Education models are new. Who can highlight the siege?

3 min read

The rapid development of large model technology has become increasingly widespread.Among them, education is regarded as one of the industries that can start landing in large AI models.Since the beginning of this year, manufacturers of large -scale education models have continued to increase. At the beginning of the year, NetEase Youdao released innovative applications and smart hardware based on the “Zi Yue” education model.Zhangda model; Xiaodu Qinghe’s learning mobile phone launched by Baidu is equipped with a “small model model”; the AI learning machine T20 pushed by HKUST Xunfei is equipped with Xunfei Fire Model;Models and so on.

The picture comes from public information

Recently, Ant Cloud Technology Group officially released a large model of education, combined with large models and Agent technology, aiming at the field of K12 education, gathered school resources in the region, and providing services to focus on the local education environment.According to CTO Xie Yan, the competitive advantage of the large -scale education model is that the existing educational products in the market are based on the inherent knowledge map and knowledge path to achieve teaching and learning training.The new generation of Agent technology equipped with a large -scale education model will be more anthropomorphic, covering new functions such as composition approval and counseling and psychological counseling, thereby achieving teaching according to their aptitude.However, smart education has developed for many years, but has not solved the “big difficulties” problem in the education community & mdash; & mdash; teaching for teaching according to their aptitude.The Agent technology with a large model of education, whether it is a breakthrough progress in the history of smart education, also needs to make a question mark.

The picture comes from public information

The security problem of a large model is a long -term challenge.Especially in the field of education, security issues may cause Agent to teach students wrong information, thereby causing serious adverse effects.It is said that Ant Cloud Technology Group also adopted a series of methods to solve the problem.During the product demonstration process, the major education model automatically identified and avoided the game problems that had nothing to do with learning, and was guiding students to learn.However, in practical applications, how can the large -scale education model correctly avoid all unrelated problems, how will the technical level continue to iterate and adapt to the diverse reality? Let us wait and see.

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