Global climate governance highlights the three major trends

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Xinhua News Agency, London, December 22 (International Observation) Global Climate Governance Highlights the three major trends
Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Shuang
The Convention on the United Nations Climate Change Framework (hereinafter referred to as the “Convention”) Twenty -eighth Conference (COP28) recently concluded in Dubai, UAE.From this conference, we can see that the global climate governance highlights the three major trends: energy transformation and technological innovation have become urgent demands of global; climate issues are “unequal” increasingly prominent, and “climate justice” is urgently needed;”” “.
On December 3, 2023, people took a group photo next to the “Green Area” conference of the UN Climate Chamber.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Dongzhen
Climate crisis makes transformation and innovation an urgent requirement
Climate change has become one of the most severe challenges facing the current sustainable development of human beings.According to the sixth evaluation report of the Special Committee of the UN Government Climate Change, the global greenhouse gas emissions of 2030 based on the national independent contribution submitted by the parties will be likely to exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the 21st century.It is also difficult within 2 degrees Celsius.
More and more people have realized that climate action is urgent.According to the organizer of the COP28, the number of participants in this conference exceeded 110,000, the largest in the conference of the previous contract.
“Fossil fuel” is the focus of this conference. This not only highlights that the global climate crisis is intensifying rapidly, but also indicates that the transformation from high -carbon to low -carbon and from fossil energy to clean energy has become an urgent requirement of the world.
The development of green and low -carbon is becoming an important driving force for the global economy. As a result, various new formats and new technologies have ushered in huge development opportunities and release strong new momentum.China has achieved positive results in promoting energy transformation and technological innovation.Director of the International Energy Agency, Fatih Biror, pointed out during the conference that China has achieved great achievements in the development of clean energy and electric vehicle industries such as solar energy and wind energy, and “is the champion of clean energy.”
On December 12, 2023, in Dubai, UAE, a participant walked in the United Nations Climate Change Dubai Conference venue.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Dongzhen
Seeking “climate justice” has become the general trend
During this conference, the climate negotiated meeting was outside the development of countries and environmental protection people from developing countries and fragile areas.Essence
Research on Britain’s “Nature · Sustainable Development” magazine showed that about 90%of the world’s excess carbon emissions originated from developed countries such as the United States.Based on historical responsibility, development and respective capabilities, the Convention and its Paris Agreement clearly stated that developed countries have the first to greatly reduce emission reduction and provide funding support to developing countries.
However, from the perspective of the current emission reduction progress of developed countries, there is a great gap between scientific requirements, their own commitments, or expectations of developing countries.
In terms of funds, developed countries promised at the 2009 Cophagen UN Climate Change Conference that by 2020, it provided developing countries with a $ 100 billion climate fund support every year and has not yet been fulfilled.In terms of technical support, the willingness, public input and support for developed countries are far from enough, which has led to the inability to effectively implement a large number of technical action plans in developing countries, and there is a gap in capacity building.
At present, there is a gap between the goal of the Paris Agreement in the global emission reduction. It is an important reason for developed countries to fail to fulfill their commitments and do not fulfill their obligations.This is not only to avoid its own responsibilities and obligations, but also to damage the confidence of all parties to achieve their goals, weaken mutual trust between developed countries and developing countries.
It is foreseeable that as the climate crisis continues to intensify, in the future global climate governance, developed countries with historical responsibilities, legal obligations, and moral responsibilities of climate change will become increasingly increasingly conflicted with “climate justice” between developing countries.The more prominent.
On December 13, 2023, at the climate of the United Nations Climate Change Dubai’s closing of the General Conference, COP28 Chairman Surdan Jobil announced that he had applauded after he announced the reaching a “UAE consensus”.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Dongzhen
Implementation action is the key to the success or failure of the multilateral process of the climate
In this conference, nearly 200 “Convention” parties finally reached the “UAE Consensus” on the Paris Agreement’s first global inventory, slowing, adaptation, funding, loss and damage, and just transformation.According to the United Nations Secretary -General Gutres, “in our world of cracking, COP28 can indicate that multilateralism is still the biggest hope for humans to deal with global challenges.”
The international community generally commented that COP28 has made important progress.But as the chairman of the conference, Surdin Jobier said: “The agreement is depending on the implementation situation, this historic consensus is only the beginning of the road.”
Simon Steel, Executive Secretary of the Convention, pointed out that the global inventory of the Paris Agreement clearly shows that the global climate action is “not fast enough”, and the international community must fully implement the Paris Agreement.”The land promised to actual action.The Secretariat of the Convention has repeatedly emphasized that the multilateral process of the climate must be placed on the intensive point to fulfill the promise, accelerate transformation and innovation, and strengthen the combination of units.
As the world’s largest developing country, since China joined the Paris Agreement, it has overcome their own economic and social difficulties, and actively responded to climate change as the inherent requirements of its sustainable development., Measures and actions, economic and social development embarked on the track of comprehensive green transformation.At the same time, China has always adhered to the concept of the community of human destiny, carried out in -depth climate change South -South cooperation, actively participated in the multilateral process of climate, and achieved positive results in response to climate change.
Zhao Yingmin, the head of the COP28 Chinese delegation and deputy minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, emphasized that China believes that the problem of climate change must be ambitious and pragmatic.Real in place.
Source: Xinhuanet

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