Appropriate exercise is good for health, and inappropriate exercise is harmful to health!How can I exercise appropriately?

4 min read
In 1992, the World Health Organization first proposed the concept of the four major foundation of health in the famous “Victorian Declaration”, namely reasonable diet, appropriate exercise, smoking cessation limit, and psychological balance.The “appropriate exercise” can not pass through the area. We should deeply understand and understand that we will not make a low -level error that hurts the body during exercise, and then exercise scientifically.This “appropriate” is very specific, with a lot of containing content, which refers to many aspects of appropriateness, and specific problems should be treated.The author’s understanding is given to friends as a reference for sports.
1. Grasp the amount of exercise.The appropriate principle is mild discomfort, fatigue, and muscle pain after exercise, but recovered quickly after rest.If the above symptoms do not disappear within a few days after exercise, it means that the amount of exercise is not appropriate.It also reflects that anaerobic exercise is done too much.This situation not only does not reduce fat, but even heart lung damage is damaged. This intensity movement, heart beating exceeds the standard, this is inappropriate exercise.
2. Do not quickly add exercise volume and extend the exercise time.During exercise, don’t rush to achieve success. When the amount of small exercise is developing towards medium exercise, it is necessary to determine that the amount of small exercise has been easily done before it can increase the amount of exercise, and the amount of exercise is gradually increased to achieve the appropriate amount of exercise and age of your own.Fixed, long -term persistence.Only by health.
3. According to the specific situation of your body, choose the method and amount of exercise.Everyone’s physical condition is different, and the specific situation should be treated specific.For example, obese people have never participated in exercise. In the early stage of exercise, they cannot choose severe exercise. They can only choose aerobic exercise, such as walking, Tai Chi, playing table tennis with the elderly, and doing fitness exercises in place.In fact, aerobic exercise consumes fat, and the calorie intake of anaerobic exercise.Aerobic exercise to lose weight is the best.
People who are too thin in their bodies can not participate in strenuous exercise in the early stages of exercise. They start with general exercise, exercise the adaptability of the cardiopulmonary first, and then gradually do some muscle exercise.
People with illness in the body should follow the doctor’s arrangement to exercise. They should not do their own claims and exercise randomly. This is not good for health. For example, cardiac patients do not advocate excessive exercise of the upper limbs, but mainly the following limbs movement.Every condition has different fitness methods, you must follow the doctor’s advice.
3. The amount of exercise and exercise duration should be adjusted at any time according to physical changes.The physical condition of a person also changes, such as increased age and changes in the body. The strength of exercise should be adjusted appropriately according to age; physical fatigue and inadequate adjustment should be adjusted in a timely manner.Essence
The way of culture and martial arts, one by one.Sports and rest must be scientifically arranged. Do not think that fitness must be persisted every day. It is too fatigue and too tired, but it is not good for health. It should be exercised for a few days and rest for one day to give the body a chance to repair.One relaxation is the appropriate exercise.
4. To control your sports emotions, you must not fight for it.Many fitness people participate in the movement of competition. Some fitness people are competing for strong victory. They are emotional, emotionally, regardless of their age, regardless of their physical conditions, and even disregard their physical illness.As a result, the body cannot be recovered for a few days after exercise, and some even fall into the sick disability because of excitement for a while, and some even happen on the spot.These situations occur from time to time, and they should cause the fitness to be vigilant, grasp their emotions, and refuse to be excited. At any time, they should follow the principles of appropriate exercise. Otherwise, they will eat their own fruit.
5. Select aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise according to physical conditions.Middle -aged and young people should be based on anaerobic exercise, supplemented by aerobic exercise; elderly people should focus on aerobic exercise.Middle -aged and middle -aged are strong and can conduct competitive exercise, muscle reinforcement training, jogging, walking, etc.; The elderly mainly participate in Tai Chi, Eight Duanjin, Wuyou Opera, Table Tennis, Slow -Running, Light Yaling and so on.

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