The spring community health movement here is full of vitality, let’s take a look together

2 min read

The sunny sun is moist, which is the time of fitness.On the afternoon of April 29, the Xiaokunshan Town Cultural and Sports Service Center launched a unique and lively community health sports meeting, which attracted more than 50 residents of different ages to participate in each community.

At the event site, the sound of cheering came one after another, and the atmosphere was very warm.”Hu Huhuhoo …” Where is this sound?It turned out that the balloon game began. I saw that the players were drumming their cheeks. Some of them closed their eyes, some frowned, and some widened their eyes. They had different expressions and were very interesting.”I got the first place in the balloon game today. It took 1 minute and 06 seconds in the 6th balloon. I usually have the habit of exercising my body, so I have a better lung volume.” Ms. Chen who just finished the game and said with a smile.

The cheering sounds of this side continued, and there was a dynamic and relaxed music sound. With the blessing of music, the players of the Hulai game were boiling.They twisted flexibly or thick or thin waists, and Hulu circularly turned flying lightly.The entire scene laughs and laughs, and its joy is melted.There is also a pot game and kicking azo. The players are full of spirit and aspirations.

“By carrying out this event, residents who usually only go into the harmonious ‘community circle’ in a harmonious ‘community circle’ in the” Family Circle “activity can be trained through different parties of the body.Lu Jiani, the person in charge of the Green State Center, said, “Next, we will continue to carry out some forms of fitness activities of various forms

Text, picture: Zhang Yiming

Edit: Wang Zhengyang

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