Internet, the e -commerce process of the strong ink began.

With the entering period of rapid growth in Chinese e -commerce, complete e -commerce application support systems such as product information acquisition, payment security, and logistics distribution have gradually formed.

The mobile dream network project hatched a series of Internet applications such as “mobile news”, “mobile phone greeting card”, “mobile QQ”, “mobile stock”, “mobile game”, “mobile game”, which made Chinese Internet companies that have passed the intercourse of the century to see the dawn of the future.In 2003, the three large portal websites of Sina, Sohu, and Netease ushered in the first year’s profit; in 2004, online companies such as Shanda Networks, Tencent, Air Network, and Plan were listed overseas.China’s Internet companies began to emerge in the world. In 2007, Tencent, Baidu, and Alibaba’s market value exceeded $ 10 billion. Chinese Internet companies ranked among the world’s largest Internet companies.


People are increasingly aware that the Internet is far greater than known, and its huge energy is hidden, constantly iterating and rapid fission.

From the “BB machine” in the size of the 2G period, the “big brother” symbolizing the fashionable “Big Brother”, to the 2G period, only 200 black -and -white mobile phones that can be stored in the 2G period, and then the smartphone of the “touch screen + application” in the 3G period is very innovative.The communication method … technology, products, and applications are promoted to each other, forming a wave of rapid development of the Internet.

In 2009, China 3G licenses unveiled the mysterious veil. The three technical models were spent on China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom.

In 2011, Xiaomi, which was established for more than a year, released the first generation of mobile phones.In the same year, a generation of communications giants Motorola, a generation of communications galloping in the world.Two years later, Nokia’s mobile phone business was also acquired by Microsoft. Nokia CEO couldn’t help feeling: “We don’t do anything wrong, but I don’t know why I lost.”

Once you lose your arms, the opportunity will come again.From operators to mobile phone manufacturers to PC manufacturers and Internet companies, no one wants to miss the mobile Internet that leads the future to the future.

With the rapid development of mobile internet, the scale of Chinese netizens has ushered in a significant growth, and the equipment for netizens to access the Internet has become more diverse.By the end of June 2012, the number of netizens using mobile phones in my country surpassed desktop computer users for the first time.

The Internet finally came to everyone’s fingertips.

The mobile Internet has spawned new business models. Numerous new applications and new formats have emerged as new species and rose rapidly.

Didi and other taxis software subverted the concept of roadside blocking, and online car rental gradually became an important way of travel;

WeChat and others set off a new social media boom. Netizens have made “WeChat”, and social relations have brought new business marketing models;

Short video applications such as Douyin and Kuaishou have risen rapidly, and the size and length of use of users have shown explosive growth;

The Internet ordering model brought by Meituan, Hungry, etc., injects new business opportunities and vitality into the traditional catering service industry, and gradually changes people’s living habits and consumption models;

Pinduoduo and others rely on agricultural products and social e -commerce to achieve e -commerce breakout …

In the past, when people read the “Digital Survival” by American scholar Nicholas Nigtoco Pen Di, it would be considered a bachelor’s fantasy book, and now the Internet has truly integrated into all aspects of our social life.

In Zongxiang Township, Tibet at 4119 meters above sea level, Yang Tao, a young man in Shaanxi after the 90s, opened the world’s highest courier online store to serve more than 7,400 local farmers and herdsmen. The express delivery can reach the Mount Everest Base Camp.

Shanghai visually disabled girl Chen Siying can also enjoy the daily life of ordinary people with the help of smart phone screen reading software.


From 0 to 1, then from 1 to endless, renewal, growth, and inclusive. The Internet has reshaped the Chinese people’s life form and transformed the traditional way of working, which has spawned many new formats and new scenes.The ordinary people in the Internet are like bytes. They connect to each other and become the brilliant galaxy of the Chinese Internet.

Promote the development of the Internet standardized and healthy development

Together with the Internet, people’s vision is the “Regulations on the Security Protection of the People’s Republic of China Computer Information System” released on February 18, 1994. This is my country’s first administrative regulations involving Internet management.Since then, my country’s concentration has introduced several laws and regulations such as the Administrative Measures for Internet Information Services, which has continuously regulated the innovative development of the Internet of China.

