Nearly 50 % of the proportion of communication in high school students in high school students should respond to more than 50 % of the laws and regulations

Japan has also faced various issues of the protection of the rights and interests of minors. Among them, the most interesting is the sexual cross -track behavior of minor girls who appeared in the 1980s and 1990s to participate in “assistance communication”.In order to purify the soil of minors and protect the sexual rights of minors, Japan mainly starts from measures such as sexual education, strict legal provisions, etc. to crack down on assistance in assistance.

After World War II, especially in the 1980s, with the recovery of the Japanese economy, the social environment around the minors has changed sharply. Social value has become increasingly diverse, and the sense of sexual consciousness of the people is becoming increasingly open.The flood of sexual reports represented by Japanese comics has exacerbated the development of sexual physiology and psychological psychology of minors, which has become premature, which makes the possibility of Japanese minor students’ sexuality.In the 1990s, under the influence of other factors such as economic bubbles and the rise of the Internet, Japan appeared in Japan to participate in the sexual cross -track behavior of “assistance communication”, and this behavior eventually shocked Japan.

“Assistance communication” refers to the sexual cross -track behavior of giving money or other real objects under the age of 18 (mainly junior high school students and high school students).In Japan, minor students have participated in assistance and communication behavior.According to Japanese media reports, the proportion of “assistance communication” in female middle school students is surprising. 32.3%of the senior high school girls have aid communication behavior, and high school female students are as high as 44.7%.

In order to purify the soil of minors, protect the sexual rights of minors, and reduce the negative impacts caused by assistance in the communication, Japan mainly combats the aid behavior of assistance from the development of sexual education and strict laws.

Japan paid attention to sexual education on minors early.Japan is one of the representatives of sex education in Asian countries.The development of Japanese post -war sex education has gone through the stage of pure education (from the beginning of World War II to the end of the 1960s), the stage of sex education (early 1970s to the 1980s), the development of sex education and maturity (after the 1990s)stage.

In Japan, the school is a major town of sexual education for minors.According to the provisions of the Ministry of Culture and Provincial Provincial Learning Guidance, in certain disciplines and subjects, sexual education is planned.When determining the educational goals and educational content of sex education in primary and secondary schools, we pay great attention to adapting to students’ physical and mental development and their characteristics.The sex education of minors in Japan is basically completed from elementary school, junior high school to high school. It has been carried out earlier and systematically. The content involved in sexual, reproduction, psychology, morality, society, etc., from low to high, progressing step by step; curriculum; curriculum; course;Rich types, focusing on adapting to students’ physical and mental development stage and their characteristics.In summary, the content of sex education in Japanese primary and secondary schools includes physical development, psychological development, interpersonal relationships between men and women, and social coordination with society.The “Species of the Sexual Education Guidance” written by the Japanese Sex Education Association explained the entire content of high school education from elementary school to high school education.Sexual education in Japan is not only rich in content, but also pays attention to methods and channels: in terms of specific methods, it is divided into collective guidance and individual guidance; in terms of pathway, it is divided into sexual learning and sexual guidance, following the minorThe law of physical and mental development.

The act of infringing the rights and interests of minors is a “high -voltage line” of law in Japan.Japan has stipulated in legislation to severely crack down and punish the act of infringing the rights and interests of minors.In response to the sharp increase in sexual squeezing and sexual abuse, the number of behaviors that provide pornographic items for children, Japan has formulated laws such as “Punishment on Children’s Penalty and Penalties for Children and Protection of Children”, “Protection Law of Sales Spring Prevention”EssenceAt the same time, in laws and regulations such as the “Japanese Criminal Code”, “Children’s Welfare Law”, and “Prevention of Children’s Law”, it also clearly stipulates punishment measures to infringe the rights of minors.

In response to the violation of the right to minors’ human rights, Japanese law has clearly punished the punishment, regardless of whether this sexual assault has been consent from minors.

In the field of children’s welfare, Japan has also formulated relevant single regulations to carry out comprehensive protection of minor human rights from different fields.The “Children’s Welfare Law” stipulates: “For sexual intercourse or other sexual -related behaviors with minors, a fine of 10 years or less than 500,000 yen in prison.”The sexual behavior of adults may be the act of infringing their sexual rights to infringe on their sexual rights.And start education on their parents and custodians.

In response to the mainly through the carrier of the network or mobile phone platform, the Japanese government has also carried out effective regulation.For example, Japan purifies the living environment of minors through active legislation.In order to ensure the security of minors’ Internet access, Japan successively promulgated the “Customs and Business of Customs and Business Adaptation Law” in 1998, the “Dating Dating Website Restriction Law” in 2003, and in 2009,Laws and regulations such as rectification of the Internet environment stipulate that website operators have the responsibility to prevent minors under the age of 18 from entering; forbid dating websites to publish information about “Hope Aid Communication”; Dating website must clearly show that the prohibition is clearly stated when advertising.For children’s use, websites are also obliged to convey information that children must not use, and take measures to confirm that users are not children.At the same time, it also provides detailed regulations on national and local public groups, industry management associations, telecommunications service providers, filtering software developers, network content service providers, private groups and minor guardians, etc.Therefore, it provides legal basis for managing dating websites on the Internet.These laws and regulations have also played a good effect. For example, in the first half of 2009, 265 people injured by dating websites were 25.6%from the same period last year.

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