[Health Quality Propaganda Month] 66 Chinese citizens’ health literacy decisively collect!

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Speaking of health literacy, what you may think of is the theoretical knowledge of the long story, and there is no sense of picture in your mind.underWe finishedChinese citizen health literacy66GraphicKnowledge,Come and collect together ~

Basic knowledge and philosophy


Health is not just without disease or weakness, but the body,Psychological and social adaptation is intact. 


Everyone has the responsibility of maintaining their own health, and a healthy lifestyle can maintain andPromote your own health.


The environment is closely related to health, protects the environment, and promotes health.


Blood donation,

Help others.


Everyone should care, help, and do not discriminate against the disabled.


Regular health examination.


The normal blood pressure of adults is systolic blood pressure ≥90mmHg and <140 mmHg, diastolic pressure ≥60mmHg and <90 mmHg; the body temperature of the underarms is 36 ℃ ~ 37 ℃; the calm breathing is 16-20 times/minute; the heart rate is 60 to 100 times/min.


Vaccination is the most effective and economic measure to prevent some infectious diseases.Children should be vaccinated in accordance with immune procedures after birth.


Influenza vaccination before influenza season can reduce the chance of influenza or reduce the symptoms of influenza.


AIDS, hepatitis B and hepatitis C spread through three ways: blood, sexual contact and maternal and infants. Daily life and work contact will not spread. 


The tuberculosis is mainly transmitted through the dissemination of the patient’s cough, sneezing, speaking loudly, etc.; cough, sputum for more than 2 weeks, or blood in sputum,Should be checked in timeWhether you have tuberculosis.


Adhere to standardized treatment, most patients with lung tuberculosis can be cured and can effectively prevent preventionDrug -resistant tuberculosisExpress.


existBlood -absorbing Popular Popularity Zone, Try to avoid contact with epidemic water; after contact with the epidemic water, it should be checked or received in time.


Family dogs and cats should be vaccinated with rabies; after being caught and bitten by dogs and cats, they should immediately wash the wound and inject anti -rabies as soon as possibleImmunoglobulin(Or serum) and humans with rabies vaccine. 


Mosquito, flies, mice, cockroaches and other diseases will spread the disease.


It is found that the diseased and dead birds must be reported. They do not process, do not consume sick and dead poultry livestock, and do not eat wild animals.


Pay attention to changes in blood pressure and control the risk of hypertension. Patients with hypertension should learn self -health management.


Pay attention to changes in blood sugar and control the risk of diabetes, and patients with diabetes should strengthen self -health management.


Actively participate in cancer screening,Discover cancer earlyAnd cancer lesion.


Everyone may have depression and anxiety, and correctly understand depression and anxiety.

twenty one

Care for the elderly, prevent the fall of the elderly, and identify Alzheimer’s dementia.

twenty two

Choose safe and efficient contraceptive measures to reduce artificial abortion and care for women’s reproductive health.

twenty three

Health food is not a drug, and health food is used correctly.

twenty four

Workers should understand the harmful factors in the work and work environment, comply with operating procedures, pay attention to personal protection, and avoid professional harm.


Workers engaged in toxic and harmful workers have the right to career.

Healthy lifestyle and behavioral articles


The healthy lifestyle mainly includes four aspects: reasonable diet, appropriate exercise, smoking cessation, and psychological balance.


Keep normal weight and avoid overweight and obesity.


The diet should be based on cereals, eat more vegetables, fruits and potatoes, and pay attention to the combination of vegetarian and thickness.


Promote eating milk every day,Beans and their products.


The diet should be light, less oil, less salt, less sugar,Edible iodized salt.


Pay attention to drinking water hygiene,Drink water every day.


Raw and cooked foods should be stored and processed separately. Eat vegetables and fruits should be washed.Foods exceeding the shelf life.


Adults should carry out 6 to 10,000 steps of physical activity daily, and movement is beneficial and expensive.


Smoking and second -hand smoke exposure can cause various diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory diseases.


 ”Low -coking cigarettes” and “Chinese herbal medicine cigarettes” cannot reduce the harm caused by smoking.


Any age quitting smoking can be benefited. The sooner the smoking quitting, the better, the smoking quit clinic can provide professional smoking cessation services.


Drink less,Don’t drink.


Follow the doctor’s advice to use addictive drugs such as sedative hypnotic pills and analgesics to prevent drug dependence.


Reject drugs.


The combination of labor and rest is guaranteed to sleep 7 to 8 hours a day.


Pay attention to and maintain psychological health. When encountering psychological problems, you should take the initiative to seek help.


 Wash your hands, take a bath, brush your teeth in the morning and evening, rinse your mouth after meals, and do not share towels and wash products.


According to weather changes and air quality, open windows and ventilation in a timely manner to keep indoor air circulation.


When you are not smoking, spitting, spitting, coughing, and sneezing in public places

Cover the nose.


The use of sanitary toilets in the countryside to manage and managed on the stool.


Scientifically seek medical treatment, take a timely treatment, treat the doctor’s advice, and treat the results of diagnosis and treatment rationally.


 Reasonable medication, can take oral muscle injection, can inject muscle injection without infusion, and use antibiotics under the guidance of a doctor.


Wear helmets and seat belts, driving without speed, drunk driving, not fatigue, reducing road traffic damage.


Strengthen care and education to prevent children from approaching dangerous waters and prevent drowning.


Winter heating pay attention to ventilation,Beware of gas poisoning.


Active receiving pre -marital and pre -pregnancy health care. During pregnancy, you should receive at least 5 prenatal examinations and be hospitalized for delivery.


After the child is born, breastfeeding should be started as soon as possible, and supplementary food is added reasonably at all 6 months.


Promote early development of children through parent -child communication and play, and discover the development of psychological behavior as soon as possible.


In the critical period of physical and mental development, adolescents need to cultivate a healthy behavior lifestyle, prevent myopia, overweight and obesity, and avoid network addiction and premature sex.

Basic Skills


Pay attention to health information and can obtain, understand, screen, and apply health information.


Can understand food, medicine,Label of health productsAnd instructions.


It will recognize common hazardous signs, such as high -pressure, flammable, explosive, toxic, radioactivity, biological safety, etc., away from dangerous matter.


Will measure pulseAnd the temperature of the armpit.


It will use condoms correctly to reduce the risk of infection with AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, and prevent accidental pregnancy.


Properly store and use toxic items such as pesticides,Beware of children’s contact. 


Dial 120 when seeking emergency medical assistance, and call 12320 when seeking health consulting services. 


When a trauma occurs, hemostasis and bandage should be stopped immediately;Do not move easily for the wounded suspected of the fracture.


In the event of an injured person who breathe and cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation will be performed.


When rescue the electric shock, you should first cut off the power and do not directly contact the electric shock.


When a fire occurs, cover the nose and nose with a wet towel and escape; call the fire police call 119.


When an earthquake occurs, choose the correct earthquake method, and immediately carry out self -rescue and mutual rescue after the earthquake.

These health skills,
Have you mastered it?

Source: “Voice of Public Health” WeChat public account

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