Health and immune vitality Life -20124 Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Health Science Popularization Strategy China Bank Zhengzhou Station opened

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At present, my country is accelerating into an aging society, and the health management of middle -aged and elderly people has become one of the focus of people’s attention.However, the middle -aged and elderly people have the difficulty of health management in the grass -roots level in the grass -roots level, such as insufficient health education and limited information acquisition channels.In order to avoid the invasion of infectious diseases and further help the capacity of general doctors, the China Health Promotion and Education Association carried out “health and immune vitality life -20124 infectious disease prevention and control health science popular science strategies in China”, Zhengzhou’s first station in 2024On May 25th, he gave a lecture.

Experts gathered together to popularize the core knowledge and skills of related health education, from theoretical to practice, policy to practical exercise, and strengthen the awareness of grassroots doctors’ awareness of prevention and control of infectious diseases.



Teacher Zhang Jing, a researcher at the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, brought a topic introduction to the “research and development and application of innovative influenza vaccines”. At the meeting, Teacher Zhang introduced the hazards of influenza diseases, the research and development history of influenza vaccine, and the nasal injection flu vaccineProduction and immune characteristics have been fully interpreted.This type of vaccine has the characteristics of convenient vaccination and rapid results. It is a necessary reserve for my country to deal with the popularity of global influenza. Nasal spray flu vaccines will become a powerful weapon for preventing influenza.



(Zhang Jing, a researcher at China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

“Integration of medical defense, prevention first” is a key part of “healthy aging”.During the Beijing Biological Products Research Association, Chao Nianmin conducted an in -depth interpretation of the “current status and new vaccine research and development progress of my country’s vaccine industry”. He pointed out that shingles have always endangered the health of the elderly in my country. The listing of shingles vaccine brings new solutions for the prevention of shingles of herpes zoster disease over 40 years old.



(Shi Nianmin, President of the Beijing Biological Products Research Association)

At the meeting, with the vivid and detailed science explanations of experts, the participants had a deeper understanding of the significance of disease prevention, and the popularization of popular science knowledge greatly improved the public’s awareness of health.

It is reported that “Health and Immune Vitality Life —— 20124 Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Health Popular Science Popularization Strategy China Travel Project” will carry out activities nationwide from May 2024 to June 2025 to prevent and control health science tools with infectious diseases to prevent and control health science tools.Based on the package, through the popularization of the core knowledge and skills of related health education, guide the scientific prevention and control of blisters, influenza, and related complications of different life cycles to help “healthy China”.



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