For this child’s summer movement guide and precautions, please check ~

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Meteorological department announced

The summer time in Beijing in 2024 is May 7th

Entering summer

Earlier 13 days

Participate in sports in summer

Help children grow and develop

I want to know which exercises can help children grow taller

It is good for brain development

And the precautions for summer sports

Look together ~

What are the benefits of exercise?

★ Adhering to the scientific movement allows children to form and maintain healthy muscle skeletal tissue, including muscles, bones and joints, and promote the growth and development of children;

★ It can also enhance physical and immunity to prevent diseases;

★ Happy mood, temper will, enhance self -confidence, and enhance mental health;

★ It can also be beneficial to the development of the brain and make children smarter.

What are the exercise methods to promote children?

Exercise is indeed conducive to children’s height growth.Parents should choose appropriate exercise according to their age, development level, exercise ability, and interests, and they must not be rushed to achieve success.

First recommendJumpingEssenceSuch as skipping, high jumping, long jump, kicking tweezers, jumping rubber bands, basketball and volleyball.

followed byStretchEssenceSuch as swimming, pull -ups, stretching gymnastics, hanging rings and ballet.

In addition, in daily life, you should pay attention to sitting, standing, and walking, keeping the spine straight, and preventing the occurrence of spine bending, which is also important for the heights.

What are the avoidance of exercise?

Weightlifting and dumbbells are oppressed. Excessive pressure will hinder the vertical growth of the bones. Children’s bone development has not been completely shaped, it is easy to damage the bones and affect the body’s height. Parents should let children try to avoid these movements.


Sports should pay attention to science.A complete exercise includesPreparation activities, formal activities and finishing activitiesThree links.

Preparation activities are also called warm -up activities

It refers to the main physical exercise that starts to start small -intensity. The time is generally 5-10 minutes.Through fast -moving jogging, the body system of the body “preheat” and enter the working state in advance.Do some flexible stretching exercises to increase joint activity, increase muscle elasticity, and prevent sports damage.

Formal event

It is the main sports activity of exercise.Including aerobic exercises such as fast walking, jogging, skipping rope, basketball, volleyball and swimming, as well as the leading, long jump, running and high oxygen exercise, the duration is generally 30 ~ 60 minutes.

Organize activities

After the main sports activities are completed.Moderate relaxation activities can help the body return from movement to a quiet state.It is generally 5 ~ 10 minutes, and the content of the activity is similar to the preparation.

Products that promote height growth in advertisements

Can you try it casually?

Children’s increase should not be blindly dependent on various “heights”.At present, it is found that more than 300 diseases are accompanied by short figures. Various heights promoted on market advertisements are not suitable for every child. Parents should take their children to a regular medical institution for examination and diagnosis, detect the cause, and treat symptomatic treatment.Do not let your children try to take various heights.

Why measure regularly

Is the child’s height and weight important?

Children’s height and weight can reflect the level of physical development.Parents must establish a scientific outlook on health and regularly measure their children’s height and weight. It is recommended that it should be tested at least once a week to the weight and self -test once a quarter.

The appropriate height and weight growth is a manifestation of children’s nutritional balance.

From the height and weight of children, it can reflect the level of physical development, mainly through three stages:

① Relatively stable period: Before adolescence, height and weight growth continued and stable. Children’s height increased by 5 ~ 7cm per year, and weight increased by 2 ~ 3kg;

② growth and increase period: It is one of the main performances of adolescence. When entering the peak of an increase, the height can increase by 10 ~ 14cm a year, and the weight can increase by 8 ~ 10kg in one year;

③ Growth stagnation period: From the middle and late period of adolescence, height and weight generally stopped significantly.

For children with slow growth, malnutrition or obese, they should go to regular medical institutions for bone age testing and other clinical examinations as soon as possible in order to discover problems in time and symptomatic treatment.

Why ensure reasonable nutrition and adequate sleep?

Reasonable nutrition:

The law of diet is the basic requirement to ensure the healthy growth of children.Breakfast should be eaten every day. Breakfast foods should include three categories and above in foods such as Gupa, vegetables and fruits, animal foods, milk bean nuts.

Every day, you must ensure the intake of high -quality protein foods such as eggs, lean meat, and soy products.Pay attention to supplying rich foods, encouraging children to exercise outdoor to dry more sun, which helps the absorption of calcium.

Let your child eat less sugar.Eating more sugar is easy to affect the child’s appetite, affect the absorption of nutrients, and high blood sugar also affects the secretion of growth hormone.

When dining abroad, pay attention to rational foods that eat less high -salt, high sugar and high -fat foods.Do not picky eaters or overeating without picky diet.

In terms of adequate sleep:

Children aged 6 to 12, arrange 9 to 12 hours a day for sleep, should not be less than 9 hours; children aged 13 to 17 should sleep for 8 to 10 hours a day.

Help children create a relaxed and quiet sleeping environment, develop the habit of regular sleep, reduce or avoid factors that affect children’s sleep, and allow children to have a good mental state before going to bed.

“Civilization Beijing”Kind tips:

Hot summer weather

During the exercise, you must do your best

This precautions

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It is not advisable to exercise vigorously when getting up early on an empty stomach

In the morning, the body’s bones and bones have not been fully relieved. If you have not eaten breakfast at this time, it is not advisable to exercise violently.

During the exercise, pay attention to hydrating in time

In summer, hot weather and sweating are more. During the exercise, you should pay attention to replenishing water in time. Drink less (20-30 ml each time).After exercise, it is also necessary to replenish moisture to supplement trace elements and minerals that are lost in the body.Try to select mineral water, boiled water or electrolyte drinks, and do not choose carbonated drinks with too much sugar and synthetic juice.It is better if it can be supplemented with a certain amount of light saline, but it is easy to drink a lot of water, which can easily lead to the occurrence of gastrointestinal spasm, and it cannot be replaced by cold drinks or ice water.

Do a good job of warm -up preparation and stretching after exercise

During the exercise, be sure to make warm -up preparation and stretching recovery after exercise, otherwise it will be easily injured.Once the body is discomfort during exercise, the exercise strength should be adjusted.

Avoid outdoor activities with direct sunlight

The summer climate is hot and sufficient in sunshine. Participating in physical exercise should avoid direct sunlight. You can choose a weak time in the morning or afternoon. You can also choose a place or indoor with a shade.

Source: Civilization Beijing

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