Guangdong Practice, which leads the construction of the education of education with the spirit of educators | Vigorously promote the spirit of the educator · Talk

Educatian spirit
Cantonese practice that leads the construction of education power

Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Deputy Governor of the Provincial People’s Government Wang Xi

The strong country must be taught first, and the strong education must be strong first.Guangdong’s in -depth study and implementation of the important exposition of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership on the spirit of the educator, focusing on integrating the spirit of educators into the construction of the construction of the teacher team in the new era, adhere to the priority planning, priority development, priority guarantee, and the cultivation of talents with strong teachers.Scientific and technological innovation fertile soil, strive to make Guangdong contributions in the new journey of the construction of a strong education country, and firmly support the “two establishment” and resolutely achieve “two maintenance” with practical actions.

To promote the spirit of educators, we must strengthen the sense of mission and responsibility of teachers in the new era.The general secretary’s systematic explanation of the spirit of educators has expanded the spirituality of the Chinese Communists, reflecting the urgent needs of newcomers in the era of national rejuvenation, and a major achievement of the important discussion of the general secretary on education.Promoting the spirit of practicing educators is an important opportunity to lead the majority of educators to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and enhance the sense of mission and responsibility of teaching and educate people. It is the goal of doing a good job in the work of teachers in the new era.The Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government attach great importance to education, adhere to the important position of priority development, and insist on strengthening the construction of teachers as the most important basic work.Since the Teacher’s Day in 2023, Guangdong has organized the theme preaching and series of discussions of the educator spirit, and promoted the systematic and normal learning of educators through the form of experts and selection of tree selection.At the beginning of the New Year in 2024, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government issued the opinions of accelerating the construction of education in the province with No. 1 document.The eight major projects clearly propose to vigorously promote the spirit of educators and enhance the new realm of teachers to cultivate the teaching world.

To promote the spirit of educators, we must continuously deepen the reform and innovation of the teacher management system in the new era.Guangdong is a large province of education. It has more than 1.66 million teachers at all levels. This is not only an important guarantee for promoting the construction of education in the province, but also a real challenge for the high -quality development of the teachers.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Guangdong has adhered to the guidance of the Supreme Leader’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and implemented the “Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council of the Communist Party of China on the reform of the construction of teachers in the new era”, and vigorously promote the construction of high -quality teachers.Adhere to the “three major motivations” of reform, openness, and innovation, continue to advance the reform of the teacher management system, and crack the scientific development of the teachers’ scientific development of the institutional mechanism.Deepen the management reform of the “County Management School Employment” in primary and secondary schools, coordinate the configuration and management of teachers, continuously optimize the structure of the teacher team, and promote the high -quality and balanced development of basic education.We will improve the management system for teachers in vocational colleges, and promote two -way flow of teachers, enterprise engineering and technical personnel, and high -skilled talents in vocational colleges.Deepen the reform of the titles of the teacher’s title, establish and improve the graded management service mechanism, unblock the professional development channels of teachers, let the teachers’ professional title evaluation power from colleges and universities, and establish the professional title system and evaluation standards guided by the “breaking five Wei”.Innovate the qualification management system of teachers and explore the application of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents to apply for the qualification policy for primary and secondary school teachers in the Mainland.

To promote the spirit of educators, we must promote the construction of teachers in the new era at a high standard.Learn to understand the spirit of educators, focusing on the spirit of the important instructions of the General Secretary into a new practice of building a high -quality teacher team.Based on the forefront of reform and opening up, Guangdong has developed high -quality development. The construction of the teacher team should have higher ideal pursuit, target tasks, and literacy requirements. With in -depth implementation of the “new strong teacher project” as the starting point, improve the “three major systems”, strengthenTeachers ‘ideological and political leadership, high standards to enhance teachers’ ability, and create a good atmosphere of respect for teachers and teachers.Always put the party’s construction first, and implement the party’s party branch strictly to the party branch of each teacher, implement the “double leader” and “dual training” mechanism, and strive to make each party branch secretary and backbone teachers of party members become a party member and party member teachers become the backbone teachers of party members.Models led by party building and business demonstration.Strictly implement the first standard of teachers’ morality, integrate the spirit of educators into the standard of morality, innovate education methods, promote the negative list system of teacher morality assessment, and strictly control the morality of teachers.Incorporate the spirit of educators into the training system of various teachers at all levels, and integrate the entire process of improvement of the comprehensive quality and professional ability of teachers.Actively promote the construction of Guangdong’s “New Normal University”, increase support for teachers’ colleges and teachers, consolidate the cornerstone of teachers, and optimize the supply model of excellent teachers.Upgrade the development support platforms such as the “Million Talent Cultivation Project”, the “Four” studio construction and the provincial high -level talent project, and build a supporting system for the growth support system of educator -type teachers.Promote the high -quality and balanced development of education in the province, continue to implement the mechanism of “full -caliber and comprehensive integration”, and continue to improve the professional quality ability of teachers in the province.Frequently grasping the teacher’s status and treatment, creating an excellent ecosystem of educators, and promoting respect for teachers and education.Constructing the main responsibilities of party committees and governments at all levels, continuously improving teachers’ political status, social status, and occupational status, attracting and stabilizing outstanding talents for a long time and teaching for a long time.Improve the teachers ‘honorary commendation system focusing on “Outstanding Teachers in Nanyue”, organize and issue a 20 -year honor certificate from rural teachers, establish a system of newly -employed teachers’ oaths, etc., and effectively enhance the sense of honor and accomplishment of the teacher’s profession.The sense of pride and professional pride make the educator spirit a conscious pursuit of the majority of teachers.

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