Guard the Achilles tendon, the blood is not "broken"!Summer Safety Movement Raiders

Changsha Evening News, Changsha, May 19th (Correspondent Wang Kang) With the arrival of summer, the sun and enthusiasm also inspired the vitality of sports enthusiasts. They went out of the house and devoted themselves to the wave of various outdoor sports.However, when enjoying the happiness brought by exercise, we cannot ignore the damage caused by exercise, especially the common Achilles tendon break.
On Saturday night, after a hearty badminton game, Mr. Wu limped to the third hospital in Changsha City.Huang Dali, the attending physician of the 21st Khritis who took the diagnosis, found that Mr. Wu’s left heel was swollen, tender, and empty tendon areas. Considering that Achilles tendon was broken;The doctor’s judgment, Mr. Wu was admitted to the hospital with “Achilles tendon break”.
Liu Feng, deputy director and chief physician of Orthopedics, led the team to perform minimally invasive Achilles tendon fracture for Mr. Wu.After the operation, Mr. Wu returned well and was actively undergoing postoperative rehabilitation treatment.
After entering the summer, more and more middle -aged athletes have devoted themselves to the upsurge of outdoor sports.However, as a common sports damage in middle -aged people, Achilles tendon breaks must be vigilant and take effective prevention measures.How to enjoy the shortness of sports and protect yourself from being harmed at the same time?The orthopedic department of the Third Hospital of Changsha City sorted out a guide to the summer scientific movement, hoping to help everyone stay away from the troubles of the Achilles tendon break.
1. Full warm -up: Before exercise, you must do a good job of warm -up, gradually improve the strength of the exercise, and let the joints and ligaments of the body fully move, especially the calf muscles and Achilles tendon to make full preparations for the next exercise.
2. Avoid cumulative damage: Choose the right exercise and strength according to personal physical conditions.If there are chronic pain in Achilles tendon, you should reduce or avoid strenuous exercise to ensure that the body exercises within the tolerance range.
3. Master the exercise skills: Avoid one foot on the ground after jumping, try to use your feet at the same time as much as possible, and share the reaction force of the ground.Reduce sudden jumping movements in exercise to reduce impact on Achilles tendon.
4. Choose the right place: avoid high -intensity exercise on the hard ground, such as cement ground, marble land, etc.Choose soft materials such as plastic venues, grassland or carpet, yoga mat and other soft materials for exercise to reduce damage to Achilles tendon.
5. Correctly deal with and seek medical treatment in time: If physical pain occurs in exercise and continues to decrease, exercise should be stopped immediately to reduce the damage of the injured parts to reduce further damage; secondly, the ice application is performed to reduce the temperature of the injured area, reduce the inflammatory response and muscle spasm.Erotic pain and swelling; at the same time, it can be bandaged with elastic bandages and raised the affected limb to reduce swelling.After that as soon as possible, do not delay.Minimally invasive surgery treatment of Achilles tendon can restore the continuity of Achilles tendon and avoid complications, allowing patients to restore normal strength and activity ability.

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