Olympic Qualification Series · Shanghai is being staged. How can athlete food safety be guaranteed?Look together →

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According to the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, from May 16th to 19th, the Olympic Qualification Series · Shanghai is intense and fierce in Huangpu Binjiang World Expo Park.What’s the difference between athlete food safety guarantee?See

The athlete’s diet not only has strict requirements in terms of nutritional matching and quantity quality, but also has a lot of differences in food safety as the average person.Food safety guarantee for major events must ensure that no food safety accidents occur, but also to ensure that there is no food -based stimulant incident.What are the differences?

Food safety testing is more refined, and the implementation of the “five specialty” management of food raw materials!

The implementation of the food and raw materials of the athletes of this event, the full traceability and closed -loop management of the food raw materials, and the approval inspection before the procurement. The detection methods of some testing items are more sensitive and accurate. 162 of the six types of ingredients including pigs, cattle, sheep, and egg milk involved in the athletes of the athletes areSample increased 60 food -based stimulants project testing.During the protection period, the implementation of the qualified food raw materials implementation area management, special library storage, special account records, special logos, and special job processing. Once it is found that it is not a raw material in the directory, it will be immediately ordered to stop using, emergency inspection, and timely disposal.

The recipe review is stricter, and pepper, pepper, etc. are banned!

Food -based stimulants mainly include two categories: one is naturally existed in the process of food from production to processing; the other is the disabled in food in the process of intentionally added in the process.In order to prevent the first type of stimulant, the team has strictly reviewed the athlete’s menu, including ingredients and ingredients to eliminate risks from the source.48 common kitchen raw materials such as pepper, pepper, lotus seeds and lotus seeds, and Shakya fruits for cooking are prohibited from being used at the beginning of the recipe review.The above -mentioned different ingredients may contain different athletes to disable stimulants.For example, pepper and peppercorns are prohibited from ingredients to Awu pill -alkali.The 碱 药 alkali is the β2 agonist category in the stimulant list. The β2 agonist type substance has the effect of expanding the airway and accelerating the heart rate.From the perspective of sports science, it can improve the aerobic capacity.

The food retention time is longer, 25 days far exceeding the conventional!

In order to ensure that the athlete’s diet can be traced, and once the athlete’s suspicious food safety or stimulants investigation and tracking needs, the food retention of the event is different from the regular food retention method.The sample time is extended from the conventional 48 -hour to 25 days. The first 48 hours of refrigeration was stored and the subsequent frozen preservation was preserved.

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