Create a dynamic, grounded and enthusiastic education classroom

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Ritual education, results display, thought -ups, theme preaching, experience exchanges … On the morning of April 25th, Shandong Province and Patriotic Propaganda and Educational Activities for Patriotism and Elementary Schools in Jinan City and Jinan City.There were more than 600 students who participated in a dynamic and grounded patriotic education classroom together.
From January 1 this year, my country’s first education law “Patriotic Education Law of the People’s Republic of China”, which is the first educational law of patriotism education.In order to strengthen patriotism education in the new era, inherit and promote the spirit of patriotism, and stimulate the enthusiasm of the majority of young students, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Department of Education, the Propaganda Department of the Jinan Municipal Party Committee, the Jinan Education Bureau, and the Jinan Judicial Bureau OrganizationThe Patriotism and Education activities of Elementary and Middle Schools in Shandong Province and Jinan City, with the theme of “Revival of the Powerful Country”, through the colorful activities, deepen the education of patriotism.
In Licheng Second Middle School China Culture Research and Experience Museum, and the Centennial Literature Halls of the Party, teachers and students can enjoy the beauty of Chinese culture and the beauty of modern literature through visiting research.
Licheng Second Middle School Science and Technology Association students demonstrated on the spot how to program the “Robot Walking Long March Road” project. Liu Gudian Primary School in Licheng District showed “Lotus” Meiquan City, Jiuqu Yellow River, Zodiac signs, and characteristic plate paper culture.The birth of the country through the “Red Scarf Visiting”, the country’s country’s country’s feelings, Pingyin County Longshan Primary School launched the “Red Boat Spirit Spectrum” paper -cutting activity. The 26th Middle School of Jinan City created the patriotic story through the theme of the “Lao She Dot” …In the school’s patriotic education achievement booth, 21 exhibition stations showed the vivid practical practice of Patriotic education in 1.45 million spring cities.Up to now, Jinan primary and secondary schools have created 20 patriotic education moral education brands, established 100 theme ideological and political practice teaching bases such as “Inheritance Red Gene”, and released 4 red research lines to integrate patriotic education into the whole environment to establish moralityTree people pattern.
(Three -program of thought and political teacher Lian Xiaoqin on the spot, bringing a special ideological and political lesson to teachers and students)
The ringtone sounded at the class, and the ideological and political teacher Lian Xiaoqin walked on the auditorium.”Where is the teacher standing and where is the podium! Today we will come to the last section of special ideological and political lessons together.”The dance “Yellow River Enter the Sea” and other unique programs have been staged one after another, which has resonated with strong teachers and students, allowing everyone to gain more lively and deep patriotic education.At the event site, the excellent cases of patriotism education in Jinan City were also announced. Shandong Normal University and Licheng No. 2 Middle School shared experience in patriotism education.
Zhou Shanshan, deputy president of Shandong Normal University, introduced that the school played the leading role of platforms such as the “Integrated Community of Thoughts and Politics of Education and Middle Schools”, “Integrated Construction Guidance Center of Shandong Province, Primary School, Elementary and Primary Schools,”Teachers conduct collective learning and preparation of lessons, with a total of more than 600,000 audiences.Li Xinsheng, director of the Education and Sports Bureau of Licheng District and Secretary of the Party Committee of Licheng No. 2 Middle School, said emotionally, “No matter where our students are, as long as they hear the sound of the national anthem, they will immediately get up and stand; take the initiative to clean up the desktop hygiene and the performance after the meal.Taking up like the beginning … When the students consciously do the normal ‘small things’, and the patriotic consciousness slowly penetrates into the heart. When the motherland needs, they can go out to do the ‘big event’. ”
What is the national anthem in other countries?What are the “generation national anthems” in history?How is the current national anthem “The Volunteer March” was born?Yu Hai, Director of Music Director of the PLA Army and Chairman of the Chinese Society of Music Association, based on the title of “Love Our National Anthem”, combined with historical materials and his experience in participating in large -scale performances and visits, to bring vivid themes of patriotism education to students.
Tian Zifen, a student of Licheng Second Middle School, told reporters, “Teacher Yu analyzed the national anthem of many countries. Let us know that the national anthem of a country contains the spirit and culture of this nation.” Student Tong Yuan Xin said, “Patriotism is a simple emotion,It is also a real action. Be sure to study well and write a patriotic answer with youth. “
Youth is the key group of patriotic education.In recent years, Shandong has used good red resources, inheriting red genes, consolidating school education positions, innovating practical activities, carrying out in -depth, lasting, and vivid patriotic publicity and education, and continuously promoting the spirit of patriotism to take root in the hearts of the majority of young people.This propaganda and education activity is an important activity for deepening the education of patriotism in the province and celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China.This year, all levels and localities will continue to innovate and promote patriotism to become a firm conviction, spiritual force and conscious actions for the people of the province.
(Volkswagen Daily · Volkswagen News Client Reporter Zhao Lin)

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