Beijing: Tuba was deeply involved in the "manipulation competition". The stock price plummeted 8%for a time. Tuba responded: At present, the investigation has not yet made progress!Why do sports brand

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On April 14th, the scene of the Beijing International Long Broken Festival in 2024-Beijing Half Marathon Champions Sprint sparked a stir on the Internet.In the last few hundred meters of sprint, after more than the player He Jie, several foreign players made a look at He Jie’s look back and waved their hands, and finally overtook He Jie.Subsequently, He Jie suspected that the topic of “Bao” champion of three foreign players triggered attention and controversy.

Public information shows that He Jie is a Step signing athlete, a holder of the Chinese men’s marathon record, and three foreign players are also athletes wearing Tippot shoes.After the video was released online, it continued to ferment, and many netizens questioned the sponsors “suspected of manipulating the event.”

In response, Xtep responded: “The current situation is still confirming that it is in the investigation and verification with multiple parties, and further information will be communicated as soon as possible.”

Bet on the running field

As a local sporting goods company, Tubo has bet on running business over the years.”We believe that an industry and a brand must have their own core competitiveness, and the unique label of Tubh is ‘love running and love Tobe’.” Ding Shuibo, chairman and CEO of the Board of Dub GroupFocus on the running industry.In Ding Shuibo’s view, Tub’s core competitiveness and unique label are running.

In the financial reports of Tubu in recent years, the term “running” has also been repeatedly mentioned. “Tibu has now become a brand management company. The brand image is clear and focused on professional running.”The preferred brand of Chinese Volkswagen Runners”.

Some people in the industry told reporters that compared with other local sports brands, the Stewra Entry Marathon is earlier and has been continuously invested in marathon for a long time, which has also enabled specialties to include most of the most important marathon marketing resources in China.

Since the first time in the marathon in 2007, Tobe has spared no effort in connecting himself with the “champion” and “breaking record”.Ding Shuibo once said: “We have continued to promote the Group’s business growth in the industry’s leading position in the running field. In many marathons in Mainland China, Tubao surpassed international and domestic brands and occupy a leading position.”

Marathon is now a must -fight for soldiers.Since last year, the marathon, which has been stopped for three years, has ushered in a blow -up recovery.On October 29, 2023, the Beijing Marathon, Chengdu Marathon, Changsha Marathon, and Xi’an Marathon started running at the same time at the same time, and the “Super Marathon Day” arrived as scheduled.The “2023 China Track and Field Association Road Running Work Report” shows that in the first half of this year, there were 133 road running events in China in China. In the last two months, more than 50 cities and cities submitted the application for marathon events.

How to kill a bloody road on the running track?It is undoubtedly “exposed” in major marathon events. Today’s marathon events are not only athletes for athletes, but also the platform for sports brands to compete with each other.According to the data of Yue Run, the Shanghai Marathon “Break 3” (expected to end within 3 hours) Players running shoes in the top three are Nike, Tobu, and Adidas, respectively, accounting for 46.3%, 23.0%, and 9.8%, respectively.39.7%; the top three of the Xiamen Marathon “Break 3” players running shoes are Tsob, Jordan, and Nike, respectively, accounting for 53.8%, 10.0%, and 9.7%, respectively, and domestic products account for 88.3%.

The reporter interviewed that in the domestic marathon, there have been “buying feet” in the years, that is, related brands pay attention to the wear rate of their own running shoes in the event.Partner cooperation.”Brands with sufficient budgets will spend a lot of money to sponsor the top professional runners, so that they are willing to put on their own running shoes to play.” The aforementioned industry said that if the top three in a game are wearing their own brand running shoes, the results will beIt can prove the brand’s product power, which is much better than spending more marketing expenses for advertising.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand the main battlefields of major big marathons to become the main battlefield of various brand marketing. Whether it is to declare that they are still on the stage of competition, or to make new products for new products, or strengthen themselves between themselves and runnersThe connection has prompted various brands to “roll” on professional running shoes in different ways.

“For runners, this is also a commercial approach and opportunity. With good results, it can be realized with exposure.The aforementioned person said this.

Related reports:

He Jie, the holder of the Chinese Men’s Marathon, is in dispute.

On April 14th, the 2024 Beijing Half Marathon, Chinese player He Jie won the championship with 1 hour, 03 minutes and 44 seconds, but the live broadcast showed that He Jie suspected that he was “guaranteed” by three foreign players, which caused controversy.

Beijing: Step is deeply involved in the

On April 15, the relevant person in charge of Tubu responded to the surging news reporter, “Thank you for your attention,At present, the situation is also confirmed that it is in the investigation and verification with multi -party investigations, and further information will be communicated as soon as possible.

According to, the broadcast lens showed the last few hundred meters. He Jie was originally behind. Some of the three foreign athletes made a look back and waved. Later, He Jie completed the overtaking and eventually won the championship with one second.The reporter called the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau of the event organizer, and the staff on duty responded that “it has received feedback from the 12345 citizen’s hotline, and the staff will definitely deal with it in the future.”

Public information shows that Tibu is a partner of the Beijing Half Marathon this year, and He Jie is a Tuban athlete.

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