Caliba is so unreliable, why are you still convinced | Huge column · Food and humans

Today, when people who are anxious about their weight talk about a kind of food, the most commonly concerned indicators are probably staler.The calorie label of packaging food, the recognized calorie value of common ingredients, and the calorie estimate made by nutritional experts for various popular recipes have become the main basis for people to estimate and control their daily energy intake.

Of course, this is not unreasonable. After all, excess energy is the main reason for obesity. The problem is that a single calorie indicator is helpful for us to grasp the energy balance of the human body?I am interested in this issue and prepare to spend a lot of information here. I don’t want to provide a weight loss guide (I am neither a nutritional expert nor a health consultant), but because, like all creatures, the energy equilibrium has always been in itThe core position of human survival problems -although the direction of anxiety is usually the opposite until recent decades ago.

Many cultural elements and technological traditions are developing and accumulating the long -term efforts that are trying to solve the problem of energy balance. They constitute a large piece of human culture, and only when they are organized around the issue of energy equilibriumIt is easy to understand.

Let me start with the measurement of calories.

As far as its original intention is concerned, what the calorie value of food is to measure is the net intake of energy brought to the human body, that is, the chemical freedom energy contained in the food, minus the energy consumed by the digestive process, and then minus the freedom left in the excrement.Yes, the rest is to leave the digestive system into other human tissues. Finally, it is either stored in the form of glycogen or fat, or the energy consumed in cell breathing.

However, it is very troublesome to accurately measure this value, and the fluctuations of individual differences and physical conditions are also very large. In some fine individual research, it will use the same tracer of the food composition to use the same tracer to the whole process to the whole process.The method of tracking, considering that there are so many types of foods to be measured, the cost of fine measurement is difficult to afford. Only laziness is feasible.

Various measurement methods in the industry are some improved versions of Atwater System, which was developed by chemist Wilbur O. Atwater in the 19890s: First of all, first of allUse Bomb Calorimetry to determine the unit weight value of each macro nutrients (carbohydrate, fat and protein) with a combustion method, and then measure the macro nutrient content of specific foods to get the total heat value. Finally, press a certain fixed fixed valueThe ratio (such as 10%) deducts the energy residual in the excrement and obtains the net thermal value.

The numbers we see on the calorie tag are roughly here; for more than a hundred years, this method has basically not changed. The main improvement is that the measuring food component has become more accurate, and at the same time, it has made more detailed carbohydrates.Category, such as the thermal value of alcohol is much higher than that of other carbohydrates and is closer to fat, so it is listed as one category alone. Mouth sugar and polysaccharides are treated differently, and the thermal values of insoluble cellulose are eliminated.

Obviously, the fatal defect of Atos law is: First of all, it does not consider the energy overhead of the food and digestion itself. Second, it assumes that the food digestion and absorption rate is constant, and the reality is far from this;It’s all foods that are easily digested or fully cooked. This defect may be acceptable. At least the differences between them are more constant and easy to adjust.At the same time, the difference between digestive expenditure and absorption rate is difficult to ignore.

In fact, the energy overhead of the digestive process can be very high.

The average chimpanzee spent 6 hours a day chewing food, and 300 calories consumes 300 calories per hour, so the cost of chewing only one item exceeds the basic metabolic rate of human adult men (my basic metabolic rate is about 1600 calories);The chewing time is not so much. Except for gum or spiced bean enthusiasts, less than an hour (a child is slightly longer) every day, and the energy consumption is not so high, because our teeth, jawbone and chewing muscles are far less than apes as apes as apes.Developed classes.

Human chewing burden is low because compared with other apes, our food is rich in starch and fat, low fiber, and most of them have been processed and cooked. Therefore, it is less needed to chewTo a large extent, the kitchen knife, pestle mortar, grinding plate, meat grinding machine, oil presses, oil presses, juicer, stew pots … they also need energy, but they can be much more effective, and they can use external energy, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeys, such as letting donkeysPull for us.

In 2006, the BBC organized a 12 -day experiment (and made a documentary). Nine volunteers were locked in a park, and the food provided to them almost included the fruits, vegetables and nuts commonly common in supermarkets.50 kinds, including high -calorie dates, walnuts and bananas, are not limited, open, but the conditions can only be eaten raw.

