Multi -party work to maintain students’ health (the concept of people’s livelihood)

Shen Shaotie
Maintaining students’ health is the common responsibility of the whole society. Family, schools, communities and other parties should work together
Increase sports activities, reasonable meals, maintain adequate sleep, adjust psychological state, optimize learning and living environment … Not long ago, the State CDC released students’ common diseases and diseases to prevent “ten essentials”, and proposed specific measures.This is conducive to further preventing and controlling students ‘common diseases and promoting students’ health.
Students’ health problems cannot be ignored.Primary and secondary school students are in the growth stage of growth, and the immune system is not perfect. It is a susceptible and fragile group of infectious diseases.Elementary and secondary schools are also the training stage of lifestyle and learning habits. Poor habits may cause health problems such as myopia, overweight, abnormal spine bending, and dental caries.Therefore, it is necessary to create a healthy ecosystem for students and let students develop a healthy lifestyle and learning habits.
Parents are the primary responsible persons to build a healthy ecosystem of students.Family is the starting point for students to grow. Parents are the first teachers of their children.Parents may wish to make demonstrations in person to guide children to develop a healthy lifestyle, such as often taking children to participate in exercise, paying attention to a healthy diet, getting up early and getting up early to ensure sufficient sleep; create a healthy family atmosphere for children, such as scientifically buying food, less cookingLittle oil and less sugar, pay attention to nutritional balance, increase parent -child communication and interaction, and keep children in a good mood; monitor children’s health, such as regular attention to children’s vision, timely correct incorrect use of eye behaviors, do a good job of height and weight monitoring, cultivate children’s correct sitting positionsEssence
To build a student’s health ecosystem, the school is a key part.Campus is the main place for students to learn. The environment and diet are closely related to the health of the students.Taking near -view as an example, if the height of the seat is inappropriate, the lighting conditions are not good, and the writing homework for a long time is easy to appear.In terms of creating a healthy environment, schools can optimize the greening plan, improve campus sports facilities, ensure that children have at least 1 hour of school outdoor activities, improve the lighting environment of the classroom, and configure the adjustable desktop chairs.In terms of diet, schools can provide a scientific and reasonable and nutritious student meal, avoid selling high salt, high sugar and high -fat foods in the school, and provide safe and sanitary drinking water.
To build a student’s health ecosystem, the community can do a lot.Community is an important place for students and parents.On the one hand, to create a healthy community environment.For example, the establishment of a health science science column, popularizing scientific eye, physical exercise and obesity prevention and control knowledge, and building sports and fitness facilities.On the other hand, hold a variety of health activities.For example, holding a health lecture, strengthening family health awareness and cognition, organizing rich outdoor parent -child activities and sports activities, creating a positive healthy atmosphere.
There are nearly 300 million students in my country, and their health is related to hundreds of millions of families.维护学生健康是全社会的共同责任,家庭、学校、社区等多方应携手合作,不断改善软硬件设施,打造优美环境,引导学生养成健康的生活方式和良好的学习习惯,减少疾病发生,让Children grow up healthy and happy.
“People’s Daily” (13th edition, June 18, 2024)

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