A notice on the scientific basics of scientific foundation for the release of key metal metallurgy plans to project the project guidelines for 2024

A notice on the scientific basics of scientific foundation for the release of key metal metallurgy plans to project the project guidelines for 2024

Guoshi Blink Hair [2024] No. 134

The National Natural Science Foundation of China now releases the scientific foundation of key metal metallurgy scientific foundation plan for the 2024 project guidelines. The applicant and the dependent unit shall apply according to the requirements and precautions described by the project guide.

National Natural Science Foundation of China

April 25, 2024

The scientific foundation of key metal metallurgical research plans for the 2024 annual project guide

Key metal refers to the rare, scattered, rare earth, and rare metals such as new energy and electronic information such as new energy and electronic information.In order to promote the upgrading of the metallurgical industry and ensure the security of the supply chain of strategic emerging industries, the National Natural Science Foundation of China has set up a major scientific basic research plan for key metal metallurgy.

1. Scientific goals

Facing major national strategic needs, focusing on new energy, electronic information and other fields, use key metals, explore new mechanisms for the enrichment and purification of key metal elements, and establish a new method of ultra -enrichment, similar separation, and super pure preparation of key metal elements to formStrong selective metallurgical technology system and scientific foundation, build a new paradigm of key metal metallurgy, promote the upgrading of the metallurgical industry, and ensure the security of key metal supply chain.

Second, core science issues

This major research plan focuses on the following three core scientific issues.

(1) The enrichment extraction mechanism of key metal elements.The enrichment extraction of key metal elements; the new mechanism of enrichment extraction of key metal elements in the complex solution system; the new process of key metal elements in the molten salt separation system is extraordinary.

(2) The principle of efficient separation of key metal similar elements.The similarity of the key metal elements, the role of “main object” and the new mechanism of targeting recognition; the new principles and process regulation of high -selective separation of key metal similar elements.

(3) Regulations on the control of key metal super pure preparation process.In the process of key metal preparation, the migration of impurities in the process of impurities, multiple coupling purification mechanisms and process reinforcement mechanisms; new mechanisms of the crystal evolution and genetic blocking of super pure key metal materials.

Third, 2024 annual funding research direction

(1) Cultivation project.

Highlight the original ideas such as new theories, new methods, and new technologies that exceed the traditional research paradigm of metallurgical science.Priority supports projects with strong exploration and obvious discipline cross features.

1. New mechanism for the enrichment extraction of key metal elements.

The main contents include but are not limited to: (1) new principles and new methods of selective extraction of key metal elements; (2) complex hybrid and scattered physical, chemical, biological and other ultra -rich new mechanisms; (3) key metal metallurgy process thermodynamicsNew methods of dynamics and process reinforcement.

2. New method of separation of key metal similar elements.

The main contents include but not limited to: (1) the new principles and new methods of the separation of key metal similar elements; (2) the new method of multi -scale separation of key metal similar elements in the synchronization system;Learning the original technology.

3. Ultra -pure techniques of key metals.

The main contents include, but not limited to: (1) the principle of migration and process reinforcement in the process of key metal super pure preparation;New technologies of impurities test.

(2) Focus on supporting projects.

Highlight the new theories, new methods, and new technologies of key metal metallurgy.Priority supports the good research foundation and strong innovation. It is expected to achieve breakthroughs in ultra -pure preparation such as lithium and nickel, such as lithium, nickel, nickel, and nickel.

1. Low -quality key metal resources to extract metallurgy.

(1) For the key metal metallurgical solution system with low content and high impurities, innovate selective rich enrichment mechanisms, form a new method of directly extraction of key metals with low concentrations, and effectively improve the recovery rate of key metals such as the original salt lake of the salt lake with a lithium concentration of less than 200 ppm.Lithium lifting, lithium recovery rates of more than 80%.

(2) In response to the key metal low -quality mineral resources of clay type, innovate selective extraction mechanism, and form a new method of extracting metallurgy in situ, which effectively improves key metal immersion rates.For example, the leaching rate of a typical lithium lithium ore in the original position reached more than 70%; the immersion rate of the nickel nickel of nickel nickel ore reached more than 80%.

(3) In response to urban mineral resources such as waste batteries and electronic products, innovate selective separation methods, and form a new method of new mechanisms and green extraction methods in urban mineral resources such as waste batteries. The main metal recovery rate reaches more than 95%.

2. New method of depth separation of key metal elements.

(1) Aiming at the in -depth separation of key metal similar elements in the solution system or molten salt system, the specific identification of innovative elements or molecules, the design of the electrochemical system design, and the enhancement of the separation process to form a new key metal similar element in depth separationMethods, new technologies and new systems.

(2) Aiming at the high selective separation of key metal elements in common students, draw on the principles or methods related to the separation of elements in the fields of physics, chemistry, life science, etc., explore the new ideas of the separation of key metal elements in common students to form a high metal element high element highSelective separation new methods, new technologies and new systems.

