General Secretary’s people’s sentiment 丨 "To establish a big food concept"

9 min read
The people use food as the sky.The problem of eating more than 1.4 billion people, the Supreme Leadership General Manuscript Nian Zi Zezi.
In April 2023, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership pointed out in Guangdong’s inspection: “To solve the problem of eating good and ensure food safety, we must establish a big food concept, both food from land, food to the ocean, cultivating sea and fishing, building sea at seaRanch, ‘Blue Grain’ “.
In March of this year, the Supreme Leadership Secretary emphasized during the inspection of Hunan: “Adhere to the big agricultural concept, large food concept, actively develop characteristic agricultural and agricultural processing industries, and improve the level of agricultural industrialization.”

What is the big food concept?
During the National Two Sessions in March 2022, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leaders pointed out: “To establish a big food concept, start from better to better meet the needs of the people’s good life, grasp the changes in the food structure of the people, and ensure that the food supply is ensured, and the meat is guaranteed., Various foods such as vegetables, fruits, aquatic products, etc., it will not work if it is missing. “
At the Central Rural Working Conference in December 2022, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader further elaborated: “To solve the problem of eating, you cannot just stare at the limited cultivated land.Food, meat egg milk, fruit vegetable fish, mushroom bamboo shoots, etc. are all food. “
With the continuous improvement of living standards, the general public pays more attention to food diversity and nutrition.Statistics show that 700,000 tons of grains, 98,000 tons of oil, 1.92 million tons of vegetables and 230,000 tons of meat across the country are country’s urban and rural residents per capita raw grain consumption dropped from nearly 248 kg in 1978 to about 130 kilograms in 2022.
In accordance with the changes in food consumption structure, the consumption upgrade from the people from “eating” to “healthy” is to be the starting point and end point of the Supreme Leadership General Secretary of the Supreme Leaders’ General Secretary.
The big food view of the Supreme Leadership has a long history.
“When I was working in Fujian, I worked in mountainous areas and worked along the coast. At that time, I proposed a big food concept. Meat, eggs, poultry, milk, fish, fruits, bacteria, tea … These are food.””So, I have proposed to build a ‘seafront Fuzhou’ and ‘Fujian at sea.”
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, from the 2015 Central Rural Work Conference proposed “the concept of large agriculture and large food”, to the party’s 20th National Congress report, “establish a large food concept, develop facilities agriculture, and build a diversified food supply system “In 2022, the Central Rural Work Conference emphasized” to establish a large food concept, build a diversified food supply system, and develop food sources in multiple ways. ” Development, reflect the changes in economic and social development in my country, and point out the direction of the next step.
The big food concept, grain is the foundation.
The food security is the “big of the country”. The General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership has always seen it very much.Only by taking the initiative of solidarity can the initiative of the rejuvenation of the stable power. “
After hard work, my country’s total grain output has stabilized more than 1.3 trillion kg of consecutive years, and grain safety guarantee is in the best period of history.
It is not easy to achieve the results. We must continue to consolidate and expand, and at the same time, we must further “open source”.
The General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership pointed out deeply: “Now talking about food safety, it is actually food safety. The food demand for people’s food is more diverse.To develop food resources in all aspects of the plant animal microorganisms, it must be developed in all aspects. “
This means that there is a “systemic concept” in the big food concept: the big food concept expands the border of food safety to food safety, and at the same time, it systematically indicates the source of “big food”.
Food to the forest.Looking at the Blueberry Industrial Park at the Friendship Forestry Bureau of Yichun City, Heilongjiang, the Supreme Leading Secretary pointed out: “The development of the economy under the forest must pay attention to the market and highlight various operations.”
Food to rivers and lakes.Looking at the seawater breeding on the East Island of Guangdong, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader emphasized: “Improve the physical fitness of our citizens, make aquatic products up, and make protein is important.”
Food for facilities agriculture.Looking at the greenhouse vegetables in Yudu County, Jiangxi, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader held the hands of the folks and said, “What the Party Central Committee thinks is to make people have a good life.”
From the Northeast Linhai to the Loess Plateau, from the Qinba Mountains to the Wumeng Mountains, the Supreme Leadership General Secretary has repeatedly inspected the “big food” to provide the people with more sufficient, richer, diverse, nutritious and healthy foods for the people.”Improve the well -being of people’s livelihood and improve the quality of people’s lives.”
For large food confession, the Supreme Leadership General Secretary General Secretary has a long -term confession: “In the future, agricultural products must be kept, and they must not only keep the quantity, and to keep diverse and quality.” For food safety, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader uses four “most”: “The most uses the most”: “the most uses the most”: “the most uses the most.Rigorous standards, strictest supervision, the most severe punishment, and the most serious accountability to ensure the safety of the people ‘”on the tip of the tongue.”
In the new journey, accelerate the construction of a strong agricultural country. As the big food is observing, people’s dining tables are richer and healthier.
Planning: Tian Junrong Liu Xiaopeng Yang Xuebo Jiang Yan
Coordinating: Li Xiang Yu Ronghua Cao Lei
Text: Shi Fang Gu Zhongyang
Video: Liu Jie Fang Ziyi
Poster: Wang Yufeng
School Inspection: Juli Wu Yan
(Source: People’s Daily)
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