At the moment when "realization growth" has just been needed, TOBID has become the first choice for the commercialization of commercialization of many developers

9 min read

Recently, Qimai Data conducted statistical analysis of the online apps of major application markets in the first quarter of 24 years. In the process of analyzing the commercialization of the APPVery worthy of attentionBesides

L The apps using paid downloads and app purchases for commercialization are not as much as we think;

L Many Internet companies have begun to increase ARPDAU as the core driving force of APP income growth, and gradually open up the restrictions on “advertising”;

L More and more developers have begun to realize the value of third -party aggregation, and are trying to access the aggregate advertising platform;

… …

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More and more developers start to realize

The value of aggregate advertising tools

In the domestic application market, the main way of commercialization of APP is generally focused on the scope of paying, app purchase, advertising monetization, and providing product purchase services.But through analysis of the online app, we found that the actual usage rate of some monetization methods is very different from our impression.

>> Pay app only accounts for 5%of the total number of online apps!

By statistics on the online apps of major application markets in the first quarter, we found that the proportion of app downloading APPs is actually very small.

Taking the App Store’s single -day online app as an example, the number of paid apps is about 60,000, accounting for only about 5%of the total number of online apps.

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>> The APP with pure internal purchases as the main mode of realization is far from much as we imagine!

In addition to paid downloads, the app purchase of APP is also a relatively common APP commercialization method. However, through statistical analysis, although the number of APPs containing internal purchase projects has increased, the total number of online APPs is only about 12%.

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It has been further confirmed through the above data,The way to realize commercialization in paid downloads and in -app purchases does not actually have “universal nature”EssenceAttracting users to pay or purchase value -added services, in fact, the product power and functionality of the APP is very high, and the threshold is relatively high.

>> Half half the popular app used “advertising monetization” as an important option for commercialization income

With the slowdown of the growth rate of mobile Internet users in recent years and the severe economic situation, the commercial pressure of major Internet companies has gradually increased, and more and more companies have begun to increase ARPU as the core driver of APP income growthForce, and some mainstream apps began to gradually open the restrictions on “advertising”.

According to Qimai Data, the head apps in popular fields such as games, social and video,Half half of the popular app has access to advertising as one of the important options for commercialization incomeEssence

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>> Access to a third -party aggregation advertising platform is the key help for the APP “Efficiency and Increase Increase”

Many developers have deeply realized that “advertising” is one of the important ways to achieve APP profit.However, while using advertising to obtain benefits, you will face many problems. For example, there is no experience in access, I wonder how to quickly carry out advertising monetization? Without a professional operation and optimization team, it is difficult to refine operation traffic; the advertising filling is unstable, the realization efficiency is low; the realization efficiency is low;Unbalanced monetization strategy and user experience.

Facing the above problems,More and more developers have begun to actively try to access the aggregate advertising platformEssence

Specifically, the aggregation advertising platform is a third -party service platform providing advertising services for mobile application developers.With professional data and product capabilities, integrate multiple advertising platforms, combine their own data optimization strategies, help developers integrate multiple advertising resources, and define the distribution strategy to enhance advertising income.

For developers,Choosing a reliable aggregate advertising platform can help easily access multiple high -quality advertising platforms and advertising resources, reduce personnel cost and energy input, and quickly increase the advertising filling rate, increase the price of traffic, achieve the best ROIEssence

At present, many large and small aggregation platforms have emerged in China, including outstanding and innovators.For example, the TOBID aggregation advertising platform can not only provide multiple advertising alliance resources and rich advertising styles, but also provides customized, full -process, full -scenario monetization solutions and refined operation services from the perspective of developer.

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In addition, the platform has been released one after anotherA number of innovative products launched in the industry, including the bidding full -link funnel model, the in -depth analysis of the user behavior, the full capacity building of the Open API, etc.It provides strong data assistance for developers in the process of monetization, and it has now become one of the best aggregates partners in the mainstream Internet APP in China.


Do the right “fish bubble net”

The commercialization income of half a year has increased by 200%

Recently, the TOBID aggregation advertising platform has launched a face -to -face interview column “TOB TALK” for developers with a very gold -contained developer.Among them, an interview with the potential unicorn company of the blue -collar recruitment track “fish bubble net” can provide us with some good experience in commercialization.

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Founded in 2017, in more than six years, Fish has achieved fission -type growth and has become the fastest development of technology blue -collar recruitment platforms in China. It has established an absolute market leading position.At present, the registered users have exceeded 70 million, and they have provided a total of 460 million jobs, which has promoted 380 million employment, which is well received by users.

