In the top three fashion retail in the United States, shein accelerates globalization

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  Traditional and modern collisions and the integration of Eastern and Western cultures. On the stage of cross -border e -commerce, shein uses the trend of breaking bamboo to break through the inherent boundary of the international fashion industry. With its innovative business model and in -depth integration of the global supply chain,Establish a new benchmark for Chinese brands.

  Recently, according to the latest data from the global data and business intelligence platform Statista, the latest data from the ECDB website shows that SHEIN has provided rich diversified, cost -effective fashion products and high -quality and convenient services. At that time, fashion sales have exceeded the fourth -ranking American retailer.Macy’s and fifth -ranked Nike (with Amazon and Wal -Mart, successfully established the position of the third largest online fashion retailer in the US market.This achievement is not only a strong proof of global competitiveness of Chinese cross -border e -commerce companies, but also shows the great success of its innovative business model on the international stage.


  Break the barriers and lead the change

  As a cross -border e -commerce company starting with fashion categories, shein has now formed a unique model for the development of the “independent brand+platform” dual engine.In the field of independent brands, SHEIN has created independent fashion brands, including Shein with innovative flexibility and online retail models, and meets the needs of global consumers for rapid changes and cost -effective fashion products.This model not only subverts the production and sales cycle of the traditional fashion industry, but also allows SHEIN to quickly respond to market trends and maintain the freshness and diversity of the product line.

  On the other hand, SHEIN has continuously deepened its platform -based model based on its huge global sales network, mature marketing experience, and innovative supply chain system.That is, on the basis of developing independent brands, more third -party sellers and brands are continuously cooperated, helping the cross -border exports and international development of high -quality Chinese products and brands, and providing a rich “menu menu for third -party merchants who are good at doing products and brands.Equation “Selection.

  It is reported that since SHEIN’s early 2021, the platform model of more than 20 provinces has been brought into SHEIN, including the industrial bands, including all 21 cities in Guangdong Province, have been settled in.And the empowerment support of domestic sellers is also being carried out. After the launch of the “500 City Industry Belt” plan that helps sellers go out to sea, they have successively launched the “New Business 90 -day Growth Special Training Camp” and “Excellent Business Support Plan””” “.Through this series of measures, SHEIN has not only set up a fast channel for domestic small and medium -sized enterprises to enter the global market, but also provides them with comprehensive support such as brand building, marketing, and supply chain optimization, which effectively catalyzes domestic enterprises’ internationalizationThe competitive leap.


  Digital empowerment, supply chain innovation

  Another ace of Shein lies in its high digital and flexible supply chain system.Through in -depth cooperation with more than 20 provinces and more than 300 cities in China, shein not only realized the localization of the supply chain, but also promoted the digital upgrade of these industries.With the help of big data analysis, SHEIN can accurately capture consumer preferences around the world, guide upstream production, and realize the flexible supply of “small single and fast anti”, which greatly improves the reaction speed and efficiency of the supply chain.

  In the empowerment practice of a flexible supply chain, the story of Xu Fan, a hat merchant, is particularly bright.From traditional mass production to rapid response to personalized needs, Xu Fan’s factory has achieved a dual leap in production efficiency and sales through SHEIN platform support.The performance of more than one million US dollars “is exactly the Shein model successfully empower the true portrayal of the industry with merchants.This transformation not only made Xu Fan’s factory rejuvenating, but also became a model for local industrial upgrading, inspiring more manufacturers to explore the potential of flexible supply chain.


  A few days ago, it is reported that SHEIN will start the semi -custody model in May. Merchants will realize overseas local stocking, independent performance, independent selection of products to list and report prices. Shein assists operations. The first stop of the half -custard is to land in the United States.This model allows merchants to prepare local stocks locally, choose products and pricing independently, and enjoy Shein’s professional operation support at the same time.This means that more Chinese brands will have the opportunity to enter the overseas market with lower thresholds and more efficiency, accelerating the pace of global brand expansion.This strategic step not only indicates the further deepening of the SHEIN global layout, but also provides a new direction for the development model of the global e -commerce industry, indicating that the more flexible, efficient and international e -commerce era is coming.


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