Yanjin Shop: Actively practice the "double carbon" strategy and build a new format for the development of the leisure food industry

In the context of the global ESG (environment, society, governance) sustainable development, through the integration of ESG concepts into business strategy and investment decisions, companies can gain better environmental protection and social reputation and improve competitiveness.

Securities Star ESG Research Team noticed that as a leisure food independent manufacturing enterprise, Yanjinpu continued to improve the management architecture of the environment, society and governance (hereinafter referred to as ESG), integrating the ESG concept into the development strategy and daily operations, and ensuring the continuous and effective ESG work.Carry out to lead development with correct values, risk, and development concept.

Company governance, solid and steady development

Good corporate governance is the cornerstone of the company’s achievement of sustainable development.As an independent manufacturing enterprise of leisure food, Yanjinpu is highly valued by corporate governance, always adhered to high standards and strict requirements, continued to maintain high -quality information disclosure, and actively returned investors.

During the development of Yanjinpu, Yanjinpu implements the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing, based on the actual development needs of the company, and formed a governance structure composed of shareholders’ meetings, boards, and supervisors.Management jointly constructs a clear division of labor, mutual cooperation, and check -of -balance operation mechanism to ensure the scientific and legitimacy of decision -making.

The company’s board of directors has a strategic development committee, audit committee, nomination committee, and compensation and assessment committees. It is responsible for review and decision -making of major issues of the company, which has enhanced the professionalism and effectiveness of the company’s governance.The Supervisory Board exercises the power of supervision independently to ensure the compliance and transparency of the company’s operation.

Yanjinpu attaches great importance to internal control construction. Based on the internal control rules and regulations such as the “Internal Audit System”, an effective internal control system has been established, and risk management is strengthened through audit activities to ensure the company’s stable operation.At the same time, the company focuses on information disclosure management to ensure the authenticity, accuracy, completeness, timely, and fairness of the information, which maintains the right to know the right to know and decide on investors.

In terms of investor relations management, the company maintains close communication with investors through various channels, such as regular reports, performance descriptions, and investor online collective reception day activities, etc., to increase the company’s transparency and credibility.The company also pays special attention to the legitimate rights and interests of small and medium investors. By hosting investor exchange activities, the understanding and trust between the company and investors have been enhanced.

In addition, Yanjin Puzi adheres to the mutual promotion of party building and enterprise development, transforms party and state planning requirements into specific actions, and gives full play to the leading role of party building.The company’s party committee has organized various activities, such as the Red Half Marathon, and the volunteer service of party members, promoted the red tradition, inherited the spirit of the revolution, and enhanced the company’s team cohesion.

Yanjinpu continuously optimizes the organizational structure, builds a business group system, strengthens the supply chain management mechanism, and forms a systematic potential energy.It lays a solid foundation for the company’s sustainable development.

Protect the environment and promote sustainable development

Yanjinpu attaches great importance to the impact of its own production and operation on the environment. It adheres to the environmental management of “people -oriented, continuous improvement, green environmental protection, health and safety”.

In order to implement the environmental protection policy and goals, the company has formulated a detailed environmental protection assessment system.According to the principles of territorial management, the company actively generates pollutants as the main responsibility of environmental protection, and combines the reward and punishment mechanism to improve employees’ attention to environmental work.In 2023, Yanjinpu’s environmental protection investment was 4.218 million yuan.

In terms of energy management, Yanjinpu set the goal of energy conservation and emission reduction, and through the implementation of the energy data information management system and other projects, it exceeded the goal of decline in energy consumption, saving significant revenue.In 2023, the company formulated the energy management target of 10% of the energy management target on the basis of the cumulative energy consumption of energy in 2022. As of the end of the reporting period, the decline exceeded 11.51%, which exceeded the target.

At the same time, Yanjinpu pays attention to the reasonable use and protection of water resources, and effectively improves the efficiency of water resources by adopting water -saving technology and equipment.The company introduces advanced water treatment equipment and successfully realizes the recycling of water in the water of Monaco 3rd Workshop No. 3. It can save 28,000 tons of water per year.

