Fortune telling is "superstition", "unscientific", why does it spread for thousands of years without falling?

4 min read

Le’er knew that many people would disagree with me as science, especially some people were fooled by rivers and lakes, and they thought that fortune -telling was deceptive.

Indeed, every sentence in the fortune teller is not necessarily correct, and the errors may even be many, and there are many scammers.

Moreover, it is not enough to be convincing for those reasoning.

However, just like most science, it is completely correct.

It is Einstein’s theory of relativity, and there are also defects, but this does not prevent us from considering that the theory of relativity is science. We also have sufficient reasons to believe that fortune -telling is science.

Of course, the scientificity of the fortune -telling is first manifested in its practice test.

As of now, a science that has been passed down for thousands of years of fortune -telling has been passed down without signs of decline, which is a strong proof.

Corresponding to this, all kinds of scientific sciences that have disappeared in history can be described as sweaty.

Le’er’s own personal practice also proves that what is calculated according to fortune telling sometimes is sometimes accurate to even unbelievable me!

The scientific nature of the fortune -telling is still manifested:The results calculated based on different fortune telling are often amazing.

There are many types of fortune -telling in ancient China. Among them, the more famous ones are four pillars, Zhouyi Liuyi, Lagerstroemiaders, the number of iron plate gods, Qimen Jiajia, facial phase, and hand -likeThey create different people’s hands, and the algorithms are very different, but they use four pillars, six, and Ziwei to calculate the same thing the same person, but find that the results are always similar!

If these three fortune telling is unscientific, their way of pushing life is ridiculous, then how can they always infer the same result according to these three ridiculous fortune telling?

in addition,Fortune telling is a bit mysterious. Many people do not understand. We often regard what we cannot understand as unscientific, which hinders our understanding of these things.

In fact, like any science, if you do not learn, you may have a sense of mystery, but when you learn to understand, there is no such feeling, and so is the fortune telling.

Among the four pillars, sheep blades are one of the most common fierce evils,Diwang expressed extremely prosperous, so why is there such a evil star such as sheep blades in the prosperous position?

This is the “things that must be reversed” that people often say.

The theory of all things of yin and yang is very evil and regret.

In fact, every basic concept in fortune telling, behind each pushing basis, contains a deep philosophy of life.

In other words, the numerology in fortune -telling is actually a matter of personnel, and the heavenly way it contains is actually humanity.

Another scientific nature of calculation is also even more amazing that fortune telling can always be awareness, reasoning, and conceptualization of these personnel, and then use yin and yang five elements, dry branches, numbers, symbols, pictures, etc.They are linked. Therefore, the fate and ending of the people who seem to be unsatisfactory can be predicted by calculation.

Although the basis of these connections is often confusing, these connections are still reasonable. As long as you realize a little, the scientific understanding of fortune telling will be a little deeper.

What is science?It is a system that is based on testable interpretations and an orderly knowledge that predicts the form of objective things.

The forms and organizations here are manifested as concepts, axioms, theorems, and data, symbols and graphics.

Therefore, fortune -telling is a science that integrates philosophy and natural sciences. It has scientifically scientific philosophy in many cases, and it is preceded by the science of physics and chemistry.

In fact, in the Enlightenment movement, there was a “middle school west” campaign. Chinese science brought back by missionaries such as Matteo Riccius, which had a huge impact on Modern Western scientists such as Newton and Leibniz.Also among them.

The study of modern life gene has told us that a person’s personality, appearance, height, and when will he get diseases, when death, etc. are determined in innate genes.

Then, from the perspective of the sciences we have recognized, the calculation of the fortune -telling of the fortune -telling is not absurd and uncomfortable;

Moreover, the existence of many people who have confirmed science have also showed that destiny does exist, and the calculation of fate is not unparalleled.

Just modern scienceNeed to go through complex monitoring,And our calculationsFate is much simplerEssence

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