Chinese scientists draw a new macaque brain network group diagram

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China Daily, May 9th (Reporter Yan Dongjie) The team of the Brain Network Group Research Center of the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences draws a new macaque brain network group map, which not only conducts reasonable and fine partitions on the brain area, but also describes every detail.Macro connections between the sub -regions of the brain areas.
The research team has long been committed to research in the field of brain maps.Earlier, the team successfully drawn the first edition of the human brain network group map and established its verification and application system to reach the international leading level in the field of brain map spectrum.RecentImaging data.
Macaque brain network group diagram
MacBNA not only conducts reasonable and fine partitions on the brain area, but also describes the macro connection between the Asian regions of each brain area in detail.As a reliable reference system, it can effectively integrate multi -scale brain images and multi -group of scientific information, thereby drawing a multi -mode cross -scale macaque brain map.
As a set of panoramic brain maps that depict the tissue architecture of macaque brain space, the macaque brain network group map will overcome many defects of existing maps, including limitations such as only specific anatomical areas and only a single model information.At the same time, human and macaque brain network group maps drawn based on the same theory and methods will effectively migrate from the information and knowledge obtained from the monkey brain to play a key role in the human brain.
Macaques, as an ideal model of human cognitive function mechanism and simulation of human brain diseases, are highly similar to humans in genetics, physiology, and brain structure.At present, a large number of brain science research has regarded the research of non -human long animals as the core source of cognitive neurological and promoting transformation of medicine.Therefore, a panoramic brain map that can depict the tissue structure of the macaque brain space is of great significance to transform research results from macaques to humans.Such a map can characterize the characteristics of different areas, including connection, structure and geometric topology, which helps us understand the function, development and evolution of the brain.Researchers have tried to create a variety of macaque brain maps in the past few decades, but most of them are limited to research at a specific level or specific area, and cannot fully reveal the diversity of the tissue of the tissue and its functions.
Multi -mode information based on the graph of macaque brain network group as the reference space
The macaque brain network group map divides the macaque brain into 304 fine brain region structures, and quantitatively depicts the anatomical and functional connection mode of each brain area.EssenceThe quantitative comparison with the indicators of other macaque brain map shows that the macaque brain network group map can well represent the connection topology of the brain.In this study, the reliability of the graphic results was verified by the use of cell building and the intermodal connection in the partition boundary and the accuracy of the connection, and revealing that the macaque brain network group map has a biological significance to a certain extent.In addition, this map integrates image, dyeing slices and nerve trace data, and provides macro -connection, media connection, and histological information in the same standard space.The relationship has laid a solid foundation, and has also established a data platform for designing and developing algorithms such as multi -modal integration and cross -scale computing.The macaque brain network group diagram not only provides a new multi -mode space map for the working mechanism of the brain function, but also promotes the development of important research fields such as transformation of medicine, cross -species comparison, and brain digital modeling.
The brain network group diagram is an inevitable trend of brain map development and neural technology progress. It is the key to making breakthroughs in related disciplines such as brain science and cognitive science.On the basis of existing results, in the future, brain network group maps will develop along the direction of cross -object brain maps, multi -mode multi -scale brain maps, and support the treatment of diagnosis and treatment, cross -species research and brain -like inspiration.
This result is currently published in Science Bulletin, PhD student Lu Yuheng, Associate Researcher Cui Yan, Doctor Cao Long, and Doctor Dong Zhenwei as the first authors of the paper.Researcher Jiang Tianzai, Researcher Fan Lingzhong and associate researcher Yang Zhengyi are the author of the joint communication.The study was funded by National Science and Technology Innovation 2030- “Brain Science and brain -like research” major projects and National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Source: China Daily

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