Primary and secondary schools ushered in a new role -how to answer the question of scientific education and law

& emsp; & emsp; starting from this semester, the Guoshuwen Experimental Primary School where the first -year elementary school student Chen Yidhang is located has added a “little Edison” lesson every Friday.In Chen Yidang’s eyes, the vice president of science is like “Doraemon”, which can always change all kinds of tools and take him to discover the magical scientific mysteries.

& emsp; & emsp; in order to implement the spirit of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership about the important instructions of scientific education and plus law in the education of the “dual minus”, “school leaders or appointment experts and scholars as vice presidents of science” were written into 2023 in 2023The Opinions on Strengthening the Science Education Work of Primary and Middle and Middle Schools in the New Era in the 18th department of the Ministry of Education in May.

& emsp; & emsp; Under the guidance of this document, the vice presidents of science in various places have taken office.”Little Aisheng” is exactly the first courses of the first hundred scientific vice presidents in Wenzhou, Zhejiang.

& emsp; & emsp; how do you be a new role in the vice president of science and what challenges do you encounter?What changes will they bring to science education?A reporter from the Science and Technology Daily conducted an investigation and interview.

& emsp;& emsp; scientific education plus law urgently need to break the problem

& emsp; & emsp; On March 18, Liu Yong, a researcher, doctoral supervisor, Chinese Aerospace Science Ambassador of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, more new identity — vice president of science in Nanchang Three Store Elementary School in Nanchang, Jiangxi.

& emsp; & emsp; Liu Yong took the letter of appointment, a group of children looking forward to the “scientific gift package” were sitting on the stage.The light in their eyes was exactly the same as Liu Yong’s children during the popular science activities in Guangxi many years ago.

At that time, at that time, Liu Yong and the staff of the Guangxi Science and Technology Museum walked through the curved mud road and came to the most remote equal town in the autonomous counties of Longsheng Autonomous County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region for popular science.

& emsp; & emsp; A child opened his eyes widely and asked: “Are you really a doctoral?” Liu Yong nodded: “Of course, many of the doctoral students I brought have graduated.” The child stretched out his black little hand and held him with him.Holding and saying excitedly: “I have never seen a PhD, you are the first” real “Dr.” Dr. ‘. “

& emsp; & emsp; “This sentence has deeply touched me -how many children who have not seen doctors have?” Liu Yong told reporters that children in remote areas are eager to learn scientific knowledge, but they lack to guide them on the scientific road.Professional teachers.

& emsp; & emsp; This year’s National Two Sessions, Zhang Dadong, deputy to the National People’s Congress and the president of Xin’an Elementary School in Huai’an City, Jiangsu Province, suggested that the schedule of scientific teaching teachers still exists, and scientific teachers from liberal arts teachers are not uncommon. Teachers’ professional knowledge and practical abilityThere is still insufficient.

& emsp; & emsp; In addition to the insufficient full -time teachers, the current science class of primary and secondary schools is still facing difficulties such as the prominent tendency of exam -oriented education and the inquiry of teaching in the form of experiments.

& emsp; & emsp; This year’s National Two Sessions, the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive mentioned in a proposal to do a good job of youth science education, on the one hand, students have less opportunities for practical practice, and the phenomenon of “experimenting on blackboards” is more common.Children often watch videos, back experiments, or listening to teachers to talk about experiments, painting experiments.”Talking on the paper” teaching has led students to the overall expected value of students in science -related occupations.According to the results of the quality monitoring of national compulsory education in 2020, only 0.3%of the eighth grade students in the country expect to become scientific and technological research and development and assistant professionals.

& emsp; & emsp; On the other hand, the supply of high -quality scientific education services is serious.In 2023, the “Primary and Middle School Student Science Interesting Project” found that primary and secondary school students accounted for more than 60%of primary and secondary school students who have not participated or participated in scientific after -school services, and in some regions even about 75%.

& emsp; & emsp; science education in primary and secondary schools is a strategic project.In recent years, major developed countries in the world have attached great importance to scientific education in primary and secondary schools, and have used important measures to cultivate top innovative talents and enhance national strategic scientific and technological forces.The United States promulgated a series of bills such as the United States Competitiveness Law to advocate providing fair and quality STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education for all students;Plan 2.0; Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia and other countries have also implemented similar measures to strengthen scientific education in primary and secondary schools.

