Basic knowledge of environmental protection

  [Introduction] The development process of human beings is carried out with the faster and faster speed, and the environmental problems with them are becoming more and more severe.How to find a balance between development and the environment is already a topic that the world is exploring.The following is®Let’s take a look together!

  1. Environmental pollution and human health

  The human body exchange material exchange through metabolism and the environment.Under normal circumstances, the material and the human body in the environment maintain a dynamic balance, so that the human body can grow, develop normally, and be full of vitality.

  Due to human activity, the phenomenon of environmental quality that causes the normal development of human beings and other creatures is environmental pollution.

  When the environment is contaminated, the wastewater, waste gas, waste residue, noise, radioactive substances, etc. in the environment reaches a certain amount, will affect the function of the human body, produce poisoning reactions, and even endanger life in severe cases.

  There are three types of environmental pollution factors: chemistry, physics, and biological. The harm of environmental pollution to the human body can be divided into three conditions: acute, chronic, and long -term. Some environmental pollution not only endangers us, but also affects it.generation.

  Prevention and treatment of pollution and protecting the environment is the obligation of every citizen.

  2. Water pollution

  Human production and living activities are excreted in the water body’s pollutants more than the content of the substance in the water body and the self -purification ability of the water body, which causes adverse changes in the physical, chemical and biological nature of the water body, which affects the normal production and life of human beings.Destroying the ecological balance is water pollution.

  The main indicators of water pollution include suspension, pH value, organic matter, bacteria and toxic substances.

  In recent years, the city has invested a lot of funds to govern the environmental pollution of “water, sound, residue, and gas”, but due to the large number of accounts in history, the environmental situation is still not optimistic.

  3. Atmospheric pollution

  The atmosphere is composed of a variety of gases.The clean atmosphere in the natural state consists of a constant component and a variable group.The constant components mainly include nitrogen, oxygen, 氩, and trace amounts of rare gases such as 氖, 氦, 氪, 氙 氙; comparable groups are divided into carbon dioxide and water vapor, etc. They follow regions, seasons, meteorological factors, and human production and life, etc.The influence of factors changes.If the pollutants in the atmosphere reaches a certain concentration and continue enough time, so that the impact on public health, animals and plants, materials, atmospheric characteristics, or environmental aesthetics can be measured, which constitutes atmospheric pollution.

  Atmospheric pollution affects the health of humans and animals, harms vegetation, corrosive materials, affects the climate, and reduces visibility.Some of these influences are clear and can be measured, but most of the impacts are long -term and chronic, and it is difficult to quantify.

  When the existence of air pollution substances alone, it will endanger people’s respiratory tract, digestive tract, skin, etc., causing the above system diseases. When two or more air pollutants combine the combination, they are more harmful.If you live in a polluted atmospheric environment for a long time, it will not only cause chronic bronchitis, emphysema and asthma, but also increase the incidence and mortality of respiratory diseases.In 1952, 4,000 people died within five days of London’s optical chemical smoke incident.

  Atmospheric pollution can also make buildings, bridges, cultural relics, and metal products and leather, textiles and other items exposed in the air, causing huge direct and indirect economic losses.

  Atmospheric pollution can cause plant cells to decay, change metabolic conditions, and reduce crop yield.Optical pollutants will also damage the forest ecosystem.Severe air pollution, such as greenhouse effects, ozone layer depletion, etc., can also have a global catastrophic impact.

  4. Electromagnetic radiation pollution

  Electromagnetic waves are transmitted electromagnetic fields. According to the wavelength, it can be divided into long waves, medium waves, medium short waves, ultra -short waves, and microwaves. It can be divided into low -frequency, high frequency, ultra -high frequency, and high frequency.Electromagnetic radiation pollution is one of the important environmental pollution, and it hurts people invisibly.

  The larger the output power of the electromagnetic wave radiation source, the shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency, the closer to the radiation source, the longer the radiation time, the higher the ambient temperature, the greater the humidity, the greater the impact and harm to the human body.If a person lives in an environment where electromagnetic wave radiation pollution is long -term, there will be symptoms such as fatigue and memory loss, prone to excitement and menstrual disorders.

  5. Radioactive pollution

  The atomic nucleus of radioactive substances decline, and we can only use special instruments to detect rays.This rays reach a certain intensity, which will cause harm to the human body and form radioactive pollution.This pollution is relatively long in harmful to the human body, and some are 20 years long.Symptoms are mainly manifested in various cancers, including leukemia, bone cancer, lung cancer, and thyroid cancer. It can also be shortened to varying degrees of life. Radioximity also damage genetic material, cause gene mutations and chromosomal distortion, and causes generations and even several generations.

