Cultivate and strengthen new consumption, fully stimulate health consumption potential

Original title: Cultivate and strengthen new consumption, fully stimulate health consumption potential
The Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of last year emphasized that the cultivation and strengthening new consumption and vigorously develop digital consumption, green consumption, and healthy consumption.Entering the new stage of development, the people’s demand for high -quality health products and services has continued to grow, and stimulating health consumption is not only an urgent need to expand domestic demand and promote high -quality development, but also the inherent requirements for building a healthy China and protecting the people’s lives and health.At present, the key to stimulating health consumption is to do the following.
Innovate health technology and improve the supply of health consumption.Providing more high -quality health products and services is not only the basic prerequisite for effectively expanding health consumption, but also an important guarantee for the upgrading of health consumption.With the continuous improvement and improvement of material living standards, people are used for health consumption expenditures such as medical care, sports fitness, nutritional food, and psychological counseling. The demand for health consumption is increasingly, extensive, and continuously upgraded.To meet the people’s multi -level, diverse, and personalized high -quality health consumption needs, we must accelerate the development of health industries such as medicine, sports, health care, and pensions.Accelerate the research and development of health products and services, and enhance the supply capacity of high -quality health products and services.On the one hand, the types of supply and services are effectively expanded to effectively expand the supply of health products and services, and consolidate the supply foundation for diversified health consumption.Healthy enterprises should carry out scientific and technological innovation according to the health consumption demand in different periods. At present, “we must focus on carrying out key core technologies and research, accelerate the solution of a batch of drugs, medical equipment, medical equipment, vaccine and other fields,” card necks’ problems “, and launching truly consistent consumption consumptionA variety of health products and services needed for people.On the other hand, the supply quality of health products and services continues to improve the supply foundation for quality upgrades.With the gradual upgrading of people’s health consumption demand, as well as the continuous growth of health consumption such as digital health, green health, green food, ecological pension, healthy enterprises should aim at high -quality health consumption and new health consumption to carry out health scientific and technological innovation, production provides truly consumption of consumption consumptionHigh -quality new health products and services needed for demand.Health enterprises strengthen health technology innovation, produce multi -variety, high -quality health products and services, and meet the increasing and upgraded health consumption needs of the people.
Improve health literacy and enhance the endogenous motivation of health consumption.Health literacy refers to personal obtaining and understanding basic health information and services, and uses this information and services to make correct decisions to maintain and promote their own health.Health literacy is an endogenous motivation for people to take the initiative to choose health consumption, and is an important decisive factor in ensuring the safety of people’s life and physical and mental health.The “Monitoring of the Health Prime Nourishing of Chinese Residents in 2022” shows that in 2022, the health quality level of Chinese residents was 27.78%, an increase of 18.98%from 8.80%in 2012, indicating that the health quality level of Chinese residents has been greatly improved in 10 years, and at the same timeThere is still much room for improvement in the health quality of residents.This requires extensive and in -depth health publicity and education: First, publicize and popularize the “Chinese Citizen Health Quality -Basic Knowledge and Skills”, including basic knowledge and concepts, healthy lifestyles and behaviors, basic skills, etc.On the basis of comprehensively carrying out related activities to improve the level of health literacy of the people.The second is to give full play to the advantages of melting media matrix. On the basis of the advantages of traditional media content, rely on big data and cloud technology to achieve multimedia display and multimedia push.With the help of traditional media such as television and newspapers, new media platforms such as WeChat public accounts, video numbers, and Douyin conduct diversified health publicity and education, promote the deep integration of traditional media and modern media, and create a lively and novel -form integration media product.The third is to implement the “Opinions of the General Administration of the Department of Health and Health Committee of the Ministry of Education’s Development and Reform Commission of the Ministry of Health and Health Commission of the Ministry of Education.Realize life and health education into classrooms, textbooks, and brains, and at the same time accelerate the construction of health education practice bases, and comprehensively improve the health quality level of young people.We will carry out in -depth and extensive health publicity and education, comprehensively improve the level of health literacy of the whole people, create a social atmosphere that promotes health consumption, and greatly enhance the endogenous motivation of health consumption.
Improve the health mechanism and optimize the market environment of healthy consumption.A good health consumption environment is an important guarantee for boosting health consumption confidence and improving consumer experience, and it is one of the key factors that drive people to actively choose health consumer products and services.Optimizing the market environment of health consumption needs to work in two aspects.The first is to improve the quality monitoring mechanism of health products and services.The quality of health products and services directly affects the health of health consumers. A sound quality monitoring mechanism is an important way to ensure good quality of health products and services. It is a key measure to enhance consumer consumer confidence in healthy consumers.Establish and improve market access standards for the health industry, and build the characteristics and services such as health care, sports fitness, nutritional food, psychological counseling and other health products, build a quality standard system and market supervision measures that meet the requirements of high -quality development, and severely crack down on fakes and fakes.The behaviors and services of health products and services will increase the efforts to rectify false publicity health products and services, and effectively ensure the continuous improvement of health products and service quality, and better meet the needs of people’s multi -level, diverse and personalized high -quality health consumption needs.The second is to improve the consumption guarantee mechanism for health products and services.The consumption experience of health products and services directly affects the consumption willingness of health consumers. A good consumption guarantee mechanism is an effective way to improve the consumer experience and an important guarantee for fully release the potential of the health consumer market.Coordinate and solve the problem of major health consumption rights protection and typical health consumption infringement issues, focus on solving the problem of hiding health consumption difficulties such as fraud, “overlord clauses”, facing the problem of restrictions in the field of health consumption, and accelerating the construction of institutional mechanisms in the health consumption field.Create a convenient platform for health consumer rights protection to ensure the smooth flow of health consumer rights protection channels, effectively maintain the legitimate rights and interests of healthy consumers, and truly improve the consumer experience of healthy consumers.Establish a good health consumer environment, ensure the quality of health products and services, ensure the smooth solution of health consumer rights protection, improve the satisfaction of health consumers’ rights protection, and let people carry health consumption with peace of mind.
(Cheng Wenqin and Huang Juan, the author is a doctoral student at the School of Marxism at the School of Geology of China Geosciences, a professor and doctoral supervisor of the Marxist College of Chinese University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Source: Xinhua Daily

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