Bengbu City, Anhui Province held a working conference on scientific quality of the National Science

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On April 16, the leadership group of the National Science and Quality Work of Bengbu City, Anhui Province held a working conference on the Scientific Quality Quality of Bengbu City.

The meeting clarified the important position of scientific quality in national quality.Emphasizing the comprehensive implementation of the important exposition of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership on scientific and technological innovation and the popularization of science, it has very important theory and practical significance for promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the economy and society and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
      The Leading Group for the National Science and Quality Work of Bengbu City notified the development of the scientific quality of the national scientific quality of Bengbu in 2023, and made a detailed deployment of the work in 2024.During the exchanges, representatives of the Bengbu Education Bureau, the Municipal Health and Health Commission, the Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau shared their experience and practices in scientific quality.
     The convening of the meeting pointed out the direction for the in -depth development of the scientific quality of the people in Bengbu City, established a standard, and promoted the construction of the scientific quality of the national scientific quality of Bengbu to a new level.

Anhui Provincial Association of Science and Technology

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