The “old net worm” that came into contact with the Internet in the early days must have a beautiful and bitter memory of the network at that time.At that time, the Internet was like a city that had just been built, and it was refreshing at all times.But at the same time, chaos such as viruses, illegal plug -ins, fraud, and numbers continues to impact people’s Internet experience.According to statistics, in 2000, China received 2700 cases of illegal crimes on the Internet, reaching 14,000 in 2004, and also maintained a rapid growth trend.

As early as 1997, the Ministry of Public Security promulgated and implemented the “Administrative Measures for the Security Protection of Computer Information Network International Networks” to expand the security issues of computer information system to the network field.In 2005, in order to change the problem of technical measures lagging behind Internet service units and networking units as soon as possible, and ensure Internet network security and information security, the Ministry of Public Security formulated and promulgated the “Provisions for Internet Security Protection Technical Measures”.

In 2009 and 2015, my country passed the amendments to the Criminal Law and established the crime of violating the personal information of citizens and strengthening the protection of personal information.In the special network legislation, the “Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on Strengthening the Protection of Network Information” passed in 2012 states that state protection can identify the personal identity of citizens and electronic information involving the privacy of citizens.

In 2008, my country ranked first in the world with the scale of 253 million netizens, and “. CN” became the world’s top domain name; by the end of 2013, there were more than 1.2 billion mobile phone users in my country, and 80%of netizens on the Internet through mobile phones; the Internet; the network; Shopping users reached 300 million, and the scale of e -commerce transaction exceeded 10 trillion yuan …

China has closely seized the development opportunities of informatization, inserted the wings of the Internet that soaring the world, and became a veritable “big country”.

Raise the flag orientation to sound the construction charge number

In the past 300 years, from the “steam revolution” and “electrical revolution” to the “information revolution”, each industrial revolution has greatly liberated productivity, promoted the changes in human society, and profoundly changed the global economic pattern, interest pattern, security, securitypattern.

At present, the changes of the world, the changes of the times, and the changes in history are unfolding in an unprecedented way. The Internet has brought a series of new development opportunities and risk challenges. Informatization has become a key engine for driving the high -quality development of the economy and society. Safety has become one of the most complicated, most realistic and severe non -traditional security issues facing my country.

“Without network security, there is no national security, and there is no modernization without informationization.”

“In today’s world, whoever has the Internet has grasped the initiative of the times; whoever despises the Internet will be abandoned by the times. To a certain extent, it can be said that those who get the Internet will get the world.”

This is a historical opportunity that must be seized, and it is also a challenge that must be faced.

On February 27, 2014, the Central Cyber Security and Information Leading Group (later changed to committee) was established.At the first meeting of the Central Cyber Security and Informatization Leading Group, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader first proposed the goal of “trying to build our country into a strong network of networks” for the first time.

On April 19, 2016, the Symposium on Cyber ​​Security and Informatization was held for the first time. The General Secretary of the Supreme Leaders pointed out that “Although my country is a latecomer, it has been connected to the International Internet for more than 20 years, but we have properly handled security, development, openness, and autonomy. The relationship between management and services has promoted the development of Internet development. “At that time, the scale of netizens in my country reached 700 million. The General Secretary emphasized that “this is a great number and a great achievement.”

The Internet has become more and more new space for people to learn, work, and life, and more and more new platforms for obtaining public services. Technology innovation and development of 5G, big data, artificial intelligence and other technological innovation are condensing into a new driving force. People feel thatA new wave is unstoppable.

Network infrastructure has accelerated and popularized, and the people’s sense of gain is continuously enhanced

Slangbajin lives in Gangchen Village, Caruo District, Qoruo District, Changdu City, Tibet.Surrounded by snowy mountains around, the temperature is low and the network signal is poor. In order to find a stable signal online class, she climbed 30 minutes of snowy mountains.

“The post -95s girls are looking for online classes on the top of the Snow Mountain”. Netizens have said that the appearance of finding the Internet on the top of the snow mountain is the most beautiful attitude of youth.

Subsequently, the staff of the Changdu Mobile Company in Tibet Autonomous Region quickly rushed to the village where the girl was located for signal improvement, set up 4G base stations, and realized video calls and online learning in a few days.

The mountains are overlapping, the forest and the sea is vast, and the waves are turbulent. This is Dulongjiang Township, the Nu Lingu Autonomous County of the Nuelhan Mountains in Nujiang, Yunnan Province, has long been troubled by poverty.

The optical cable, the tower climbing tower, the device, and the signal of the measurement … The turbulent Dulong River, the communication equipment was transported into the mountains a little bit.In April 2014, the 4G base station was completed and opened; in 2019, the 5G test base station was also successfully completed and opened.

