"Leading Cadre Forum" strengthens the control of the ecological environment zoning to comprehensively promote the construction of beautiful Gansu

【Leading Cadre Forum】
Strengthen the management and control of the ecological environment, comprehensively promote the construction of beautiful Gansu
Su Jun, Secretary of the Party Group of the Gansu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, Ge Jian Group, Ge Jian, Gansu Province
Recently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the “Opinions on Strengthening the Management of Ecological Environmental Districts” (hereinafter referred to as the “Opinions”), which systematically deployed the management and control of the ecological environment partition, and strictly observed the ecological protection red line and environmental quality bottom line2. Resource utilization is online, and scientifically guided various types of development and protection and construction activities provided action guidelines.We must adhere to the guidance of the Supreme Leader’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, especially the Supreme Leader’s ecological civilization, and accurately grasp the significance, overall requirements and task measures of strengthening the control of the ecological environment partition, and resolutely implement the “Opinions” to implement it so thatHigh -level protection promotes high -quality development, create high -quality life, and a beautiful Gansu, a builder and a harmonious coexistence of nature.
Improving the significance of deep understanding of the management and control of the ecological environment partition
The control of the ecological environment partition is an important practice in the new era to implement the thought of the highest leader’s ecological civilization.The control of the ecological environment partition clearly clearly clarifies the bottom line of the ecological environment through three red lines, and according to the characteristics of different regions of various places, compiles and implement the division of classification management and control strategies, realize refined management and control, and determine the important ecological ecology of the priority protection unit in the space and the “three zone, four belt” and other important ecology.The high degree of fit in the security barrier is not threatened and damaged to ensure the natural environment that we depend on survival and development, and the modernization of the builder and the harmonious symbiosis of nature is of great significance.
The control of the ecological environment partition is a major institutional innovation that implements the concept of ecological priority and green development.The control of the ecological environment partition control considering the complexity of the environmental elements, the integrity of the ecosystem, and the sustainability of economic and social development. With the overall environment of the same space, all environmental elements in the same space are included in the same space.The overall governance, at the same time connects with the strategy of the main functional area, the planning of land and space, and the management of environmental element management.Supporting scientific decision -making, planning preparation, optimizing productivity layout, and serving major national strategies provided a “green ruler”.
The control of ecological environment partitions is a key measure to improve the level of modernization of ecological environment.The control of the ecological environment partition is guided by optimizing the data management process and supporting service management decision -making. It comprehensively uses technical means such as big data fusion and geographical information system to strengthen information sharing and business collaboration.The transformation of an active management and control from the passive response to the management of the local micro -“one thing, one discussion” to the global coverage can not only serve the project accurately and quickly, but also effectively curb the “two highs and one low” project blindly on the horse, for green low -carbon high qualityDevelopment and more space can also fundamentally improve the efficiency of ecological environment governance, and promote the green and low -carbon transformation of the development mode of our province.
Precise policy coordinating the application of ecological environment partitions to control the application of landing
Adhere to ecological priority and green development.As an important ecological security barrier, energy base and the “Belt and Road” construction channel in the western region, Gansu shoulders important responsibilities and special mission.We must accurately grasp the new development stage, thoroughly implement the new development concept, and integrate the service into the new development pattern, adhere to the concept of green mountains and green mountains, and the road of ecological priority and green development.Guide, take the control of the ecological environment partition as the starting point, adjust and optimize the productivity layout, improve the land and space layout, industrial base layout, regional economic layout, urban construction layout planning and policies, and accelerate the formation of spatial pattern and industrial structure that saves resources and protect the environment., Production and lifestyle.
Focus on improving the quality and stability of the ecosystem.Strictly implement the requirements of ecological space control.Focusing on the red line of ecological protection, comprehensively use two means of natural recovery and manual repair, due to timely systems and division classification policies, accelerate the implementation of important ecosystem protection and restoration major projects, and improve the Yellow River, Yangtze River, and Hexi inland river basins.Ecological service functions such as water source cultivation.Improve the network of biological diversity.Improve the guidelines for the protection of priority areas such as Qinba’s biological diversity and ecological function zone, Qilian Mountain, Qinling and other biodiversity protection, promote the level of survey and early warning of biodiversity, implement a number of major projects of biodiversity protection, and actively lead the promotion of “Kunming -MontelierThe global biological diversity framework is implemented.Strengthen the monitoring and early warning of the changes in ecological systems such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, and deserts, and enhance the ability to adapt to ecological fragile areas and ecological sensitive areas.Comprehensively investigate key areas such as the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau ecological barrier areas, key ecological areas of the Yellow River, key ecological areas of the Yangtze River, and the northern sandwiches of the province, implement the requirements of differentiated management and control of environmental governance, and cooperate to promote the repair and improvement of the service functions of the damaged ecological system.