In terms of waste management, Yanjin Shop has strictly controlled the wastewater, waste gas, solid waste and hazardous waste generated in production and operation to ensure the compliance disposal of waste and the recycling of resources.The company has invested and constructed sewage treatment stations, and through technical upgrades, ensuring the stable and standard discharge of wastewater.

Yanjinpu also actively responded to the country’s call on the construction of green production and ecological civilization. Through the environmental impact assessment of the reconstruction and expansion projects, public pollutants discharge and the operation of pollution prevention facilities, and accepted social supervision.In addition, the company also carried out emergency management and drills of emergencies, which improved the ability to respond to environmental risks.

Through these actions, Yanjin Shop has not only realized the sustainable management of the environment in its own operations, but also made positive contributions to the green transformation and sustainable development of the entire food industry, showing the sense of social responsibility and future vision of the enterprise.

Multi -party cooperation, work together to develop the future

The wind and rain and rain are working hard, and Chunhua Qiu is full of Tingfang.Yanjinpu shows an open attitude and a win -win concept in terms of cooperation in various parties. It is committed to establishing a mutually beneficial and win -win cooperation relationship with suppliers, universities, and industry companies to jointly promote the sustainable development and progress of the industry.

In terms of supplier management, Yanjinpu adheres to the principles of “green procurement” and “sunlight procurement”, and formulates a complete set of supplier management systems, including supplier evaluation, admission, training, optimization and improvement, etc., to ensure the supply of supplyThe environmental protection and efficiency of the chain.The company has established long -term stable cooperative relationships. Through technical training and support, it helps suppliers to improve the quality of products and services and achieve common growth.

In terms of industry -university -research cooperation, Yanjinpuzi made full use of its own advantageous resources to jointly carry out projects such as technical research and development, talent training, and laboratory construction with the cooperation model of universities and research institutions to help the company’s business technology development and the win -win situation.The company has established cooperative relationships with well -known universities such as Wuhan University of Technology and Tianjin University, accelerated the transformation and industrialization process of scientific and technological achievements, and enhanced the company’s technological innovation capabilities.

In terms of industry cooperation, Yanjinpuzi actively participated in industry associations and forums, communicating and cooperating with outstanding corporate experts in the industry, not only setting up channels for communication information, expanding network networks, but also helping the company to break through the bottleneck and develop rapidly.The company also led the formulation and revision of a number of national standards, local standards and group standards, and promoted the standardization of the industry.As of the end of 2023, the company led or participated in the formulation / revision of 7 national standards, 3 local standards and 6 group standards.

In addition, Yanjinpu pursues open and fair employment guidelines, continuously improves employee employment, salary, development, rights protection system and occupational health and safety management system, and create a harmonious workplace environment for employees.The company also actively participates in social public welfare activities, supports public welfare undertakings such as education, poverty alleviation, and disaster relief through donating funds and supplies, and shows the social responsibility and love of the enterprise.

Through these multi -party cooperation measures, Yanjin Shop has not only enhanced its core competitiveness, but also made positive contributions to the sustainable development of the industry and the performance of social responsibility.With an open mind, the company joined hands with all partners to open up a better future.


Yanjin Shop ESG Practice and Highlights in response to the concerns of investors fully show the practice and effectiveness of Yanjin Shop in terms of social responsibility.The low price is as low as possible to provide consumers with the persistence and pursuit of safe, delicious and healthy brand snacks. “

Looking forward to the future, Yanjin Shop will, as always, attach importance to corporate governance, further optimize the governance structure, continuously improve the governance system, continue to improve the quality and standardized operation level of the company’s information disclosure, continue to strengthen strategic leadership, adhere to innovation -driven, focus on value creation, stimulate internal vitality forces, Condense the combination, steadily seek progress, pragmatic and dedicated, and continuously promote the high -quality development of listed companies!

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