What is the real exercise?What is the connotation of exercise?

There are many contents of exercise. Many people think that exercise is to run and walk, which is called exercise, which is actually not.Yun is an internal energy circulation (transportation), and movement is an external appearance change.If a person is just doing those external ones, for example, many people now go to the gym to jump, exercise with equipment, practice yoga, or play various balls. In fact, these have nothing to do with sports.If a person does not understand exercise, the result is to lose gas; if a person knows how to exercise, it will not only consume gas, but also keep your inner qi.

In fact, exercise is not called exercise when the body moves, but moves internally.You know how to breathe, so you know how to move.Just like many people practicing Tai Chi, in fact, if it is not a real exercise, it is useless to practice Tai Chi.In the foundation state, that level may have certain benefits to the body at the level, but in fact, the real Taiji movement is a very old inheritance, not to say that Cheng Jiagong’s Tai Chi, or Zhang Sanfeng’s Taijiquan, Zhang Sanfeng’s Tai Chi,no!

Among the inheritance of Fuxi Road, there is a score of Tai Chi left by King Zhou Wen, that is, there were Taijiquan boxing spectrum during the Shang and Week period, which was the oldest boxing score in China.But to be clear, the boxing notation does not represent the time of boxing, and it can only represent humans falling. I can’t remember it. I have to use words and pictures to describe it.Therefore, it is not to say that there is a boxing spectrum to have a fist. Puppets may be added to 2000 years, or 3,000 years, or even 5000 years, or even 10,000 years, are all possible.Boxing presence was just a description of that era, and there was no representativeness.


Therefore, the sports thing in China has long been a very complete system long ago. This comprehensive sports system includes all the “movements” that use “Yun” are inside.What we know now, like the five poultry dramas inside the Taoist family, the eight -section Jin, the 64 hexagram guide techniques of the upper and lower sixty -four hexagrams.Few people may listen to the 64th hexagram guidance, because the 64 hexagrams of the upper and lower sixty -four hexagrams have always been passed on the Mount Emei, and it is an internal passage of the Emei confrontation. In fact, it is still a sports method.EssenceThen like a boxing method, Taijiquan is also a way to move.

For so long exercise, what is the real exercise?What is the connotation of exercise?

Therefore, the real movement is absolutely different from what Volkswagen understands now.Basically, the first thing to do is breathing. When it comes to breathing, some people may directly say that anyone who can’t breathe will not be, and will not live for decades.However, there are many articles in breathing, and the Chinese have been very particular since ancient times.A kind of aerobic exercise from the West is currently popular. They breathe their breaths are chest breathing, and then they also say that our breath is called anaerobic exercise, saying that people who do more in anaerobic exercise will be unhealthy.Without strength.But in fact, if you breathe, as long as your chest comes together, your body is nervous and you can’t relax.If you always breathe with your chest, in addition to the stiffness of the whole body for a long time, there are coronary heart disease and cerebral thrombosis, which will lead to these diseases.

There is also a sentence in China called an empty chest, that is, when you breathe, your chest should be empty, loose, and lower.Some people always breathe in the above section, and there is no empty chest.What are the problems with people without empty chest?There will be thoughtful thoughts, emotions cannot be relieved, easy to get angry, and do not let it go naturally. They always want to do something on their own, and people who cannot empty their chests will appear these phenomena.After these phenomena, there will be escape, fear, and pursuing the enjoyment in front of you, and this mentality will appear.Impression, causing heart problems and causing breast problems. This is that they cannot be empty -chest, which may cause these diseases.So breathing is the first step. When you breathe well, the next step is only.The second step is Tuner, which is divided into guidance and transportation in Tuna; and exercise after guidance and transportation. This is the most basic.


We should pay attention every day, but we have lived for a lifetime and have never seen it.And there is no guidance, no luck, where is the real exercise?What the real movement brings us is the filling of the inner gas.If people can always be in a state of sports, work will appear very natural.If you can keep exercise at all times, the function will not decrease.Just like talking about Tai Chi, you say that you will move Tai Chi, that is very powerful, why is it great?That is to say, at least you have passed the breathing and vomiting.But if you can’t pass the breathing, you can practice Tai Chi, and then we will say that this is called Tai Chi exercise -the exercise of modern people, it is not exercise, it is very important.

For so long exercise, what is the real exercise?What is the connotation of exercise?

To be honest now, many people have not done their breath.For example, are you exhausted?Some people say that I am exhausted every time. If you take it seriously, you try to exhale once, and you find that you need to call intentionally before you can exhale.Do Chinese people say that they can suck?Why is it breathing and not breathing?Because it is exhaled first, and the call is not sucking, this is the basis of breathing.If you can’t pay attention to your call, it is difficult to sink all your breath, we should not underestimate or ignore these things.Because breathing is the foundation of life, no matter what you are, how old you live, as long as you have no breathing, your body will never be in a real healthy state.No matter how many years you have practiced Tai Chi, as long as you have no breathing, you are equal to Bai Lian.And not just these, including walking and sitting, you should adjust your own breathing.If you don’t adjust your breath, you will spend your breath when you walk and sit. Your gas will be consumed every day. When can you make up?

