The Qingyan environment fell 4.53% of the listing of 516 million yuan at its peak in 2022

  China Economic Net, Beijing, April 25th. The Research Environment (301288.SZ closed at 13.06 yuan today, a decrease of 4.53%, and the total market value was 1.411 billion yuan. At present, the stock price is lower than the issue price. 

  The Qingyan Environment was listed on the GEM of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on April 22, 2022. The number of issued issues is 270.100 million shares. All of them are new shares issued publicly.19.09 yuan/share.  

  On the first day of the Qingyan environment, the opening was reported at 26.80 yuan, and the highest report was 42.88 yuan, which was the highest price since the listing of the stock. 

  The Qing Research Environment’s first publicly issued sponsor (main underwriter) in 2022 was CITIC Construction Investment Securities Co., Ltd., and the sponsor representatives were Xu Xinyue and Qiu Ronghui.The company raised a total amount of 515,600,900 yuan. The net fundraising funds raised after deducting the issuance costs were 443,349,900 yuan, which was 7,216,300 yuan than the original plan.The prospectus released by the company on April 18, 2022 shows that the company plans to raise funds of RMB 37,130,600 for the research and development and manufacturing base project of high -end environmental protection equipment in Qing Research in Guangdong and supplementary mobile funds. 

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