Continue to lead!Abacher male shirt and men’s suit again obtain the first comprehensive share of similar products in the same type of product

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  On April 18th, co -sponsored by the China Commercial Federation and the National Business Information Center of China, co -organized by Beijing Yizi Brand Marketing Consultant Co., Ltd.”Hold in Beijing.According to the statistical results released by the meeting: () Male shirts for 27 consecutive years and male suits have obtained the comprehensive market share of similar products for 24 consecutive years, and data indicators have steadily improved compared with last year.

  According to the “National Large -scale Retail Enterprise and Consumer Products Market 2023 Monitoring Report” released by the conference, the three indicators of Agaor’s comprehensive share in the men’s men’s market have 8.66%, 11.35%, and 6.86%of the three indicators in the national men’s clothing market.First, 1.31, 2.04 and 0.52 percentage points were increased compared to last year.At the same time, the comprehensive market share of men’s shirts and men’s suits, market sales share and market coverage indicators are also ranked first.

  Behind the leading market leaders is the company’s efforts and innovation in the construction of brand, products and channels.

  This year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of the Agaor.The six major brands have started a new journey of independent operations.The strategy of large stores has accelerated: January, Jiangxi Ganzhou Fashion Experience Hall opened; April, Nanchang Fashion Experience Hall opened; it is expected that 30 fashion experience halls will be completed in core cities across the country by 2025.

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