& emsp; & emsp; In this context, how to do a good job of scientific education plus law has become a major proposition in front of schools and education departments.Some places have begun to explore and introduce high -quality out -of -school scientific resources represented by scientists, activate students’ curiosity, imagination, exploration desire, and strive to sow the seeds of science in children’s hearts.

& emsp; & emsp; In October 2017, the first batch of appointment ceremony of vice presidents of science and technology education in Yantian District, Shenzhen, hired 16 scientific research backbones and top experts from Huada Gene as the first batch of vice presidents of Yantian District.

& emsp; & emsp; Since 2019, Huairou District, Beijing has successively hired 43 professors, researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and engineers from high -tech enterprises as the vice president of the primary and secondary schools, and achieved full coverage of regional primary and secondary schools.

& emsp; & emsp; more and more scientists enter the campus as the “vice president of science”.Earlier this year, Zhejiang Province organized 1,000 scientists as the vice president of science of primary and secondary schools; Baohe District, Hefei City, Hefei City, Anhui Province announced that all primary and secondary schools in the district were equipped with vice presidents of science;Science and technology workers in technology companies are the vice president of science …

& emsp; & emsp; Vice President of Science enters the campus office lectures to provide training support for school scientific teachers or guide school science education, so that the school has tasted “sweetness”.Wei Min, secretary of the Party Branch of the Innovation Experimental School of Longhua District, Shenzhen, said that scientists have become the vice president of science in primary and secondary schools, which will help to solve the problems of scientific courses and explore the form of form, and explore more feasible paths for scientific education in primary and secondary schools.

& emsp; & emsp; “Vice President of Science will play an important role in scientific education.” From the perspective of Dr. Huang Qiong, the Institute of Curriculum and Teaching of the Chinese Academy of Education, the vice president of science can build a bridge between the cutting -edge scientific development and basic education to promote the promotionThe integration of resources between primary and secondary schools and scientific research units provides good scientific education resources for young people.

& emsp; & emsp; “Science spirit and scientific thought are important content in science education.” Li Shu, secretary general of the Beijing Study Science Society, told reporters that the vice president of science can play his own advantages and be a role model for young people.Love science, science, and science’s fashion can allow the scientific spirit to accompany young people to grow.PageBream

& emsp; & emsp; explore new model

& emsp; & emsp; Shuai Jianwei, director of the Biomedical Physics Center of the Guke Wenzhou Research Institute, is the vice president of the Wenzhou Art School.In the week of March, Shuai Jianwei participated in two scientific education activities.

& emsp; & emsp; “One of the events, invited 6 students from Longwan Middle School in Wenzhou City to visit the National Science and Wenzhou Research Institute, introduced them to the research group and laboratory, specifically explained human brain organs and artificial intelligence.Side Scientific Knowledge “Shuai Jianwei said that he hopes to stimulate the interesting” Miaozi “in this kind of activity to engage in scientific research work in the future.”Another event invited Australian professors to give more than 60 students in Guo Wenzhou No. 1 Junior High School in English, which stimulated children’s interest in learning mathematics.” Shuai Jianwei said.

& emsp; & emsp; In Shuai Jianwei, the vice president of science assumes the responsibility of “stimulating more scientific curiosity and creativity”.This responsibility not only relys on enthusiasm, but also has an institutional guarantee.

& emsp; & emsp; In order to ensure the deputy principal of science, Wenzhou takes a step forward in the design of the scientific vice president system.

& emsp; & emsp; In September 2023, eight departments such as the Wenzhou Education Bureau and other eight departments jointly released the “Implementation Plan for Science Education in Wenzhou Primary and Secondary School in the New Era” in Zhejiang Province.Consultant, hired 100 scientists and researchers to be the vice president of a hundred schools.

& emsp; & emsp; The first 100 vice presidents of science were all sent by the Guobo Wenzhou Research Institute.

& emsp; & emsp; Shuai Jianwei is the first batch of 100 scientific vice presidents in Wenzhou.He introduced that at present, 100 deputy principals of science have been equipped with all three types of scientific education courses for three types of scientific education courses for the “Middle School Students and British Talents Plan” and “Green Miao Plan” students to set up small classes and enter the Guowen State Research Institute to experience real scientific research at a close distance to experience real scientific research researchWork; give junior high school and primary school students to introduce cutting -edge knowledge or basic knowledge outside the textbook; open courses such as “Little Luban” and “Little Aidi” to introduce special categories such as architecture and physics.

