Zhongxin Education 丨 The 83rd China Education Equipment Exhibition will hold "digital empowerment education" in Chongqing

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  China News Service, Chongqing, April 20 (Reporter Zhong Yan) From April 19th to 21st, the 83rd China Education Equipment Exhibition of Education Equipment Industry Association was held at the Chongqing International Expo Center.

  The exhibition is held in an online and offline fusion model, attracting more than 1,300 enterprises to appear with exhibits with exhibits, involving the entire industry chain of education equipment, and comprehensively covered the application scenarios of education at all stages.The reporter saw at the scene that around the digital transformation of education, a group of smart innovation products and solutions appeared in concentrated appearance.Education “New picture.

  HKUST Xunfei brought AI products and services covering the main scene of education. Focusing on the innovative application of Xunfei Fire model in the field of education, it set up eight major exhibition areas to bring an immersive viewing experience.

The picture shows HKUST Xunfei set up an exhibition area, bringing an immersive viewing experience to the public.HKUST News

  ”Please help me write about Chongqing’s poems.” In the Education Model Experience Area, a audience was asking “Li Bai”.As soon as the words fell, a song chanted in Chongqing Shanchuan scenery and interesting poems appeared on the screen.Yang Kang, general manager of HKUST Xunfei Chongqing Company, introduced that this is an inspiring quality classroom created by HKUST Xunfei using the Star Fire model and digital human technology, which allows Li Bai, Zhuge Liang, Einstein, Helen Keller and other historical celebrities and science masters”Entering” classroom, assisting teachers to answer the children’s curiosity in real time.

  Entering the intelligent teaching exhibition area, Xinghuo Teacher Assistant, Xinghuo Smart Classroom, Star Fire Micro Class and Classroom Analysis, Big Data Precision Teaching and other products have also attracted people to interact.”Please focus on the teaching design of the second unit of high school language around the theme of the” quality of the times and the spirit of craftsmanship “.” According to the audience’s requirements, the Xinghuo teacher assistant immediately generated a unit theme, teaching goals, and the requirements of new curriculum standards.The professional teaching design of the learning task group, and supports detailed editing and personalized modifications, greatly improving the efficiency of teachers’ lesson preparation.Yang Kang said that in the scene of teaching reflection, inspiration, student comments, class conference design, home visits and communication, it can also play a role and liberate teachers’ productivity.

  The teacher can quickly realize the full level and full -opening of the classroom lighting fixture on the mobile phone applet; according to the smart preschool education system, the children’s “teaching plan” and “today’s special needs” are all mastered …Lidaxin Digital Education Technology Co., Ltd. is the pioneer of educational eye protection lighting categories. In recent years, it has gradually expanded to the field of education based on the Education IoT. At present, it has successfully transformed into an educational digital product and solution provider.Xu Jianxing, deputy general manager of the enterprise, introduced that the company has built a three -dimensional educational digital product and plan through the creation of “Xingpan Digital Base” to empower the construction of regional education scenarios.

The picture shows the AI campus defense bullying system attracts people’s attention.Photo by Teacher Zhou

  ”Thousands of schools and thousands of faces, in the process of providing intelligent transformation for more than 15,000 schools, we are aware that building a unified digital base is essential.” Xu Jianxing said that through the digital base, the Internet of Things can communicate with the device layer, and to use the Internet of Things to connect the equipment layer, andDigital connecting the data layer and opening up each scenario process with Zhilian to realize the digitalization of education space, digitalization of education governance, and digital education.For example, for the campus bullying incident, the company launched the AI campus anti -bullying system.When the system receives keywords such as “fight” and “teacher is coming”, the alarm mechanism will be launched immediately to implement sound and light deterrence. At the same time, the audio and video will be automatically recording, and the alarm information will be pushed to the mobile phone mobile terminal of the management teacher in real time.Teachers can listen to the sound of the scene, conduct two -way intercom, and timely stop the continued occurrence of bullying behaviors to protect the personal safety of the child.

  The reporter was informed that according to incomplete statistics, there were 561 national high -tech enterprises participating in the exhibition, 32,4569 patents, and 71,845 software copyrights.

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