World Asthma Day called for "strengthening asthma education"

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 7th, bronchial asthma is a common chronic inflammatory tract disease, affecting more than 260 million people worldwide.May 7 this year is the theme established by the 26th World Asthma Day, the International Cooperation Organization, Global Cooperation Organization (GINA), to “strengthen asthma education”, emphasizing that strengthening health education can help solve the key of asthma prevention and treatment.question.
According to the data released by global asthma prevention and treatment, asthma is a heterogeneous disease, which is usually characterized by chronic airway inflammation, manifested as symptoms such as asthma, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and cough.These symptoms are intermittent, exercise or allergen exposure, weather changes, viral infection and other factors often lead to aggravation of asthma symptoms.According to different clinical and pathological characteristics, asthma can be divided into different phenomena. Common asthma phenotypes include allergic asthma, non -allergic asthma, adult (delayed) asthma, obese asthma, etc.
Many factors may exacerbate the risk of asthma, but it is usually difficult to find a single direct cause.According to the World Health Organization, early incidents of individual life will affect lung development and may increase the risk of asthma, including low -birth weight, premature birth, contact with tobacco smoke and other air pollution sources, and viral respiratory infections.Patients with allergic diseases such as eczema and rhinitis are relatively more likely to suffer from asthma.If other family members, especially parents or siblings, have asthma with asthma, have more likely to suffer from asthma.
In addition, the increase in the incidence of asthma may be related to various lifestyle factors.Exposed to a series of environmental allergens and stimulus also increase the risk of asthma, such as indoor and outdoor air pollution, indoor dust mites, mold, and professional contact with chemicals, smoke or dust.Avoiding asthma can help reduce the symptoms of asthma.
Asthma cannot be cured, but a variety of treatment methods can effectively control the condition, enabling patients to live normally and actively.The most common therapy is to use the inhaler to directly send the drug to the lungs.At present, there are two main types of inhalation drugs on the market: bronchial extension, which can quickly open airway and relieve symptoms; corticosteroids can reduce airway inflammation, improve asthma symptoms, and reduce severe asthma attacks and risk of death.
Patients who have not been treated with sufficient treatment may have problems such as sleep disorders, fatigue and inattention during the day.If the symptoms are severe, patients with asthma may need urgent medical treatment.In the most serious cases, asthma may lead to death.According to WHO estimates, asthma in 2019 affects about 262 million people in the world, causing 455,000 people to die.Most of the deaths related to asthma occurred in low -income and low -income countries. These countries are facing challenges such as insufficient diagnosis or lack of inhalation drugs.
Global asthma prevention and treatment notes pointed out that in terms of asthma prevention, key issues that need to strengthen education and propaganda include insufficient diagnosis or inaccurate, insufficient use of inhalation corticosteroids, excessive dependence of short -acting β2 receptor agonist (a class of common bronchiectasis), and), andAnd insufficient understanding of patients who need to evaluate and further manage.
The cooperation organization calls for the ability to manage their own diseases through appropriate education to give asthma patients and help patients recognize the need for medical assistance.At the same time, health care professionals should also increase their understanding of asthma from multiple aspects, so as to provide reliable information and optimal treatment for patients.
Global asthma prevention and control was jointly founded by the WHO and the National Institute of Heart, Ling and Blood of the United States in 1993. Its purpose is to cooperate with global health care professionals, asthma patients, and public health officials in orderThe understanding of public health influence will reduce the incidence and mortality of asthma.
The first Tuesday of the World Asthma Day in May each year aims to improve the global understanding of asthma and improve the prevention and management of the disease.
Source: Xinhuanet

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