[Following the Footstelling of the Pioneer] Li Dazhao | Strive to play the "Song of Youth" of the Chinese Communist Movement

[Global Network Reporter Bao Yanyan Intern Reporter Wang Qiqi] Open the vast archive scroll to review the party’s glorious journey.On May 8th, the second stop of the second stop visit event of the “Pursuit of Footwar Footsteps”, the second stop of the next visit event, the Beijing Station was officially launched.It is reported that more than 30 people from related media and photographers participated in the event. At the centennial birthday of the Communist Party of China, we remember the glory footprints of the revolutionary ancestors and firmly inherit the great belief of red genes.

This event was jointly guided by the Cyber Social Work Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Office of the Network Social Work Bureau, the Ministry of Retired Military Affairs, the Revolutionary Cultural Relics Department of the State Administration of Cultural Relics, the Office of the National Archives Bureau, and the Communist Youth League Central Propaganda Department.Hosted and sponsored by the Internet Information Office of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee.

The interview group came to the Beijing Archives and visited a number of exhibitions such as “Broadcasting Fire -Li Dazhao Revolutionary Activity Archives Historical Materials Exhibition” and other exhibitions.Wind.”Broadcasting -Li Dazhao Revolutionary Activities Archives Historical Materials Exhibition” is based on Comrade Li Dazhao’s life and revolutionary activities as the main line. He comprehensively demonstrated and reviewed Li Dazhao as the earliest communicator of Marxism in China, one of the main founders of the Communist Party of China, and the heroic heroic heroic.The great achievements of dedication of the pioneers.

Marxism’s earliest communication in China

After returning to China in 1916, Li Dazhao went to Peking University as the director and professor of economics, and participated in the work of the editorial department of the New Youth Magazine.He actively devoted himself to the New Culture Movement, publicized the spirit of democracy and science, criticized the old etiquette, old morality, and fought fiercely against the feudal stubborn forces, becoming a general of the new cultural movement.The article “Youth” calls on the youth to “make up the history of history, clean up the accumulation of history, build the lives of the new nation, and restore the youth of the nation.”

In November 1917, the October Revolution broke out in Russia and sent Marxism to China, which is internal and external.The victory of the Russian October Revolution made Li Dazhao’s encouragement. He continuously published articles and speeches such as “The Views of the French Revolution”, “The Victory of the People” and “The Victory of Bulsphviism”.Land prediction: “Try to see the future Global, it must be the world of red flags!”

In the process of promoting the October Revolution, Li Dazhao changed from a patriotic democrat to a Marxist, and then became the earliest Marxist communicator in my country.In order to study and study Marxism more systematically, in March 1920, Li Dazhao, then director of Peking University Library, initiated the establishment of the Marxology Research Society of Peking University, which was “the purpose of studying the writings of Marx”, and establishedThe library room “Kang Muyi Zhai” stored in Marxist books.”Kang Muyi” is a German transliteration, which means communism.

One of the main founders of the Communist Party of China

In early 1920, revolutionary families such as Li Dazhao began to discuss the establishment of a proletarian party in China.In the autumn of the same year, he led the establishment of the Communist Party of Beijing and the Beijing Socialist Youth League, and actively promoted the establishment of a nationwide Communist Organization.

On November 17, 1921, the “Introduction to the Marxism Studies Research Association” published in the “Peking University Daily” was published, publicly announced the existence of the Marxology Research Society of Peking University.A lecture on “Marx Economics” was announced, which was a portrayal of their activities.This is the first public lecture on the research association. The speaker is Li Dazhao.Members of the Research Association have promoted further in -depth spreading Marxism by collecting, organizing, translating Marxist works, and conducting extensive study and research, holding public lectures and performances.By February 1922, the members of the Research Association had increased to 63, and the colleges and universities in Beijing had established such organizations. Many young people sowned the Marxist revolutionary fire in the hearts of many young people.The interview delegation deeply felt the mission and responsibility of the revolutionary ancestors in the struggle of the Communist Party of China, and assumed the mission and responsibility in the development of national revitalization countries.

After the founding of the Communist Party of China, Li Dazhao guided the work in the north on behalf of the Party Central Committee, propagated Marxism in the major regions of the north, carried out the worker movement, and established party organizations.From 1922 to 1924, he was entrusted by the party and ran between Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou to help Sun Yat -sen reorganize the Kuomintang and make a significant contribution to the establishment of the united front of the first national and Communist Party.

Dedicate a pioneer for revolutionary heroic

On April 6, 1927, Li Dazhao was arrested and jailed in Beijing. On April 28, Li Dazhao stepped onto the twisted rack and calmly righteous.Due to the turmoil of the situation, Li Dazhao’s coffin stopped for six years.In 1933, Li Dazhao’s public burial ceremony was held under the arrangement of the Northern Party organization of the Communist Party of China.In the photo, Li Dazhao’s Lingtang was arranged extremely simple and solemn, and all kinds of couplets and wreaths were surrounded by the door. Sad people standing quietly outside the Zhejiang Temple.At the age of 20, Liu Daisheng, a student at Peking University, was in the team of the burial.Director Liu’s classmate He Yan took a picture of the danger of life and transferred to Liu Dao Sheng to save it.In 1937, Beiping fell, and Liu Dao Sheng hid photos and some progressive books in the soil cave of the dung people in Xuanwu Gate.This collection is 12 years. It was not until the nation’s liberation that Liu Dao Sheng retrieved these photos.

During his lifetime, Li Dazhao wrote “Iron Shoulder Dharma, Miao Ming Articles”, and this has also become a true portrayal of his revolutionary life.Mr. Lu Xun once evaluated Li Dazhao: “His legacy will live forever, because this is the inheritance of the pioneer, the monument in the history of the revolution.”

Looking back at the century -old history of the party, Li Dazhao’s revolutionary spirit inspired generations of Chinese children to go and go, and dedicated to the cause of the Chinese revolution, construction and reform, and turned his ideal of struggle into reality.The historic leap in the rich, with the spirit of infinite loyalty to the party and the country, the spirit of courage to the historical mission, and the spirit of selfless dedication to the people, and invested in the new journey of fighting for a comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country. This isThe deepest and sincere commemoration of Comrade Li Dazhao.

In the precious historical materials of one by one, in the historical look back, the interview group and his party deeply experienced the persistence of Marxist “practicing what he believed and inspiring his knowledge”, realized the original mission of the Chinese Communist Party’s century, and the blue wrapping of the century -old road.The foundation of the foundation.

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