Dezhou Ecological and Environment Bureau launches 5.22 international biological diversity daily publicity activities

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On May 22, the Texas Ecological and Environment Bureau and the Tianyu New District Branch and Song Guantun Street Office launched the “May 22” international biological diversity daily publicity activities on Dongzi Cultural Street to introduce the development of biodiversity protection in our city.Popularizing the knowledge of protecting biological diversity, improving the public’s awareness of the importance of protecting biodiversity, calling on the society to protect the ecological environment and build a beautiful home.

The general public is actively participating in the protection and publicity of biological diversity

During the event, the staff explained to the public the basic concepts of biodiversity, the significance of protecting biological diversity, what the biodiversity can do, the basic situation of the biological diversity of Texas, and the basic situation of biological diversity.There are more than 110 small gifts, which improves the public’s awareness of biodiversity protection, and creates a strong atmosphere for the whole society to actively participate in biodiversity protection.At the event site, a biological diversity protection signature ceremony was held. Wang Yanliang, a third -level investigator of the Municipal Bureau, took the lead in signing on the theme board of “Biological Diversity You and I Participation”, practicing the concept of harmonious and natural harmony with nature, calling on citizens to consciously fulfill the citizen’s ecological environmentThe responsibility of protection, the surrounding people also signed it actively.

Wang Yanliang, a third -level investigator of the Municipal Ecological and Environment Bureau, signed,

Practice “Biological Diversity You and I Participate”

Citizens enthusiastically sign the “Biological Diversity You and I Participate”

Citizens receive environmental protection bags and publicity pages

Soil Ecological Environment Department 丨 Supply of Draft


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