“Compared with cities, the construction of rural Internet infrastructure is our shortcomings.” Let the people’s people have more sense of gain in sharing Internet development results.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Internet infrastructure has rapidly extended to remote rural areas. my country’s existing administrative villages have achieved “village villages and broadband”. 5G networks cover all prefecture -level cities and counties and urban areas to achieve “county -county Tong 5G”. EssenceAs of December 2023, the Internet penetration rate of the Internet in rural areas in my country reached 66.5%, the total number of rural broadband users in the country reached 192 million, and the scale of rural netizens reached 326 million.

From the Snowy Plateau to Bianzheng Island, from the desert deserted land to the depths of the mountains … the spring breeze of poverty alleviation on the Internet blew the mountains of Shenzhou.The broadband is through, the newly released policy of benefiting the people and the most advanced technical information can be reached directly to the field; the information is “spirit”, and the market conditions in China and even the world are all in control; e -commerce comes.The agricultural special product of the lane “began to” famous the world “…

At the “Centennial Change -Sculpture Exhibition” of the National Museum of China, a sculpture work left a deep impression on people: the two rural elderly people were happy to sit on the stone cricket in the village, raised their mobile phones high, and raised their mobile phones.Call with a loved ones who are far away in the country.The sculpture sets the specific moment of our digital life. Today, the “digital” tentacles have increasingly extended to every corner of China.

In communities such as Gulou District, Fuzhou City, Fuzhou City, Fuzhou City, relying on the “Gulou Zhi Brain”, through the “Gulou’s Smart Brain”, through the “access control”+”hydropower” data of the smart community platform, the life status of the elderly is analyzed.Essence”Smart Water Time” has become a “safety valve” that guards alone in the elderly in 24 hours.

“Lingling Bell …” A rapid reminder ringtone came from the internal medicine clinic in Bayi Hospital of Yushu City, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province.Zhao Zhixi, director of the intensive care unit, picked up his mobile phone and connected the video call. On the other end of the camera, he was a doctor and patient who initiated a club to him. After several professional consultations, Zhao Zhixi made a diagnosis.The “two -way referral” system allows the small screen to connect the in -depth sharing of medical resources.

“It is particularly convenient to apply for outdoor signboards online. It is particularly fast to apply for all kinds of documents. It is too friendly to our entrepreneurs.”The information such as the name, ID number, and other information have been automatically reported. Just select the type to complete the processing. There is no need to provide any materials throughout the process.


Any combination of Internet+rural, Internet+community services, Internet+public life, Internet+rural government affairs, refresh China’s dream.

In one minute, the mobile payment completed 287,700 payment business; one minute, over 200,000 packages shuttled through the land of China; one minute, 61 cases realized “palm standing” through the Internet … This is the full vitality of China todayThe real scene of full and hot air.

On November 8, 2023, in Huzhou, Zhejiang, the smart sorting robot “Little Yellow Man” was working in the smart logistics park of Qianyuan Town, Deqing County.

“my country has built the world’s largest and technological -leading network infrastructure” “my country has become the world’s largest online retail market for 11 consecutive years”, “National long -range medical service platform coverage rate is 100%” … This is the largest and diverse digital society in the world.A group of remarkable data has become a strong witness to the strong Internet power.

The core technology of information has continued to break through and enhance the initiative of my country’s Internet development

Zijin Mountain South, Jiulong Lake.The Zijinshan Laboratory of Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, a scientific research platform that gathers more than 1,000 industry experts and teachers and students of universities, is being challenged to the peak of 6G network communication technology.

On July 6, 2023, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership came here to learn more about the promotion of major scientific and technological tasks.

Academician Liu Yunjie reported to the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership: “Today I have given you homework, the homework is a bit difficult, and the time we have done is a bit long.”

Nine years ago, the Supreme Leading Secretary inspected the Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Industry and Technology in Nanjing, and heard the report of Academician Liu Yunjie’s research and development work.Today, Zijin Mountain Lab has achieved a series of world -leading results in the fields of network, B5G/6G communication, network security, etc., and created many important achievements in the fields of network communication and security.

The General Secretary of the Supreme Leaders emphasized that “the real big country must be in your own hands” “The core technology of the Internet is our biggest ‘life door”, and core technology is subject to people’s biggest hidden dangers. “

To master the initiative of my country’s Internet development and ensure Internet security and national security, it is necessary to break through the problem of core technology.