As a result, these people eat all day and eat 5 kg of food a day. If the number of tags is calculated, the calories they consume daily are as high as 2000 calories (female) or 2300 card (male), far exceeding the basic metabolic rate, and theyIn addition to eating and sleeping, there are no other activities, but they still feel hungry, and the facts also show that they feel right: at the end of the experiment, everyone’s weight decreases significantly, with an average weight loss of 4.4 kg.

It can be seen that if it is eaten by the orangutan, human beings cannot survive, no matter how rich the food and the fingertips are, in fact, the food in the BBC experiment has been greatly improved than the ape. They all come from the supermarket.Education, compared to wild species, has lower fiber and toxicity, higher sugar and fat content. Most of the fruits that chimpanzees eat in the wild are difficult to swallow or even poisoning.

In the second stage, digestive expenses occurred in the stomach and intestines, reflecting the rise in human metabolic rates within a few hours after meals., Protein is the most difficult to digest, 30%.(Note: These numbers refer to the peak of the volatile curve of the meal metabolic rate)

In addition to the peak level level, the key factor that determines the energy consumption of the gastrointestinal is the maintenance time of the peak of the meal’s metabolism, which depends on the stay time of food in the stomach, especially in the stomach;5-6 hours, dogs for 2-4 hours, and human beings are only 1-2 hours. The meat stopped in the cat’s stomach for so long because they are more tended to swallow, and the python that is good at swallowing is more exaggerated.The digestive process is sometimes up to a week.

In fact, evolution has been unable to accommodate the food of human stomach for a longer period of time. Regardless of the digestion, the stomach will empty it within a few hours after meals (will be emptied within 2 hours, and then 2-3 will be 2-3.The hours of emptiness), those food that is too late to digest will be a waste of excrement; this constitutes a digestive bottleneck, when the food is too rough (that is, the nutritional density of the digestive part is too low), the minimum processing and the at least processing andWhen cooking, the net intake of the human body will be stuck by the bottleneck, and it is no longer related to how much food can be eaten. When the food is rough to a certain degree, the amount of the bottleneck will be smaller than the needs of the human body.Multiple weight loss.

What is most likely to be stuck in this bottleneck is lean meat, especially large skeletal muscles that have not been fully processed. Each skeletal muscle is made of a tough three -level fascia structure.Some doctors have observed that strips of raw beef remain the same when they leave the stomach, so if we swallow lean meat like cats, most of them will be wasted. Considering that they consume the digestive juice and gastrointestinal gastrointestinal,Creation expenses, net intake will be negative.

However, as long as some simple treatment, you can significantly increase the pass rate of the above bottlenecks. For example, beat the meat pieces with a stick, chop the meat into the end or mings into a mild, heat it to more than 60 degrees and maintain it for a few minutes. Put the meat at room temperature for a few days for a few days.Let the bacteria complete part of the decomposition work, or run the meat in the saddle like the Mongolian cavalry (this has been considered a myth, but now it has been confirmed by anthropologists), and so onAfter simulating the function of the stomach, after chewing, humans have externalized another digestive task.

The intestine is also very energy -consuming, and it also constitutes a digestive bottleneck, because the human intestine is very short, and the whole gastrointestinal and intestines are very small.The proportion is only 60%of the average of spiritual long categories; small gastrointestinal and intestinal tract, which means that the processing capacity is limited.

Small intestine is a key window for nutritional absorption. The food stay in the small intestine is similar to the stomach. Once you leave the small intestine into the large intestine, the absorption rate decreases significantly because, although the food stays in the large intestine for a long time (30-40 hours), but it isThe digestion of the large intestine is mainly completed by the intestinal flora. A large part of the nutrition is divided by them, especially the protein, and the absorption rate in the large intestine is zero.

The best example of displaying the bottleneck of the small intestine is eggs. Although they are rich in protein, eggs and muscles are very different. Its protein is not tightly wrapped and does not constitute digestive disorders in mechanical strength.Many nutritional experts have recommended raw eggs. Experiments can show that the protein absorption rate of raw eggs is only 51-65%, and cooked eating can reach 91-94%. Obstacles are obviously in the small intestine processing ability.

