2024 science fiction science science scientists spiritual movie National science popularization venue tour activity launched

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 25th (Reporter Wen Jinghua) On the 25th, the national science science venue patrol event of “Light and Shadow Science Dream” science science science science science science science science science and science scientists in 2024 was launched in the Beijing China Science and Technology Museum, which will continue until December 31.During the event, dozens of science fiction, science and science and scientists spiritual film will be toured simultaneously in 65 science venue special effects theaters across the country.
According to reports, the patrol films include 6 science -popularia films such as “Panda Legend: Kiss of Black Hole”, 14 popular science films including “Mars Mission”, “Yang Zhenning: The Road to Centennial Science”, and 6 domestic scientists, and 6The Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Sciences, the “Elderly Scientist Spirit” series of micro -films, 27 Chinese Science and Technology Museum “Light Science Dreams” series and “scientific idol” series of scientists spiritual micro -film.Through innovative methods and artistic expression, these films show the spiritual style of Chinese scientists to explore scientific truth and climb the peak of science and technology, and convey the important value of scientific exploration to the progress of human society.
巡映活动由中国科技馆联合中国自然科学博物馆学会、全国科幻科普电影放映联盟共同组织开展,旨在联合全国科普场馆,让科幻、科普、科学家精神电影走近全国观众尤其是青少年,为提升公民Scientific literacy contribution.The event has been held for 5 consecutive years, with a total of more than 11,800 films and 749,000 public public.
Source: Xinhuanet

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