On March 6, 2024, Beijing Friendship Hotel.

The General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership affectionately visited the Civil Revolution, science and technology, and environmental resource circles who participated in the second session of the 14th CPPCC and participated in the joint group.The General Secretary emphasized: “To achieve modern Chinese -style modernization, the Internet must pass.”

Entering the new era, my country seized the timing of accelerating the core technology breakthrough in the information field: the accelerated development of software and integrated circuit technology, and the application of domestic operating systems in depth; quantum communication, quantum computing and other fields achieved original breakthroughs; The total number of years has been the first; high -end chips, basic software, core components and other key common technologies have achieved important results, and the global competitive advantage has been formed in some areas …

In 2023, a survey of “Japan Economic News” showed that in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) research, the number and quality of Chinese research papers ranked first in the world’s first echelon.In December 2023, the East China Normal University Global Innovation and Development Research Institute released the “Top 100 Global Science and Technology Innovation Center (2023)”. The evaluation showed that 23 cities in the top 100 cities in the Global Science and Technology Innovation Center came from China.

In today’s world, whoever has the Internet has grasped the initiative of the times.党的十八大以来,我国坚持把科技自立自强摆在核心位置,以只争朝夕的责任感、使命感、紧迫感,抢抓全球科技发展先机,加强关键核心技术攻关,加快打造支持技术和The innovative system for industrial development has provided solid technical support and strategic guarantee for the construction of the power of the Internet.

Take the wind digital economy and develop the waves to move forward

Lighten the mouse and outline your fingers.100 million data flowed and intertwined into an invisible large net.The Internet is playing an unprecedented role on the big stage of the Chinese economy.

The night fell, and the villagers in Xingxi Village, Donghai County, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province began the busiest moment of the day. In just 4 hours, Li Zhongliang, a villager in Xingxi Village, sold a crystal product worth thousands of dollars to British customers through a webcast.

Today, like Li Zhongliang, villagers in Xingxi Village in Donghai County have doubled through online live sales.By vigorously developing a new business and new model such as “Crystal+Cross -border E -commerce Live”, in 2021, the county’s retail sales of e -commerce only exceeded 28 billion yuan.The changes in Xingxi Village are a vivid epitome of the achievement of Internet construction in my country.

The rapid and efficient network connects the villages one by one, and the digital economy and the Internet economy have also entered the rural street.Rural e -commerce industrial parks, the Internet of Things, and live broadcasts with goods … The Internet has fruitful results in rural areas. A number of new formats and new applications have sprung up.The huge potential of the Internet activation of rural rejuvenation.In 2023, my country’s rural network retail sales reached 2.49 trillion yuan.

In the small commodity city of Yiwu, Ren Xiaoling, the founder of Yuandi Figures in Yiwu City, completed another product small video shooting and uploaded it to the Chinagoods platform.”From offline to online, it is the common choice of small commodity city merchants.” Ren Xiaoling said.

ChinaAgoods, which was launched at the end of 2020, is a new online platform launched by Yiwu Small Commodity City. It not only provides “one -stop” services for procurement, shipping, tax returns, and repayment.The service was welcomed by the merchant once it was launched. In 2021, the total number of platform commodity transactions reached 16.8 billion.

Since 2009, the “Double Eleven” shopping has embarked on the stage of Internet history and has become the largest commercial event in China’s Internet.During the “Double Eleven” period in 2023, in JD, more than 600 smart courier cars took to the streets in one minute; in a rookie, one minute, a single unmanned smart warehouse can handle 800 pieces of products;100,000 parcels in the transit field circulation …

Countless one -minute gather together, and achieved a total of 13207 billion pieces of courier business volume and online retail sales over 15 trillion yuan in 2023.

Over the past century, oil has pushed forward the world of the industrial era.Today, in the Internet era, the new “oil” -data, contains huge new kinetic energy.

As early as July 17, 2013, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership had deeply revealed the major strategic role of big data in the development of the world today in an important speech during the work of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The General Secretary pointed out: “The oil resources of society contain huge productive forces and business opportunities. Whoever masters big data technology has mastered the development resources and initiative. “

On December 8, 2017, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China conducted a second collective study on the implementation of the national big data strategy. The General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership pointed out deeply that “the digital economy with data as the key element should be constructed.”