& emsp; & emsp; these courses allow students to broaden their eyes, while also allowing the scientific teachers in the school to participate in the preliminary preparation of the course, later re -examination, etc.Chen Jinxu, a science teacher of Guo Wenzhou Experimental Primary School, participated in the “Little Edison” course throughout the process.She said: “After a while, I feel that my scientific thinking ability has improved, and I will think more in optimizing the content of the scientific curriculum content.”

The relevant person in charge of the Wenzhou Education Bureau told reporters that a hundred vice presidents of science were distributed in various counties (cities and districts) in Wenzhou.Each county (city, district) has a leading scientist to guide the vice president of each school.The activity is public welfare, and the scientists who lectures on the course, whether they are academicians or researchers, do not receive any compensation.

Shi Changwei, deputy dean of the Wenzhou Academy of Education and Teaching Research, said: “We hope to let scientists enter basic scientific education through institutional design.We put forward the “five one ‘request”.

& emsp; & emsp; “Five One” requires the vice president of science to enter the campus at least once a semester to give a science lecture, telling scientific stories, preaching the spirit of scientists; pairing a scientific teacher, helping the school’s future scientific teacher training; participating in the construction of a scienceCourse, help schools build or improve an innovative scientific course that prominent cutting -edge and facing future science and technology -top talent training; guide a group of student projects, combined with “small scientists” selection, science and technology festival and other activities to provide students with scientific innovation project researchPlatform resources, and give process guidance; share a scientific course with scientific teachers to increase their understanding and understanding of scientific education and teaching in primary and secondary schools.

& emsp; & emsp; At present, the vice presidents of Wenzhou Science have carried out a total of nearly 100 activities to press the “acceleration key” for the development of scientific education in Wenzhou primary and secondary schools.Shuai Jianwei said: “The Guo Wenzhou Research Institute is still considering setting up a full -time personnel, and the time field of responsible for the activity will make the deputy principal system operate more stable and normal.”

& emsp; & emsp; In Baohe District, Hefei City, Anhui Province, Sunshine Middle School Education Group hired scientists as vice presidents of science in the form of signing in the form of an overall contract.Scientific education consultants explore the scientific education model of “government+university+venue+primary and secondary schools”, and deeply explore the “treasure library” of the scientific resources of Binhu Science City.

& emsp; & emsp; as of the end of February this year, the vice presidents of science in Baohe District of Hefei City carried out 74 activities for teachers and students through online and offline, and benefited more than 51,000 teachers and students.

& emsp; & emsp; Xiamen, Shenzhen and other places are also further exploring the system model of vice presidents of science.For example, the Xiamen Education Bureau cooperated with the local science and technology bureau and the Association of Science and Technology to set up the vice president of the science of primary and secondary schools to recommend experts to serve as the vice president of the school.

& emsp; & emsp; “Promoting primary and secondary school science education from the national level is a major strategic task.” Relevant sources of the Department of Education and Training Supervision of the Department of Education of the Ministry of Education said that schools are the main positions of education.Fully mobilize social forces, and establish an expert team consisting of scientists, scientific and technological talents in various fields, science and technology museums, and science and technology counselors in science and technology museums, and find effective ways and typical models that can be copied in practice to truly improve the scientific quality of primary and secondary school students.PageBream

& emsp; & emsp; collaborate to establish a long -term mechanism

& emsp; & emsp; under the active exploration of various places, the vice presidents of science have “bloomed more” and continued to become a “school in the paper”.However, in order to really answer the scientific education and plus law, both the vice presidents of the science need to continue to work hard, but also the relevant policy support.

& emsp; & emsp; how to balance time is a major problem facing the vice presidents of science.

& emsp; & emsp; Scientist’s job is to do scientific research. How to ensure that there is sufficient time to serve as the vice president of science?Li Xun believes that if the vice presidents of science have not tracked for a long time or guided the construction of scientific education in schools, they cannot get “results”, and it may be difficult to satisfy everyone’s expectations.