(3) Aiming at the efficient separation of key metals in the process of large metal metallurgy or coal combustion, innovative metal elements migration and regulation and other methods and mechanisms, forming new methods, new technologies and new systems for the separation of key metal elements, effectively improving the comprehensive recycling rate of key metal recycling ratesEssenceFor example, the comprehensive recovery rate of copper lead zinc accompanied by more than 80%; the comprehensive recycling rate of aluminum accompaniment students reached more than 60%; the comprehensive recovery rate of coal companion reached more than 80%.

3. New methods for preparation of key metals (镓, 镓, 锗) super pure preparation.

(1) Aiming at the super pure preparation of key metals in 镓, 锗, and 锗, and innovative methods and mechanisms such as innovative impurities with scores and directional removal to form new methods and technologies for super pure preparation of key metals.For electronic information, high -purity materials for electronic information, such as 铟 and 镓 镓 针 more than 8n or more, and the purity of the 锗 is more than 13n.

(2) For the analysis and detection of marks impurities in high -purity key metals, the mechanism of exploring the amount of impurities and metal in the exploration marks, and the new method and new standard of quantitative analysis of the quantitative impurities of marks, and the detection sensitivity reaches the PPB level.

4. The basic principles of project selection

(1) closely focusing on core science issues, focusing on demand and application background constraints, and encouraging the frontier exploration of original, basic and cross -edge.

(2) Priority funding to solve the scientific foundation of key metal metallurgy or research projects that exceed the traditional research paradigm of metallurgical science.

(3) The key support projects should have a good research foundation and early accumulation, and have directly contributed and supported the overall scientific goals.

5. The annual funding plan of 2024

It is intended to fund the cultivation projects of 20 to 25 items, and the average funding of the direct fee shall not exceed 800,000 yuan/item, and the funding period is 3 years.; The maintenance support project 6-8 items, the average funding of direct fee is about 3 million yuan/item, and the funding period is 4 years.day”.

6. Application requirements and precautions

(1) Application conditions.

The applicant of this major research plan project shall have the following conditions:

1. Have an experience in undertaking basic research topics;

2. Has high -level professional and technical positions (titles).

Post -doctoral researchers, graduate degrees, and no work units or units that are not relying on the unit shall not apply as the applicant.

(2) Limit application requirements.

Implement the relevant requirements of the “Application Regulations” for the “Application Regulations” of the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2024.

(3) Application precautions.

The applicant and the dependent unit shall carefully read and implement the relevant requirements of this project guide, the “National Guide to the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2024” and the “Notice on the National Natural Science Foundation Project Application and Connection” of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

1. This major research plan project implements a paperless application.The application date of the application is from May 27, 2024 -June 3, 2024.

(1) Applicants shall fill in and submit electronic application forms and attachment materials online in accordance with the report instructions and writing outline requirements of major research plan projects in the science fund network information system.

(2) This major research plan aims to closely focus on core science issues, and conduct strategic guidance and advantages of multi -disciplinary research to become a project cluster.The applicant shall formulate the project name, scientific goals, research content, technical routes, and corresponding research funds according to the research direction of the specific scientific issues and project guidelines published by this major research plan.

(3) Select the “major research plan” in the application category in the application, the sub -category description “cultivation project” or “key support project”, the note description “the scientific foundation of key metal metallurgy”, the acceptance code select T01, according to the application according to the application, according to the applicationSpecific research content selection does not exceed 5 application codes.There are no more than two cooperative research units of cultivation projects and key support projects.

(4) In the “project basis and research content” section of the applicant, the applicant shall clearly stated that the application for the application of the funding in this project’s guidelines, and the core scientific issues of the major research plan, and the scientific goals of this major research planning science goal.contribute.

If the applicant has assumed other scientific and technological planning projects related to this major research plan, the difference and connection between the application project and other related projects should be discussed in the “research foundation and working conditions” of the application text.

2. Relying on the unit shall complete the work of relying on the commitment of the unit, organizing application, and reviewing application materials in accordance with the requirements.Before 16:00 on June 3, 2024, the information system was confirmed to submit the electronic application and attachment materials of the unit one by one, and submitted the project application list online before 16:00 on June 4.

3. Other precautions.

(1) In order to achieve the overall scientific goals and multi -disciplinary integration of major research plans, the person in charge of the project that obtain funding shall promise to comply with the relevant data and data management and sharing regulations.Support relationship with each other.

(2) In order to strengthen the academic exchanges of the project, promote the formation of project groups and multi -disciplinary integrated and integrated, this major research plan will hold an annual academic exchanges of annual funding projects once a year, and will organize academic discussions in related fields from time to time.meeting.The person in charge of the funding project is obliged to participate in the above -mentioned academic exchange activities organized by the expert group and the management working group.

(4) Consultation method.

A cross -scientific part of the Ministry of Cross Science

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