Enhance the right to the climate with the green Chinese story

Original title: Pay attention to the linkage of real world, text world, and virtual world (topic)
Enhance the right to the climate with the green Chinese story (theme)
At this stage, climate issues are linked to issues such as trade, technology, and even human rights, and have become a new direction that affects China’s international discourse rights.In the era of social media, the right to discourse the climate of various countries was shaped by the social world’s communication activities and media reports of the text world, but also constructed by the spread of thousands of individuals in the virtual world.Therefore, to improving China’s international discourse rights, we must attach importance to the linkage of the real world, the text of the text, and the virtual world.
The General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership emphasized: “Actively participate in and lead the global climate governance. We must adhere to the concept of the community of human destiny, and participate in the formulation of the Global Climate Negotiation Agenda and international rules with a more positive attitude, and promote the establishment of a fair, reasonable and win -win global climate governance system.”China’s influence in global climate governance is increasing.In January 2024, the International Energy Agency (IEA) issued a report saying that China has become the world’s largest renewable energy market and the world’s largest clean energy equipment manufacturer.In addition, China ’s payment payment for the World Meteorological Organization also exceeds many developed countries.
At this stage, climate issues are linked to issues such as trade, technology and even human rights, and have become a new direction that affects China’s international discourse.Therefore, it is one of the important aspects of strengthening the international community to fully understand China’s positive measures taken by China in climatic governance and enhance China’s international discourse rights.In the era of social media, the right to discourse the climate of various countries was shaped by the social world’s communication activities and media reports of the text world, but also constructed by the spread of thousands of individuals in the virtual world.Therefore, to improving China’s international discourse rights, we must attach importance to the linkage of the real world, the text of the text, and the virtual world.
Real World: Together in both inside and outside, connect the main body of diversified communication
For a long time, members of the United Nations organizations, namely sovereignty countries, have played a central role in global climate governance, but this central status has gradually been challenged by the practice of external climate governance in the United Nations.In addition to sovereign countries, various non -state behaviors such as international organizations, non -governmental organizations (NGOs), informal climate forums, research institutions and think tanks, and multinational enterprises have become increasingly active in climate governance affairs.In accordance with the mixed linkage trend of climate governance at home and abroad, my country should adopt a path of overall planning and take into account the main body of diversified communication.
On the one hand, we will continue to strengthen the cultivation and transportation of China’s inside climate organization in the United Nations Climate Organization, and encourage Chinese scholars to actively participate in the Special Committee (IPCC) of the Intergovernmental Climate Change of the United Nations.China ’s low -air -speed wind and electricity technology ranks at the leading level of the world. Persons can use this to propose their authoritative data or viewpoints to affect the construction of IPCC knowledge through climate research; on the other hand, the external association of multiple associations in the United Nations organization.First, actively enhance China’s NGO’s international influence.At the United Nations Sustainable Development of High -level Political Forum in 2022, the research results submitted by the Chinese NGO “Global Energy Internet Development Cooperation Organization” were included in the “2022 UN Following Policy Policy for Sustainable Development of High -level Political Forum in 2022”.Secondly, encourage local enterprises to become a practical pioneer in the identity of China’s “climate governance pioneer”.Chinese enterprises should make full use of the potential business opportunities brought by the low -carbon economy, use the advantages of the electric vehicle industry to enhance the corporate climatic discourse rights.Finally, cities in various places can participate in the global climate governance system through multinational networks.For example, Beijing held the International Metropolitan Clean Air and Climate Operation Forum every year, and set up a multilateral communication platform with the UN Environment Agency, friendly cities and NGOs.
Text World: Precise Communication, highlighting the differentiated framework
When discussing climate issues in the text world, you need to refer to the climatic risk differences in different countries and regions and the different interpretation of China’s climate discourse. Careful design is more targeted and differentiated.For specific countries and regions of the “Umbrella Group”, the European Union and G77, you can separate the typical narrative symbols, and combine the actual climate cooperation and exchanges between China and these countries to accurately conduct international communication in the text world.
In response to the western developed countries such as “umbrella -shaped groups” and the European Union, Chinese media can highlight the “clean energy collaborator” framework when reporting, and put climatic issues from the perspective of human destiny community.When involving Chinese clean energy technology, Western media held a positive attitude. The New York Times called China as the “leader” of green energy, and the British “Daily Telegraph” called China “green savior”.China is at the forefront of wind power, solar, and clean energy power capacity. It can “clean energy collaborators” as a framework for spreading to Western countries, so as to highlight the cooperation consensus in the text world.
In response to developing countries such as G77, China can “climate solution cooperation leaders” as a communication framework, with its adjustment of the distribution structure of international climatic discourse rights.In recent years, China’s climate governance measures and ideas have gradually been recognized by developing countries.Pan -African News Agency reports that China is in the world’s leading position in the field of clean energy and should also be the leader of climate governance initiative; Chile’s “Times Reviewer” reports that the Chinese government shows that the great willingness and determination to solve climate problems is new.Jin’s climate governance leader.China can “leaders of climatic solution cooperation” as the discourse framework to the G77 country.justice.
Virtual World: Cultivate the climate “net celebrity” and attract young people with a gamified strategy
In the virtual world, China should actively cultivate the “Internet celebrities” in the domestic climatic field and use gamified strategies to attract international young people.First of all, we must cultivate the “Chinese Internet celebrities” in the climate field, and promote the concept of Chinese climate governance from professionalism to popularization and then internationalization.For example, after 00, the “Chasing the Wind” conducted a meteorological warning popular science on the Bilibili website and ranged with the windy rainstorm, with 240,000 fans; Polina, a Chinese student from Poland, has more than one million fans on Tiktok to live broadcast “2023 The Chinese Plan of Climate Change “China Plan” Summit, telling the world about the Chinese story of climate governance.my country’s climate communication mainly focuses on “hard topics” around macro policies and climate negotiations. The country can encourage more “climate net reds” to use international social media to share its own views and set up “soft topics” of international communication.
Secondly, the international youth groups are used as the key communication objects, and the game -based communication strategies can be used to enhance their awareness of the international image of Chinese climate.For example, the “Ant Forest” (“Ant Forest” users can accumulate green energy through low -carbon environmental protection behaviors through low -carbon environmental protection. After reaching a certain value, Ant Financial will plant real trees).This flexible participation strategy will cause the development of youth groups to re -understand the Chinese climate image.The “zero -carbon campus”, “zero waste day” and board game activities carried out by “Chinese Youth Coping Climate Change Action Network” are not subject to geographical restrictions.Among the youth groups, tell the green story of China in the virtual world and enhance the international climatic voice.
(Qiao Lijuan, Author Unit: School of Journalism and Communication at East China University of Political Science and Law)
Source: Wen report

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