The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed that the digital economy is developing, the digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, and creating a digital industry cluster with international competitiveness.

From “promoting the growth of the digital economy” in 2017, to “vigorously developing the digital economy” in 2023, and in 2024, “in -depth promotion of the development of the digital economy innovation”, the “Government Work Report” expressed every update of the “digital economy”,They all transmitted new thinking and new deployment of China’s unswervingly developing digital economy.

A senior director of McKinsey said frankly: “China’s Internet economy is leading the world, and its growth rate is amazing.”

In just ten years, the size of my country’s digital economy increased rapidly from 16.2 trillion yuan in 2014 to 5.02 trillion yuan in 2022, and GDP accounted for from 25.1%to 41.5%.The digital economy is becoming the most active, fastest and most extensive area of ​​my country’s innovation.

In Beijing, the “Changan Chain” team launched the world’s largest blockchain opening source storage engine “Hong”, the high -level autonomous driving demonstration zone was launched at the 3.0 stage; in Shanghai, 8 municipal -level digital transformation demonstration zones were unveiled.The construction of 25 digital life benchmarks has been accelerated, and the digital base of smart cities has been further consolidated. As of the end of 2022, there were 1,900 digital economy enterprises above designated size.There are more than 115,000 enterprises in Fuzhi …

The dazzling “transcripts” show the strong toughness and strong kinetic energy of my country’s digital economy.

In China, the Internet, as a leading force for innovation -driven development, is changing the economic development model with unprecedented breadth and in -depth changes, and its integration with the economy and society is getting higher and higher.China has created extremely huge application scenarios for the development of the Internet.

As of the end of 2022, the number of terminal users of China Mobile Internet of Things reached 1.845 billion, becoming the first country in the world to achieve “super -people” in the world’s major economies.”Internet+” is “chemical reactions” with various industries, and the industrial Internet, smart agriculture and other powerful applications have continued to surface.The digital technology and the real economy accelerate the development of integration, and the digitalization, networking, and intelligence of manufacturing, service industry, and agriculture have continued to upgrade.High -end.

Build a security barrier and protect the clear network space

When the new picture of the Internet writing production and life is continuously spread, the “secret threat” also follows.

On the day of Liqiu, Mr. Li, who lived in Haidian District, Beijing, received a bicycle purchased online early in the morning.This is a very satisfactory online shopping experience.

However, what happened next made him very helpless. Since he searched and browsed his bicycle, several apps frequently recommended related products.”Makes people feel leaked and peeping.”

While the digital economy is booming, problems such as “big data killing” and “information cocoon houses” and APP “overheard” and “privacy leaks” have also followed, causing people’s concerns.

“A student was deceived nearly 5,000 yuan.” In the second half of 2023, the police of the Shuangliao Branch of the Public Security Bureau of the Provincial Public Security Department of the Provincial Public Security Department received a call from Jilin Province.It turned out that when a short video was brushed, the student Yang Le (pseudonym) saw someone claiming to crack the “anti -addiction system” of the game, so he added the other party’s contact information.Under the coaxing of the other party, Yang Le unaptured that he had transferred nearly 5,000 yuan.

This is a new type of telecommunications network fraud implemented for minors.Personal information leakage, telecommunications network fraud, network hacking attacks … increasingly more and more cyber security risks directly impact the public life.

“Safety is the prerequisite for development. Development is the guarantee of security. Safety and development must be advanced simultaneously.” The General Secretary of the Supreme Leader has repeatedly emphasized the properly handling the relationship between development and safety.

In 2014, the “Maintaining Network Security” was written into the “Government Work Report” for the first time.

In November 2016, the “Cyber ​​Security Law of the People’s Republic of China” was introduced. This is the first basic, framework, and comprehensive law in the field of network security in my country. Become an important milestone in the construction of the rule of law in my country.

In recent years, my country has successively introduced laws and regulations such as the “E -commerce Law of the People’s Republic of China”, “Data Security Law of the People’s Republic of China”, “Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China”, and “Regulations on the Security Protection of Key Information Infrastructure”. “Regulations”, “Provisions on the Ecological Governance of Network Information Contents”, “Measures for Cyber ​​Security Review” and other departmental regulations, as well as the “Regulations on the Management Regulations on the Management of Internet Audio and Video Information Service Management”, “Regulations on the Management of Internet User Account Information Service Management Regulations” Sexual documents … The “four beams and eight pillars” of my country’s network legislation are basically constructed, and the process of rule of law in the network space has been further promoted.

my country’s network law enforcement has continued to strengthen, anti -monopoly, personal information protection, and the protection of minors are carried out in depth; network judicial continues to be deepened, Internet courts were founded, smart courts and digital procuratorials accelerated, and cyber crimes were punished in accordance with the law; The concept of literacy and the rule of law is continuously strengthened.

