Fang Wenshan and other art and fashion coffee participated in the Guochao Yuan Table School in the spring

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Explore the collision fusion of traditional culture and trendy fashion

Fang Wenshan and other art and fashion coffee participated in the Guochao Yuan Table School in the spring April 19 (Rong Media Reporter Chen Zhiyong/Wen Wang Baifeng/Picture) Haisquan Quanzhou, Guo Chaoshi.On April 18th, “The Live Inheritance of the Traditional Culture in the Trend of the Trend of the Trend” was held in the small mountains of the small mountains in the city of Quanzhou Central City.One of the series of activities of the Economic Development Conference attracted the arts and fashion coffees of Fang Wenshan, Lin Junting, Wang Wensheng, Lun Sibo, Yang Zongnan, and other coffees.

The art and fashion big coffee on both sides of the Strait talks about the national tide

Living inheritance:

Reduce the threshold and strive to get close to life

Fang Wenshan, a Chinese pop music writer and director, believes that the living inheritance is to use it. Taking Hanfu as an example, the living inheritance of traditional culture must first reduce the entry threshold, so as to attract more people to participate.quality.The inheritance of excellent traditional culture must attract young people to participate, and strive to get close to life, so that the majority of participants have a sense of identity, belonging, and ritual.In the process of inheritance, the form of popular culture can be adopted to promote traditional culture. This will gain a larger scale of influence. Seeds first and wait for the flowers to bloom.

“Quanzhou is a city worthy of careful taste.” Lin Junting, director and chief expert of the Cultural Heritage Digital Art Research Center and chief expert of the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, believes that if traditional culture cannot connect with life, it will disappear.He praised the Xunpu incense activities. This annual large -scale folk activities will be displayed in customs and other customs.As a representative figure who leads the new media of contemporary Chinese media, he has presented traditional Chinese painting through new media and has been well received.

Shouzheng innovation:

Let Quanzhou lead the international fashion trend

Wang Wensheng, Executive Chairman of the Beijing Clothing Textile Industry Association, admired Quanzhou textile and clothing industry, and believes that the industry has already formed an industrial chain of over 100 billion yuan. The detailed division of labor has matured this industry.The entire industry is continuously prosperous and developed.He has served as the deputy director of the Beijing Fashion Week Organizing Committee for many years, and has unique insights on the integration of the Chinese textile and clothing industry and “Chinese design”. He is a practitioner who promotes the combination of traditional culture and fashion trends.He believes that Quanzhou is not only a cultural city with aesthetics of oriental life, but also develops into a modern city that leads the national tide.

“Quanzhou is already very hot. The local government departments now need to enhance their internal skills and classify the city’s cultural tourism resources and non -heritage projects.Slimming in the sky ‘and forming a good reputation. “In recent years, the popular crickets are ignited by the founder of Shangchengshi Group Lun Sibo.In less than two years, he came to Quanzhou 7 times and had a soft spot for the city.He founded the humanistic and lifestyle magazine “Shangcheng Slas” not only brought “簪 簪 他”, but also joined hands with a group of star singers to experience the southern Fujian family banquet.Monthly experience Quanzhou’s line puppet show, praising its superb performance art.

“Cangguan Film, Sanzhou Road, and the sound of all nations in the sound of the sea.” Yang Zongnan is a well -known musician in Quanzhou, and his work has won the Top Ten Golden Melody Awards in the “Minnan Golden Melody Awards in the World”.In this time, he is not only a guest, but also the host of this exchange activity. In the event, he constantly shared his feelings and love for Quanzhou, his hometown.He said that Quanzhou was the world’s marine business center, and there have been a prosperous scene of “ten continent people in the city”. It is hoped that through the efforts of a generation of Quanzhou people, it will reproduce historical glory and let Quanzhou lead the trend of international fashion development.

Dialect creation:

Life promotion is in line with the times

“I give you away, thousands of miles away, you are silent black and white …” “I warmed a pot of nostalgia and drank enough the past …” “Blue and waiting for you, and I am waiting for you …” Fang Wenshan is theseThe lyricist of the classics of the Chinese music scene is known as “contemporary Liu Yong”, and many star singers such as Andy Lau, Jay Chou, Zhang Liangying, Lin Junjie, and Sun Yanzi have performed his works.

This is the first time Fang Wenshan has come to Quanzhou. Will he leave a good music work for Quanzhou is highly anticipated.In fact, Fang Wenshan has been in friends with Quanzhou for a long time and loves the world’s legacy Quanzhou. This time, Ding Yuling, the director of the History of the Quanzhou Overseas Traffic History Museum through a video, understands Quanzhou’s brilliant Haisi culture.

At the Guochao Yuan Table, Fang Wenshan revealed that Yang Zongnan was creating a song for Quanzhou. Because he had not been published publicly, he could not “spoiler” too much.”Music works are closely related to the ancient city of Quanzhou. Around the theme of the Silk Road on the Maritime Silk Road, many representative monuments of Quanzhou are reflected. During the creative process, the deeper the understanding of Quanzhou, the more fascinating, it is very charming, and it is also very good.Fang Wenshan.

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