The small intestine bottleneck will also stuck starch, fully fermented and baked bread, cooked potatoes, and the starch absorption rate can be as high as 95%, but the raw flour is only 71%, and the raw potatoes are 51%.The rate is also 84%.

The liver is the largest organs of human energy consumption, accounting for 27%of the basics. Although not all used for digestion, it is also very considerable; it is a key organ for alcohol and fat metabolism. ThereforeIt is bottleneck, but the bottleneck that is easier to get stuck is its ability to detoxify. Human beings are far less ability to deal with toxins than apes. This is why those chimpanzees are sweet leaves.

Toxins are the main weapons of plants to deal with natural enemies. Except for the fruits of certain plants, they want to be eaten by animals (to spread their seeds). The rest of the plants may contain toxins.When abilities, the digestive tract will discharge everything as soon as possible by vomiting and diarrhea.

Although long -term selection, domestication and breeding reduces the toxicity of plants in our recipes, it is not completely eliminated. Many people are still very sensitive to the toxins in the family of eggplant and cross flower vegetables.) The toxicity is very strong. Only after careful treatment, it is barely diet, but it only turns acute poisoning into chronic poisoning. In recent years, dozens of people have died of cassava in the famine of Venezuela because they do not know how to deal with it.

The most common plant toxins are tannins, which are the main sources of astringency and taste. Trace intake (sometimes even favored, such as the main effect of oak barrels of red wine is to increase tannin content), a lot of intakePoisoning; rubber and chestnuts are rich in tannins. If they are used as snacks, there is no problem eating raw, but some California Indian tribes used to use rubber as a staple food. In order to relieve drugs, they invested a lot of labor to pest the rubber.Soaking, washing and baking, we know that a large number of pigs eat rubber can not be poisoned.

In the millions of years after being separated from chimpanzees, our ancestors have experienced great changes in the way of food treating food. Many technologies and customs have been developed to deal with food.To reduce the burden of metabolism in the human body: instead of chewing with cutting, beating, and pestle, with grinding, rubbing, rolling, soaking, and fermenting instead of gastric activity, it is marinated, fermented, cooking instead of intestinal functions, soaking, washing, washing, washing, and washing, washing, washing, and washing, washing, and washing, washing, washing, and washing, washing, washing, and washing, washing, washing, and washing, washing, washing, and washing, washing, washing, and washing, washing, washing, and washing, washing, washing, and washing, and washedHeating instead of liver detoxification function.

As the burden of metabolism decreases, the relevant tissue organs tend to reduce and degenerate under the pressure of selection: the dental mouth shrinkage, the degeneration of the chewing muscle, the thinning of the lips, the shortening of the gastrointestinal gastrointestinal, weakening the liver detoxification function … due to the reduction and degradation of these organs and the degradation of these organs and the degradation of these organs and the degradation and the degradation of these organs and the degradation and the degradation of the organs and the degradation and the degradation of the liver and the degradation of the liver.The energy saved by the reduction of the work intensity has supported our several times with high energy consumption brain (accounting for 19%of the basis).

The same thing also happened on the sports system. Our muscles are obviously not as good as chimpanzees and not as good as the Naandrte, because the large number of tools and weapons will also externalize some sports functions. This also saves a lot of energy.The energy overhead of skeletal muscles is not low, and the energy consumption in its static state accounts for 18%of the basics, second only to the liver and brain. Because of this, when other conditions (including weight) are the same, the higher the body fat rate.The smaller the muscle, the lower the basic metabolic rate.

If we broaden the field of vision to the entire energy balance system outside the metabolic process, we will find that more cultural elements are changing human energy equilibrium and other forms.

The normal body temperature of the human body is 37 ° C, but because of the heat preservation effect of skin and subcutaneous fat, and the heating effect of basic metabolism, the ideal environmental temperature is lower than 37 ° C; the so -called ideal means that the human body can maintain the body temperature without additional metabolism at this temperature at this temperature.Constant, in the case of quiet and naked, the ideal temperature is about 30 ° C (more accurate numbers must be adjusted at gender, weight, humidity, and wind speed). Excessive cold or overheating will bring additional metabolic expenses.The maximum metabolic rate can be risen to 5 times the basic value, and the medium -level cold (less than ten degrees lower than the ideal temperature) can also increase the metabolic rate by 30%.

