Chang Ge Wang Huizhen: Children’s mental health and growth

【View Certificate】Children’s mental health is an important part of children’s healthy growth.With the continuous changes in the social environment, more and more external pressure and influencing factors are threatening children’s mental health.This article will deeply explore the importance of children’s mental health, influencing factors, common problems, prevention and intervention strategies, and aims to provide valuable reference information for parents, educators and children’s mental health professionals.

oneThe importance of children’s mental health

1. The development of emotion and social skills

Children with mental health are more likely to form positive emotional expression and regulation ability. They can better understand and handle their emotions with others, thereby establishing a healthy interpersonal relationship.In addition, good mental health also helps children develop the ability of empathy, cooperation spirit, and conflict.

2. Improving the ability of cognition and learning ability

Children with mental health often focus more concentrated, more active thinking, and stronger curiosity and exploration. These factors are conducive to children’s better performance in terms of learning and cognition.On the contrary, psychological problems such as anxiety and depression may interfere with children’s learning processes, affecting their memory, attention, and problem solving ability.

3.. Cultivation of behavior and habit

Children with mental health are more likely to develop positive living habits and behavioral models, such as regular schedules, reasonable diet, moderate exercise, etc.These good behavior habits are not only beneficial to children’s health, but also laid the foundation for their future social life.

4. 4.. Prevent psychological disease

Childhood is a critical stage of psychological development and an important period for preventing psychological diseases.By paying attention and promoting the mental health of children, they can effectively reduce their risk of psychological diseases in the future.

twoFactors affecting children’s mental health

1. family environment

The family environment is an important influencing factor in children’s mental health.Parents’ nursery, family atmosphere, parent -child relationship, etc. will affect the psychological development of children.For example, a democratic and harmonious family atmosphere is conducive to children to form a healthy psychological state, and the indifferent and conflict family environment may lead to psychological problems in children.

2. school education

School education methods, teacher -student relationships, and classmates are also important factor affecting children’s mental health.Excessive learning pressure, campus bullying, and negative evaluations of teachers may have a adverse effect on children’s psychology.

3.. social environment

Media information, community atmosphere, and social culture in the social environment will have an impact on children’s psychology.Today, the flood of social media and network information makes it easier for children to reach various information and viewpoints, which undoubtedly increases the complexity of their psychological pressure.

4. 4.. Individual factors

Children’s personality, temperament, hobbies and other individual factors will also affect their mental health.For example, introverted children may be easier to feel social anxiety, and out -of -directional children may be more likely to adapt to the new environment.

threeFrequently Ascended problems of children’s mental health

1. anxiety

Anxiety is one of the common psychological disorders for childhood, manifested as excessive worry, nervousness, and fear.Children with anxiety may worry about daily affairs, school performance, future events, etc., which seriously affect their daily life and learning.

2. depression

Children’s depression is usually manifested as persistent sadness, lost interest in daily activities, sleep disorders, and changes in appetite.Depression not only affects children’s emotional state, but also causes difficulties in learning and social obstacles.

3.. Pay attention to defect multiple dysfunction (Adhd)

ADHD is a common neurological disorder, manifested in inconsistency, multi -motion and impulse behavior.Children with adhd may encounter difficulties in learning, social and daily life.

4. 4.. Apocalypse violations (ODD)

ODD is mainly manifested in conflict with parents, teachers, and peers, showing hostile, provocation and destructive behavior.This behavior model may cause children to encounter difficulties in social and academics.

Four, Prevention and intervention strategy

1. Establish a good family environment

Parents should strive to create a warm, harmonious and supportive family environment, establish a good parent -child relationship with their children, and give children sufficient care and support.At the same time, parents should learn scientific nurturing methods to avoid excessive doting or severe punishment.

2. Provide comprehensive school education

Schools should pay attention to the comprehensive development of students, not only pay attention to the teaching of knowledge, but also the students’ mental health.Teachers should respect every student, pay attention to their needs and feelings, and timely discover and solve the problems encountered by students in learning and life.

3.. Strengthen mental health education

Parents and schools should strengthen their mental health education for children, help them understand the importance of mental health, and learn how to regulate emotions and deal with stress.In addition, children’s ability to understand and respond to psychological health issues can be improved through the form of mental health education courses, lectures and activities.

4. 4.. Seek professional help in time

Once a child may have psychological problems, parents and schools should seek professional psychological counseling or treatment help in time.Psychologists can provide personalized intervention solutions based on the specific situation of children, help them solve psychological problems and restore psychological health.

In short,In this era of rapid change, children are facing unprecedented challenges and pressures.Only when we really understand and pay attention to the psychological world of childrenIn order to help them build a healthy mentality and welcome future challengesEssence

Changge City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pediatrics Wang Huizhen

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