For a period of time for the correct breathing, there will be a variety of reactions. This different response is the normal response of the body.If you want to sleep, it means that there is a lack of rest; snoring indicates that some of the negative energy of the body’s inner body start to adjust; feel that the heartbeat is accelerated, it means that Renmai is a bit blocked; the shoulders are tight, which shows that there is cold in the bile meridian.Breathing can adjust the inner breath, adjust the breath in the meridians, and be able to enter a state of gradually moving to health. As long as you persist in practice every day, you can naturally adjust your breath for three months, and your body’s health will naturally come back.


Many people now say that life lies in exercise, you have the right way to breathe, and then gradually enter the correct exercise, whether life is exercise!Just like Taijiquan, those powerful martial arts masters in the past, really top masters, did not practice through breathing, and which one was practiced!After practicing the adjustment of breathing, the movement of the internal interest will be generated soon. After the internal and interest movement is generated, the inner movement of the inner movement is completely different from the power of muscle movement.Where is the same?The muscles are in a certain movement for a long time, it can be easily fatigue, just like sitting back pain for a long time, it is actually muscle fatigue.The exercise generated by internal interest is constantly increasing energy, and muscle movements are constantly consuming energy, which is different here.Therefore, the breathing adjustment is adjusted, and the problems of gradually have no problems.

Why do some kung fu masters fly out in a lightly description?Is he really so powerful?no!It’s just the role of internal interest.So whether it is Tai Chi, what fist, and what exercise, in fact, if you do n’t know how to do it, all these external exercises are packed and consuming vitality.Some people say that they have practiced boxing for a few years and feel very comfortable.That’s right, in the process of consumption, it will also adjust the channel to you, but you just consume the damage.Just like fitness, there will be a special body for a few years. If you see how much you practice fitness, you will not be able to save it.Therefore, the reminder during loss and the nourishment in the internal movement are two concepts.

For so long exercise, what is the real exercise?What is the connotation of exercise?

Like Lian Tai Chi, in fact, you don’t need a routine or a routine.The fundamentals of Taijiquan are actually very simple. It is a upstorm and a collection. It is basically here. In the upper and closed formulas, from the basic breathing to the movement to the movement, to the end to form a toneExpress.Then go up, and there are higher things, a movement can be practiced.A seemingly simple action, the starting and closing style of Taijiquan looks simple, but how many things in this interest raising have been high in three years.

Between the starting and closing formula, the internal and interest movement runs through.The internal interest movement, whether it is from the toe to the feet, to the ankle joint to the knee, to the inside and outside of the thigh, the motion of the puppet, and the anus lifting, the pitching of the pneumon, then the lift of each spine, and then the lifting of the spine, and thenIn the end, to the continuous movement of the whole breath, raising the movement, each action is promoted internally, and every point and every drop must be difficult.If the internal exercise does not start, how to do other moves?The so -called trick -style exercise, how can there be any move, there is no move, it is just a trajectory and regular movement in the internal movement.


Expressing intentions, inhalation unintentional, but in fact, this intention is wrong.Why?It means a kind of thought, it is wrong, it should be observed, and the view is not observed.There is a direct connection between viewing and looking at it, it is not intentional.If you say it, you can mobilize your thinking and lust, but the view is to stop thinking and stop the lust. It is two completely different concepts. This is the key to exercise.When people are watching, all activities are natural.Only in the viewing can gradually be full and the surplus can be achieved, and the purpose of operation can be achieved.With the use of your intentions, it often takes your breath and makes people unable to really exercise. This is the difference between viewing and meaning.Just like adjusting your breathing, watching the call is not observing, looking at it is not intentional.But the intention will make people nervous, and the view will go with it, and there will be no tension with it.

For so long exercise, what is the real exercise?What is the connotation of exercise?

Looking at it, looking at it is your own state, and looking at the body’s activity, it is called the view.So like a lot of Taoist temples call Taoism, why is it called Taoism?It is to keep the avenue view of Vientiane, depending on everything in the world, and viewing all the activities of this body.Therefore, in the process of internal interest regulation, the effect of breathing is gradually presented in the viewing.If you care about it, it will never be presented.

Just like when a master fights with people, he often sees this body against people, but he is completely in a state of watching.If you want to hit that person, you can’t hurt and move.But when he was in a state of view, the man often flew out as soon as he touched it, which was wonderful.It is definitely not possible to fight with people, but in a state of view, that is, lightly described.The other party will feel how this person is so strong, but it is actually loose and has no effort.It is often easy to make it easy or easy, and it seems to be naturally breathable, but it is unstoppable to block it on the person. This is the power of exercise.

If a person’s movement has such a powerful force, it means that he is very powerful from the perspective of the body, from a person’s perspective, and his inside.Most people can’t do so powerful because they are restrained, not entering the state of real views, and not really entering the state of movement.There is a higher barking behind the exercise, and the power of interest is more powerful.If there is no exercise, it will not be able to reach the interest. How powerful is the power of interest?The power of interest is so powerful or inside. In short, for example, a fruit has just sprayed pesticides or urging alcohol, which is poisonous, but through the role of interest, these things can be transformed.Things will become non -toxic, and this interest is the basis of sacrifice.But now there is no one who has practiced a real practice. It is difficult.But you can practice your breath and your body is fine.

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