  There are certain radioactive factors in nature, but the main causes of radioactive pollution are still artificial. The source of its sources mainly includes settlement of nuclear weapon tests and “three wastes” discharge medical irradiation of nuclear fuel circulation.It can enter the human body through various ways such as air, drinking water, and complex food chain.For the prevention of radioactive pollution, different measures should be taken for different pollutants. The commonly used mainly include dilution method, solidification method, incineration method, transfer method, deep burial method, and so on.In daily life, we must stay away from the radiation source as much as possible.

  6. The generation and harm of sulfur dioxide

  Sulfur is a widely distributed element in the crust, occupying 2.7%of the weight of the earth.All kinds of fuel contain sulfur. The fuel structure of my country is not reasonable. It is mostly coal -fired and fuel oil. About 90%of the emission sulfur dioxide comes from the combustion process and about 10%from the industrial production process.

  Sulfur dioxide is a colorless and irritating odor gas, which is easily soluble in water, which can cause various diseases and cancers of the respiratory country’s environmental air quality standard stipulates that the average daily concentration of sulfur dioxide in the residential area is 0.15 mg per cubic meter. Surgaling this concentration is sulfur dioxide pollution, which will cause different degrees of harm to the human body.

  After the sulfur dioxide was discharged into the atmosphere, it was eventually oxidized into sulfur dioxide. Together with other sulfides, it sank to soil and water body to form acid rain.Before the settlement, these pollutants could be transmitted to hundreds of thousands of kilometers to form regional pollution.It is known as “Empty Death” abroad, and its toxicity is ten times that of sulfur dioxide.In recent years, with the development of industry, the acidity and scope of acid rain have increased, and it has become a global environmental harm.Some large cities south of the Yangtze River in my country are more common.

  The acid rain causes the surface water body to acidify the surface of the lake, river, etc., and harms the growth and survival of fish and other aquatic biology; acid rain sour soil, the structure is destructive, the fertility decreases, and the output of crop decreases;Severe damage such as carving and decoration.The problem of acid rain has attracted great attention from the world.

  The amount of controller is the source of sulfur dioxide has become an important task of atmospheric environmental protection. my country is actively improving the fuel structure and promoting clean production to reduce the emissions of sulfur dioxide.

  7, living room pollution

  Most of us each of us spent the interior. Indoor air pollution is closely related to the level of health and the prevalence of certain diseases, and the prevalence, mortality rate and child growth and development are closely related.

  There are three main sources in the indoor pollutants: the first is outdoor air pollutants, which uses ventilation to exchange gas and penetrate into the room; followed by indoor decorative materials, indoor heating, smoke and harmful gases produced by fuels used in cooking;Gas discharged during breathing, human skin, organs and unclean clothing, and bad odors emitted by appliances are also an important source of indoor air pollution.

  In addition to making people’s mood, frustration, and not easy to rest, it will also induce respiratory and digestive diseases. The incidence of cancer in the polluting room for a long time will also increase.

  8. Pollution and harm of detergent

  The effective ingredients of synthetic detergents are surfactants and net increasing agents. In addition, there are various auxiliary ingredients such as bleaching agents.

  The wastewater containing washing agents mainly produce wastewater in detergent. Washing water for industrial detergents, drainage of laundry workshops and catering industry, and domestic sewage, after discharge water, consumes dissolved oxygen, and has mild toxicity for aquatic creatures, which can cause fish to cause fishDesert.

  Phosphorus is the most commonly used cleaning agent for manufacturers. Phosphoric acid solvents in phosphorus detergents can cause nutritional water bodies, causing algae plants in water bodies to grow crazy, consume a lot of oxygen in waterOxygen died.After the algae rot, the water quality is polluted again, so that it will make an unpleasant smell.Phosphorus is strong alkaline, its pH value is greater than 10, and it also hurts the skin.

  With less detergent and not phosphorus -containing detergent, it is the contribution that each citizen can do in daily life and to environmental protection.

  9. Noise pollution

  Noise, simply speaking, is the sound that people do not need.The judgment of noise is often related to the environment and subjective desire of the individual.Noise includes not only uncoordinated voices, but also various music sounds affecting others’ work, rest, sleeping, and talking.

  The source of noise is industrial production, construction construction, transportation, social life, etc.With the development of the economy, noise pollution is increasing, becoming a major social harm.

  In a strong noise environment, people can cause hearing fatigue. It is too long and even deafness. It can also cause people’s mood troubles, cause disorders of endocrine systems, excitement, irritability, and even losing rationality.Noise has a adverse effect on various creatures in nature.The national standards stipulate that the noise in the residential area of ​​my country should be less than 55 decibels during the day and the night at night.

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