Focus on improving the awareness of network security and protection of the whole society, my country has held the National Cyber ​​Security Propaganda Week for 10 consecutive years; it continues to carry out special actions of the “Clear” series, and prominent issues such as “rice circle” chaos, cyber violence, and self -media chaos and other prominent issues Carry out special rectification; formulation and implementation of the “Opinions on Accelerating the establishment of a comprehensive network governance system” and “Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Network Civilization”, etc., and the comprehensive network governance system has been accelerated and improved.With civilization and care for the good spiritual homeland on the Internet, China’s network space is becoming more and more clear.

China’s Internet is an open -cooperation Internet, an orderly Internet, and a positive Internet. It is the Internet for benefiting the people.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the guidance of the important ideological and scientific guidance of the strong leaders and the general secretary of the Supreme Leadership of the Party Central Committee with the top leadership comrades as the core, the Internet information industry has been from rammed base platform to accumulation.Starting to continuous growth, adopting a series of strategic measures, promoting a series of transformative practices, achieving a series of breakthrough progress, and achieving a series of iconic results. Historical achievements and historic changes in the Internet information industry are new.The real portrayal and vivid manifestations of the great changes in the past ten years.

Fen fed to sail, stand up to the tide of the times

The 30 years of China’s full function access to the International Internet are 30 years of insisting on independent innovation and open cooperation.Adhering to the concept of co -discussion and sharing, China is becoming the beneficiary of the global Internet development to the contributors and leaders of the global Internet development.

Knowing with Junyuan, there is no deed in the sea.

The Internet provides a new platform for the exchange of civilization and mutual learning, allowing people to cross Guanshan obstacles, gather in the clouds, and collide with the heart.

“Recently fascinated a short drama. Although each episode is only one minute, I can’t stop it, who will take away my mobile phone …” This is the “complaint of overseas audiences on social platforms”” “.And this short drama that made her want to stop comes from China.

According to data from the US Mobile Application Data Analysis Company Sensor Tower, in 2023, an application software called “Reel Short” has become one of the most popular applications in the United States.This domestic “unknown” software is created by Chinese companies and aimed at the overseas micro -short drama market.

Chinese online literature is also numerous overseas.The “2023 China Network Literature Observatory Report” shows that in 2022, the overseas revenue scale of the Chinese online literature industry overseas reached 4.063 billion yuan, an increase of 39.87%year -on -year; the overseas portal “starting international” of the overseas portal of reading was launched.Works, training about 410,000 overseas creators, launched about 620,000 original works overseas, and approximately 230 million users visited.

Chinese online games are also outstanding overseas.As the Chinese New Year of the Dragon Year’s Lunar New Year comes, the popular world adventure game “Original God” that is popular all over the world simultaneously “New”. In the “Original God” world, the “Sea Lantern Festival” is synchronized with the Chinese Spring Festival. Global players can be in the game world.Experience the strong Chinese style of “colorful spring breeze”.

China made its own voice through the Internet, and the world understood China in the new era through the Internet.The gorgeous and three -dimensional and rich Chinese image is being displayed to the world, and more and more people in the country have also communicated, enhanced their understanding, and win -win cooperation through the Internet.

In the Hangzhou Cross -border E -commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone, the Amazon Asia -Pacific seller training center was officially opened; OTTO, one of the largest e -commerce platforms in Germany, came to Hangzhou to hold the seller’s Nuggets German market salon; Lotte in Japan set up an office in Hangzhou …

In the Bonded Logistics Center of the West Coast New District of Qingdao Province, the staff are skilled in a clothing car from Xi’an, Shaanxi Province.It is expected that within 5 days, the goods can be delivered to the hands of Japanese consumers, which is shortened by 2 days to 3 days than before.In 2023, my country’s cross -border e -commerce exports developed rapidly, with a total of more than 1.8 trillion yuan.


The Internet has made the connection of all parties a vibrant organic body, and it has also expanded our global “circle of friends”.