In -depth battle against pollution prevention.Strengthen the differentiated and coordinated management and control of the atmospheric division, comprehensively implement the continuous improvement of air quality, focus on key cities such as Lanzhou and Linxia, focus on reducing the concentration of fine particles, strengthen the research of regional transmission of air pollutants, and comprehensively consider the sensitivity of the spatial layout, and comprehensively consider the sensitivity of the spatial layout, and the sensitivity of the spatial layout, and the sensitivity of the spatial layout, and the sensitivity of the spatial layout, and the sensitivity of the spatial layout, and the sensitivity of the space layout, andFactors such as weak diffusion to improve the atmospheric environment management system.Strict sound environmental zoning control, guide the reasonable layout of large transportation infrastructure, industrial concentrated areas, and noise -sensitive buildings.We will deepen the management and control of the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, and the inland river basin, strengthen the management of important water ecological space, and vigorously promote the prevention and control of water pollution in the Weihe and Luo River Basin.The implementation of agricultural land classification management, adapt to local conditions to promote pollution arable land to implement safety use and risk control measures such as delineation of specific agricultural product specifications, retreating farmland, forests, and wetness.Encourage the delineation of key areas of groundwater pollution prevention and control, determine the distribution scope of protected areas, prevention and control areas, and governance areas, and implement groundwater pollution prevention and control partition management and classification prevention and control.Explore the implementation of surface water -groundwater and soil -groundwater pollution coordinated prevention and control, and clarify differentiated environmental management requirements such as environmental access, hidden danger investigation, risk control, and repair.
Deepen the use of the vitality in the activation of high -quality development of economy and society
Serving the country’s major strategy.Implement the strategy of ecological protection and high -quality development in the Yellow River Basin.Strictly control the access of the access, implement the requirements of the ecological environment access list, implement the division control and control of the basin, consolidate and enhance the water source cultivation function of the upper reaches of the Gannan Yellow River, and strengthen the industrial pollution, agricultural facial source pollution and agricultural face source pollution and agricultural face source pollution in Lanzhou, silver, Dingxi, Linxia, etc.The comprehensive management of life pollution has continued to improve the capacity of the Longdong Loess Plateau, such as Tianshui, Pingliang, and Qingyang.Implement the rural revitalization strategy.Coordinate ecological protection and rural development, continue to consolidate and enhance the advantages of rural ecological environment, strengthen the macro management and control of “three lines and one order”, improve the guidance and restraint mechanism of regional environmental assessment, planning environmental assessment and project environmental assessment, guide the reasonable layout of rural industries, build a beautiful countrysideEssence
Improve regional development advantages.Comprehensively promote the development structure of the ecological environment partition in the “one nuclear and three belt” regional development pattern and the Lanzhou -Baiyin Metropolitan area, the key city agglomeration of Tianshui, Jiuquan -Jiayuguan key city group, Pingliang -Qingyang key city group development application, give full play to the ecologyEnvironmental zoning management and control in the supporting role of the preliminary planning of the project, the implementation of the mid -term, and the later supervision, and the construction of major national infrastructure and strategic resource development of major national infrastructure and strategic resource development of transportation, water conservancy, power grids, energy, and minerals.Serving the “Four Four” operations and the “leading the lead and leading the head” action, strengthen the management of the key control unit of the ecological environment, strictly implement the relevant system requirements of high energy -consuming, high emissions, and low -level project management, in an orderly mannerWork to shape new advantages in regional development.
Help comprehensive green transformation.Highlight the implementation of the implementation of the ecological environment partition control in the industrial park, standardize and guide the development and construction behavior, and continue to optimize the adjustment of the industrial structure and energy structure.Encourage industrial parks and industrial agglomeration areas to meet the construction requirements of the green industrial parks, and carry out the overall transformation and upgrading of the overall transformation of agglomeration, greening, and linked ecological transformation.Vigorously promote the transformation and upgrading and clean production transformation of traditional industries such as petrochemical chemicals, steel, and building materials, and carry out compulsory clean production audits such as coal, thermal power, steel, coking, chemicals, colors, and “double super doubles”.Optimize the management of the ecological environment priority to protect the unit, expand the “green water and green mountains is the golden mountains and silver mountains” transformation path to expand ecological tourism, ecological agriculture, ecological animal husbandry, and forest and grass carbon exchange project development.With the “double carbon” as the starting point to explore the development of new models and build a new format, let new productivity inject new kinetic energy into the high -quality development of our province.

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