& emsp; & emsp; Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xu Xing, researcher at the Institute of Ancient Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is the honorary principal of Hangzhou Danfeng Experimental Primary School.He said that letting scientists go to primary and secondary schools to spend a lot of time to do scientific education, which is not very realistic.”Scientists doing these things are more of a demonstration effect. I hope that scientific researchers and the public are concerned about scientific education in primary and secondary schools. They can also promote the principals and teachers of primary and secondary schools to invest more in this regard.”

& emsp; & emsp; Liu Yong accepted the employment of the scientific education guidance experts from Beijing Elementary School and Yilin Elementary School in Yanta District, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province in 2023. It is currently preparing to accept the employment of the vice president of Hangzhou Qicheng School.These primary schools hope that he can regularly go to the school for popular science reports.

& emsp; & emsp; Liu Yong admits that this requires a balanced time.”As a science and technology worker, the main time to be used in scientific research.” He said that he also brought a master’s degree, a doctoral student, and a teaching work. “I will try my best to carry out activities on the school during the holidays and spare time, or take time to the academic meeting during the academic conference.Go to a nearby school for popular science. “

& emsp; & emsp; “Hope that the unit where the vice president of science is located supports conditional and capable science and technology workers to do more popular science to create good conditions for participating in scientific education.” Liu Yong said.

Long -term and institutionalization of & emsp; & emsp; long -term and institutionalization is an important guarantee for vice presidents of science.To this end, Liu Yong also suggested to establish and improve the scientific education quality monitoring and scientific and technological school development evaluation system, and give full play to the guiding role of scientific evaluation.

& emsp; & emsp; In addition to the discipline background, the vice president of science must also have popular science ability.”The team of the vice president of the science of primary and secondary schools must strengthen the cultivation of follow -up science and popular talents.” Wu Baojun, executive deputy secretary -general of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the National Science and Technology University of Science and Technology for many yearsIn the abundant Beijing area, there are only hundreds of experts who are good at science popularization or have time to carry out science popularization activities for a long time.

& emsp; & emsp; “Not all R & D personnel are good at selling, nor are all scientific researchers be good at science popularization.” Wu Baojun suggested to build a “big scientific education” pattern of joint investment and collaborative participation in the construction of multiple subjects to open up scientific education talents inside and outside the school.The communication channel, the cultivation of science popularization ability is an important homework for graduate, allows more people with scientific knowledge and scientific background to enter primary and secondary schools.

& emsp; & emsp; National University of Science and Technology’s “Spring equinox project · Youth Science Popularization Special Action” was officially launched in 2018, and in March 2021, the graduate science popularization practice section was launched.The “Spring Equalism Project” selected about 3%of graduate students from more than 20,000 graduate students from Beijing University of Science and Technology in Beijing.Social practice of graduate social responsibility.

& emsp; & emsp; “The Secretariat of the National Science and Technology University of Science and Technology has set up a full -time personnel to do the responsibility of the primary and secondary schools to be responsible for the” schedule “, and provide scientific education courses in different fields for primary and secondary school students in Beijing every week.”Entering more than 100 primary and secondary schools, science and technology venues and communities, 6343 scientific courses were carried out in 2023 alone.

& emsp; & emsp; “Perform the science science ability system training at the graduate stage, combine science education with the function of college education. After 10 years, when these graduate growth grows into researchers, it is the next generation of popular science experts in China.” Wu Baojun saidEssence

& emsp; & emsp; The school also has another high expectation of the vice presidents of science -docking and introducing more high -quality scientific education resources to “flow” good scientific education resources.

For this reason, Ni Minjing, the head of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, called for this to encourage universities and scientific research institutes to take the initiative to connect primary and secondary schools, and arrange scientific and technological resources such as laboratories and high -precision facilities to be properly opened to primary and secondary school students; encourage high -tech enterprises and education departmentsJointly carry out the popular science summer camp and winter camp activities.

& emsp; & emsp; Instant scientific educational resources in my country and East and West, how to promote hiring and hiring vice presidents of science in the underdeveloped regions of economics?

& emsp; & emsp; Li recommends that using digital education resources such as online courses, widely build and use related digital platforms to break the limits of time and space, expand the teaching field and boundary, and maximize the combination of high -quality resources of the whole society to help students learn.At the same time, remote areas in the west can discover resources such as local science and technology museums, youth palaces, museums, colleges and universities, and science and technology enterprises to carry out special scientific education activities.

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