Looking at the world, the number of netizens around the world reached 5.35 billion, accounting for more than 66%of the global population.However, issues such as imbalanced development, incomplete rules, unreasonable order, and inadequate sharing are increasingly prominent. The situation of network security is becoming increasingly severe, and network space governance has become a global issue.

Based on the general development of the world and the common interests of human beings, China has given new plans and contributed unique wisdom.

“All countries should strengthen communication, expand consensus, deepen cooperation, and jointly build a community of destiny of the network space.” In 2015, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leaders put forward the “four principles” of global Internet development and governance at the opening ceremony of the Second World Internet Conference.The “five -point proposition” advocates the establishment of a community of destiny of network space, and has obtained wide recognition and active response from the international community.

On November 8, 2023, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership delivered a video of the opening ceremony of the 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit.Priority, safety and civilization, and mutual learning, propose three points of the construction of a more inclusive and prosperous, peaceful, safe, equal and inclusive network space.

Nowadays, the World Internet Conference has gone through 10 years, and the important concept of building a network space for the fate of the Internet space has become more and more popular, and it has continuously demonstrated the powerful forces that benefit human beings, affect the world, and lead the future.

From concept files to action initiative, to practical cases, the ideological consensus gradually turns into specific actions.Under the guidance of building an important concept of the destiny of the network space, China joined hands with all parties to seek the global Internet development, and depicts a new blueprint for the development of human society with Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions.

In November 2020, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership made clear that at the opening ceremony of the 17th China -ASEAN Expo and China -ASEAN Business and Investment Summit made clear states: “China is willing to build a China -ASEAN Information Port with ASEAN to promote digital interconnection.Construction of the ‘Digital Silk Road’.

After years of construction, China -ASEAN Information Port is trying to build an international communication channel for ASEAN, the hub of big data resource application service, a new generation of information technology application demonstration highland, the digital economy open cooperation agglomeration area, and the humanities exchange cooperation center.

Open leading development, win -win cooperation in the future.

In recent years, my country has led the formulation and release of the world’s first digital economic policy document signed by many leaders of many countries, “The Digital Economy Development and Cooperation initiative of the Twenty Groups”; released the “Global Data Security Initiative” Blueprints; join hands to promote the implementation of the “UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda”, and strive to provide universal and affordable Internet access for the least developed countries …

The China International Digital Product Expo and the World Artificial Intelligence Conference … are more and more international exchange activities in the Internet field in China, sharing and innovative results in network space.

Sino -German Internet Economic Dialogue, China -Africa Internet Development and Cooperation Forum, Asia -Pacific Economic Co -Organization Digital Poverty Alleviation Symposium … One by one international platforms for dialogue and exchange and cooperation, it has made an important to open sharing, mutual benefit and win -win situation for global network spacecontribute.

Fast and far away.China is guided by the important concept of building a community of fate of network space, adheres to the principles of co -discussion and sharing, continuously deepen international exchanges and cooperation between network space, and promotes the results of Internet development to benefit people from all countries.In the past 30 years, China has not only benefited from the development of the global Internet, but also contributed unique wisdom and strength to the better -welfare well -being of the world.

Thirty years of hard work, stepping forward for thirty years.The Chinese Internet is blue, and it has opened up the new world of network space with Qishan Forest.In this round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes, China has moved from backward to advanced, from weak to strong, firmly grasped the historical opportunities of the information revolution, firmly grasped the historical initiative of my country’s development, and wrote a big step to catch up with the times. The magnificent chapter of the wave.

In the course of more than 5,000 years, the Chinese nation has tolerate the outstanding achievements of human civilization with its broad mind, and transform these achievements into a majestic driving force for promoting human development.

“If the sun and the moon, if it is among them; the star and Han are brilliant, if it is out of it.” The network space has become a new space for human survival and development, a new homeland, and a new blue ocean of fate.

Looking back at the era of China’s Fenxuan Information, the Internet has been deeply integrated into the process of national development, promoting the Internet to better benefit the people, greatly promoting the progress of social civilization, and writing a wonderful online information chapter for the realization of Chinese -style modernization.

Looking forward to the future, human civilization has evolved, and digital civilization has accelerated.China will raise the torch of civilization, which is increasingly leading the direction of informatization, digitalization, networking, and intelligence, making greater contributions to the development and progress of human civilization, so that the development of Internet development will better benefit all mankind and jointly build with peoples in the world.And explore a better future.

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