High -level talent children enjoy education preferential treatment

  Southern Daily News (Reporter/Lin Riqing Correspondent/Chen Huashi) In order to establish and improve the talent service guarantee mechanism, the children of high -level talents in Zhanjiang City are based on the foundationAt the stage, it provides convenient services. Recently, the Zhanjiang Municipal Bureau issued the “Zhanjiang Municipal Bureau on the Implementation Measures for Education for Education for Children with High -level Talent Talents” (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementation Measures”).

  The “Implementation Measures” pointed out that the children of high -level talents refer to the children of A, B, and C, which are identified by the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and holding the “Zhanjiang High -level Talent Card” within validity period.Children with high -level talents will give education preferential services in accordance with regulations, and enjoy the same treatment as children of residents in Zhanjiang.

  There is a guarantee for entering the school

  According to the “Implementation Measures”, the children of high -level talents who are applied for preschool education, compulsory education, and high school schools in Zhanjiang City will make overall arrangements in accordance with national, provincial, municipal kindergartens, and compulsory education enrollment policies and the policy of middle school entrance examination.

  Among them, if the children of Class A and B apply for compulsory education public schools and the initial grades of inclusive kindergartens, the county (city, district) education administrative department where the cardholder residence or work is located combined with the degree supply and the degree supply situation andThe applicant’s wishes will be coordinated according to the foundation of the work and life.

  Class C holding cardholders who apply for compulsory education public schools and the initial grades of inclusive kindergartens, and the county (city, district) education administrative department where the cardholder’s residence is located or the place where the work is located combined with the degree supplyOrganic arrangements to public schools and inclusive kindergartens.

  Class B holder children who apply for the starting grade of compulsory education private schools in the county (city, district) of the residential place, shall be arranged by the county (city, district) education administrative department where the private school is located.

  A, B, C -holding cardholder children’s high school education enrollment work was implemented in accordance with the relevant policies of the school examination enrollment of the school test of Zhanjiang City.If you apply for a general high school school in Zhanjiang to reaches the score line of the school where the volunteer school is located, priority admission is given under the same conditions; if you enter secondary vocational schools in the city, according to your homeStudents’ willingness is preferred.

  Can transfer to school can coordinate

  According to the “Implementation Measures”, apply to the children of high -level talents of preschool education, compulsory education, and high school schools in Zhanjiang City.Standards, coordinate handling.

  Among them, the children of high -level talents who transfer to public schools in Zhanjiang City’s compulsory education and inclusive kindergartens from outside the city, and the relevant education administrative departments shall be based on the preferential treatment policies of various types of talents to enter primary and secondary schools.The transfer of transfer is coordinated.

  High -level talents who transfer to ordinary high schools from Zhanjiang to ordinary high schools in Zhanjiang City are based on the principle of the same school level and the connection of grades. Combining the degree supply of ordinary high schools in Zhanjiang City, it will be coordinated in accordance with the regulations of ordinary high school students.Those who transfer to the secondary vocational school in Zhanjiang City will be coordinated in accordance with the provisions of secondary vocational schools in accordance with the degree supply of secondary vocational schools in Zhanjiang City.

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