It is reported that “fish bubble net” uses a mixed monetization form, that is, access to advertising on the basis of inside.After cooperating with TOBID, the ARPDAU of its products increased by 50%-200%.How did “Fish Boom Network” do? In the interview, Zhou Jianwen, the person in charge of the commercialization of its commercialization, referred to the following points:

适 Experience 1: Choose the right aggregate advertising platform

“Fish Bubble Network” mainly considers four aspects when choosing and aggregating advertising platforms::

l Product hard power: product stability

l Function convenience: the ease of function of the function

l Professional and support: Platform side (that is, aggregate team) support

l result orientation: Whether it can improve the advertising income

And Tobid just meets the needs of “fish bubble net”, such as:

-SDK and background are very stable, and have experienced long-term verification of several large amounts of DAU products;

-The very practical and high-frequency functions can be greatly improved in batches to create a three-party code position, an in-application bid analysis report, etc.

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-Whether it is the request strategy optimization or the product iteration plan, TOBID can respond to the needs of developers as soon as possible, giving developers’ professional suggestions and strong support.

-In in terms of income, after cooperating with TOBID, the ARPDAU of different products of “Fish Bubble” has been greatly improved. The proportion is in the proportion.50%~ 200%Essence

索 Experience 2: Explore the gameplay of more bidding

When BIDDING was just promoted on a large scale, TOBID has taken the lead in helping developers explore the gameplay of Bidding (two code bits of the same budget source).

Tests that have been done at a certain stage after “fish bubble net” show that more bidding has increased by 10%than a single Bidding effect;

P Experience 3: According to the APP function and user needs, professional customization expansion and changing scenes

For developers who plan to develop advertising, choosing the right advertising form and scene is the key to using the opportunity of each display and maximizing the value of traffic.

TOBID can not only provide multiple forms of advertising, such as opening advertisements, banner advertisements, screen ads, inspiration video advertisements, etc., but also help developers to formulate customized advertising scenarios for different developers.For example, under the promotion of Tobid, the fish bubble network e -commerce festival is launched and inserted the screen,During the “618 E -commerce Festival” and “Double Eleven”, the proportion of income accounted for 40%; Combined with the APP business functions and user needs, the scene of watching incentive video unlock payment functions, such as watching video acquisition points to check the recruitment information for free, which greatly enhances the value of the users with a lower willingness to pay.  

In addition, Zhou Jianwen, the person in charge of the commercialization of “Fish Bubble Network”, also mentioned that if there are conditions, you can also try to introduce three parties related to information, videos, mini -games and other content.Some new monetization points are finally allowed to commercialize from relying on APP to nurturing APPs.


You deserve attention

“TOB TALK” and Tobid

“TOB TALK” is produced by the Tobid aggregation advertising platform. It is a face -to -face interview column launched by developers launched by the entire mobile advertising market.

The in -depth dialogue with the person in charge of the “Fish Bubble” is the first interview with the column.It is reported that,“TOB TALK” will also launch a series of interviews in the later period, covering the head apps in many fields such as games, non -travel applications, and the invited guests are developers who are in the commercial ecological chain and achieved significant income effects.EssenceI believe that the monetization strategy and operating skills given from the first perspective of commercialization will be more real, effective and needed.

At present, the Tobid aggregate serves 100 million+aggregate DAU, with 1000+ access developers, and the customized operating strategy drives ARPDAU to increase by as much as 248%.Become the unanimous choice of many well -known manufacturers such as music elements, mini play, Dreaming World, Outfit7, Xi’an Dot Dot and other well -known manufacturersEssence

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In the context of the non -tour APP advertising appeal “heating up”, the buying volume release and commercial monetization model to the game industry,Tobid insists on standing at the perspective of non -tour developers and continuously polishing cooperation details and monetization solutions, which meets the realization of many non -tour developers’ full process.EssenceThe Blue -collar recruitment platform we mentioned above is a good case for TOBID to help developers open up effective monetization strategies and income increase methods.

In the current complex business environment,TOBID deeply cultivated “long -termism monetization concept”While helping developers enhance the revenue of advertising, help developers complete the realization of the real life cycle of the entire product, and finally achieve the improvement of user stickiness and retention, thereby feeding efficiency and achieving efficiency and income.

At the moment of “realization growth” has become an important keyword for commercial ecology,TOBID has become the first choice partner for more and more app developers to realizeEssence

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