Focus on the first international cell nutrition and human health science forum of cell nutrition and human health

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China News Network, Shanghai News, April 17th (Xu Jing) The “First International Cell Nutrition and Human Health Science Forum” jointly hosted by the University of Jianghan Biotechnology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. jointly hosted by the University of Santa Joseph in MacauIt has attracted experts, scholars, scientific researchers, and industry representatives in many health sciences to discuss the cutting -edge scientific issues of cell nutrition and human health, and contribute profound insights and positive driving forces to promote the healthy development of human health in cell nutrition.
According to Fan Mingzhen, general manager of Jianghan Biotechnology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., since 2023, the University of Saint Joseph in Macau has launched multi -level, multi -field, and multi -way cooperation with Jiang Han Biological.After nearly a year of careful preparation, the two sides held the signing ceremony of the “Academic Cooperation Memorandum” at the Shanghai KB-120 Operation Center on January 5, 2024.The signing of this memorandum of cooperation marks a solid step in the cooperation between the two parties in the field of cell nutrition and human health science.
As a private, non -profit and public welfare legal person in Macau, Santa Joseph University has always been committed to cultivating international high -quality talents with innovative spirit and practical ability.The University of St. Joseph has established long -term exchanges and cooperation relationships with many well -known universities and academic institutions in Europe. It not only provides teachers and students with rich academic resources and exchange opportunities, but also enhances the international influence of the school.It is worth mentioning that St. Joseph University is also the only Chinese university in the “Portuguese National Community” as an observation agency.This identity not only highlights the school’s influence in the Portuguese -speaking country, but also provides a greater possibility for its role in the development of Chinese and Portuguese technology.
Jianghan Biological (Macau Jianghan Biomedical Technology Development Group Co., Ltd.) was founded by the forefront scientists in the field of life sciences by Dr. Jiang Han, Macau residents.Relying on the cross-disciplinary expert group of the European Biotechnology Federation, Dr. Jiang Han successfully developed the “KB-120 Nutritional Small molecule anti-premature aging cell nutrition technology”.This technology is based on the concept of “DNA accurate replication = the ability of human health and longevity”. Through the technical route of “network oxidation balance+precision cell nutrition” and the technical goal of “DNA injury repair+cell health”Precision repair of cell damage and normalization of cell function.
The research and development of KB-120 technology has gone through the long-term collaboration of dozens of domestic and foreign multi-disciplinary experts, and has now matured.This technology has dozens of domestic and foreign patents, and has published many related research results in international academic journals.In addition, the technology has also achieved the transformation of the results of more than 20 patent products, which has made important contributions to the development of biomedical.
This forum was held to promote the development of scientific and technological in the field of cell nutrition.Many domestic and foreign experts and scholars and enterprise representatives gathered together to conduct in -depth exchanges and discussions on topics such as cell nutrition and disease treatment, anti -aging, tumor treatment, and immune regulation.
Before the forum, Mai Shiwen, President of St. Joseph University in Macau, awarded appointment letter to the core staff of the R & D Institute at the opening ceremony of the St. Da-Jianghan Cell Nutrition and Health R & D Institute.The list of granted the letter of employment is: Professor Pan Yingchi, Honorary Dean; Dr. He Zhongjian, Dr. Jiang Han, Dean; Chen Changbin, a specially appointed professor, Shi Huijuan, a specially appointed professor, Xu Jianxiong, a specially appointed professor, and a specially appointed associate professor Xu Weina, a special associate professor Zhang Jing;Researcher Dr. Ma Zhengchi, Dr. Li Yan, a specially -appointed researcher; Dr. Luo Zhen, a special assistant researcher.
The R & D institute is co -established by the University of Santa Joseph and Jianghan Biology Medical Technology Development Group Co., Ltd.Each specially -appointed researcher will deepen the Cell Nutrition Scientific Research Cooperation of Saint University and Macau Jianghan Biotechnology Development Group Co., Ltd. in the future, develop more effective results, and work together to promote the development of the big healthy industry in Macau.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of Macau’s return to the motherland.Since the return, Macau’s level of scientific and technological innovation has continued to improve.Macau Jianghan Biotechnology Development Group Co., Ltd. and researchers of the R & D institutes actively promote the development of Macau cell nutrition and health, actively integrate into the Macau scientific and technological innovation system, inject new vitality into the development of science and technology in Macau, and use the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area as the base.Through the establishment of scientific research and research and development cooperation platforms with innovative thinking, the implementation of the integration and development of “production”, “learning”, and “research”, focusing on promoting the application of biological and smart technology in the field of medical health, and effectively responding to the needs of society for great health development.Essence
Commonly promote the development of disciplines and professionalism such as biotechnology, biomedicine, cell health and nutrition, and strive to cultivate a forward -looking person with social responsibility and technical industrial services, and promote communication between scientific researchers in the major health field., Jointly promote the development of targeted scientific research projects. This will promote the development of related disciplines of St. Joseph University. It aims to cultivate a doctorate in cell nutrition and health research, cooperate with scientific researchers to promote the teachers and friends of scientific researchers, so that these rich experienceExperts of scientific research capabilities have inherited experience and values to the new generation of researchers, and promoted the integration of Macau scientific researchers into the development blueprint of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area and the country.

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