AI+astronomy, Shanghai scientists lead the international team to achieve breakthrough results

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Recently, the international team led by Researcher Ge Jian, Shanghai Academy of Sciences Shanghai Academy of Sciences through artificial intelligence’s deep learning method to conduct a weak signal search and data analysis of the Star Spectrum data released by the International Sloan Sky Paramembra.The neutral carbon absorbers in the key probe of the air -conditioned cloud blocks in the early galaxy of the universe.

The analysis of the research team found that early in the early period of about 3 billion years of the universe (the current age of the universe has been about 13.8 billion years), these early galaxies carrying neutral carbon absorbers have passed rapid physics and chemical evolution.Enter the state of physical and chemical evolution between the Damai Zhelun dwarf and the Milky Way.Related research results were published on May 15, 2024 in the international astronomical journal “Royal Astronomy Monthly”.

Studying air -conditioning and dust is essential for understanding galaxy formation and evolution.The air -conditioning is mainly composed of hydrogen in molecular and atomic forms, and is a raw material formed by star.By observing these air -proof ingredients, astronomers can track the “fuel” of stars and understand how galaxies accumulate material over time.Although the dust accounts for only a small part of the total galaxy quality, it plays an important role in the interstellar media. By absorbing, scattered, and re -radiating the star light, it affects the thermal balance and chemical properties of the interstellar media.Therefore, studying air -proof and dust for astronomers to understand the drastic changes from “initial assembly” to the period of star formation, and to provide key means to provide a key means to the entire galaxy life cycle in the later period of evolution.

If you want to study air -gas and dust, you need a probe.As an important probe for the formation and evolution of galaxies, the neutral carbon absorbing body is very weak and extremely scarce. It needs to be found in a large amount of star -like spectrum data. This is like catching needles in the sea.It takes a lot of time using the traditional search method, and there will be more fake signals found at the same time, and it is easy to miss some weak signals.

The research team uses artificial intelligence in deep learning methods. The gained neutral carbon absorbing sample is nearly twice the largest number of previous samples, and more weaker signals have been successfully detected than before.

This study found that independent verification has recently detected new discoveries of carbon dust similar to diamond -like diamonds in the earliest stars of the universe in the universe, which indicates that the evolution of some galaxies is much faster than expected.Model.

Ge Jian said: “If you want to use artificial intelligence to dig a major new discovery in a large amount of astronomical data, you need to develop an artificial intelligence algorithm that needs to develop innovation so that you can find these difficult to find these in traditional ways.Rare and weak signal. “

Author of this article: Huang Haihua

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