Therefore, under different temperature conditions, the food intake required to maintain balance is significantly different. This problem is particularly prominent in high latitudes. The temperature there is far lower than the ideal value in most cases;The higher metabolic rate is of course a method, but due to the limitation of the work potential of the physiological system, even if the food is abundant, the room for adjustment is not very large.The temporary protection mechanism, if the low temperature close to the freezing point is not balanced like running like running, the human body will soon fall into Hypothermia, which can cause death within a few hours.

但我们不可能时刻在奔跑,即便运动系统吃得消,上述消化瓶颈也不允许我们摄入持续高代谢率所需能量;某些恒温动物发展出了冬眠机制,像土拨鼠,或者半冬眠,像Brown bears are not so constant temperature, and absolute heating animals such as humans want to survive in temperate and cold belts. You must find some insulation measures, either physiological, like the thick fur of the Arctic fox, or the thickness of the sea lion.10 centimeters of subcutaneous fat, either external measures, build nests, excavate ground caves, or find natural caves (caves or tree caves).

Human beings also have some physiological changes that cope with cold, the narrow nose and light skin color of the Caucasus races, the internal skin of the Mongolian races, the thin eyes, the flat face, the thick facial fat, and the high latitude ethnic groups are generally too highThe body fat rate, but unlike other animals, human beings rely more on non -physiological solutions.

The first is clothes. Thermal engineers have developed a set of indicators to measure the insulation effects used to measure clothes, bedding, buildings and other equipment and facilities. Among them, the clothing index (CLO) is used for clothes.T -shirt+cropped pants+slippers), the ideal temperature can be reduced to 27 ° C. When wearing 1.0Clo (shirt+jacket+trousers+shoes and socks), the ideal temperature is 24 ° C, 1.5Clo is roughly equivalent to itAutumn clothes, corresponding to the ideal temperature 21 ° C.

When the Homo sapiens went north to the hinterland of Eurasia more than 40,000 years ago, they were at the ice period. After 30,000 years, they all lived in the extremely cold area near glacier lines or frozen originals.Excellent and thick clothes, they couldn’t survive the last Last Glass Maximum more than 20,000 years ago.Expansion.

During this period, the GraveTtians even entered the Polish plains north of Kalba. Unlike the Billy Niuus or Alps, there are no caves for hiding.An insulation technology: houses; by digging the ground, using the mammoth ribs as a beam pillar, a roof, and covering the beast and turf, which can build a half -underground house with excellent thermal insulation effects, just like the Inte in the ArcticRegional to do.

If the house is equipped with a stove, the effect is better. The outdoor bonfire can only be used when it is very near, and only one furnace fire in the well -sealed cottage (the newer people use only one oil lamp) can use the room to indoor roomHeating to the ideal temperature; to this day, the three -piece insulation of architecture, external thermal source, and clothes is still the main way to deal with cold.

Head lice, pubic lice, fleas, and mites have been accompanied by hundreds of millions of years, not only spreading diseases, but also a large amount of nutrients that we have difficulty in ingesting. In addition to in vitro parasites, there are also tapeworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and thread bugs in the body., Caps, blood suction worms … and no thousands of harmful bacteria. In addition to being stolen nutrition, the immune system and the combat of it also brought huge energy overhead. Infection parasites can increase the metabolic rate dozens of percentage points.

The high density of the population caused by settlement agriculture and the coexistence of humans and animals have greatly increased the metabolic burden of parasitic insects to the human body.Worms, this rapid change of the impact on energy balance equivalent may be no less than that of fine food, thick clothes, and housework burden.

During pregnancy, women consume an extra 465 card energy every day, and the breastfeeding is higher. 625-700 calories per day. Hunting collectors usually breastfeed for three to four years. Agricultural and animal husbandry often shortened the breastfeeding period to less than half a year, while the contemporary recipesMilk powder gives mothers the opportunity to completely relieve breastfeeding.

This change is not great, but like the changes mentioned earlier, all point to one direction: Although human individuals are still strong and powerful, they are even more capable of conducting various high -power and high energy consumption activities than before, but the human body itself needs to consume intakeWithout the actual energy consumption, there are less and less energy.

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