How can you count the "moderate" exercise?You must grasp these points

Today, sports fitness has become a healthy and stylish lifestyle.Data show that the number of people often involved in physical exercise in my country has exceeded 400 million, and it is increasing year by year.

Swimming, playing, fast walking, jogging, riding bicycles, etc. are the most popular aerobic exercise, and it is also the most common exercise. It can strengthen the body and burn fat.But occasionally there are reports of damage caused by exercise. So how can we exercise moderately?

Usually we have to bear the ability according to personal affordabilityAnd physical conditionFrom “exercise time”, “exercise intensity”, “exercise method”Let’s explain moderate exercise in three aspects.

excercise time

★ Each exercise time can start from 10 minutes, and then according to the increase in 5 to 10 minutes in the future, it is better to achieve a step by step for about 1 hour, 5 days a week, at least 30 minutes a day.

Exercise strength

It is generally divided into low strength, medium strength, and high strength.

★ Low -intensity subjective sensation is easy, the frequency and depth of breathing fluctuate slightly, and can communicate with language.

★ The medium strength subjective feeling is slightly tired, the breathing frequency and depth are slightly rapid, which affects language communication.

★ High -intensity subjective sensation is tired, the frequency of breathing depth is rapid, and cannot communicate with language.

Daily exercise is a motion that maintains a certain medium -intensity every day. You can sweat slightly, which can play the purpose of regulating breathing and enhancing cardiopulmonary function.

Exercise method

Aerobic exercise

★ Aerobic exercise, as the name suggests, such exercise requires oxygen to participate in energy supply, with aerobic metabolism as the main energy supply channel.Generally speaking, aerobic exercise requires participation in large muscle groups such as trunk and limbs, which can maintain a stable state and last for a longer time.

★ Aerobic exercise has the effects of improving cardiopulmonary function, reducing blood pressure and blood sugar, improving blood lipids and endocrine system functions, and reducing fat accumulation.Quick walking, running, cycling, skipping rope, swimming, etc. are all aerobic exercise.


★ Anti -resistance activity is a repeated movement of muscle confrontation resistance. It is a strong contraction activity for muscles. It cannot maintain a stable state and is anaerobic exercise.

★ Anti -resistance exercises can maintain or enhance muscle strength, improve muscle function, form mechanical stimulation of the skeletal system, and benefit bone health.Make dumbbells, push -ups, elastic band exercises, etc. are all anti -resistance activities.

Other types of physical activity

★ By carrying out the stretching, flexion and rotation of the body or limbs, you can exercise the flexibility and flexibility of the joint.Exercise such as stretching and yoga can play a role in improving joint flexibility.

★ Combined activities that improve human balance and coordination, including exercise, dancing, etc., can improve exercise capabilities and prevent falling.

No matter which way to chooseFollow the principle of painlessnessStep by step, active force, and exercise moderately.

The principle of painless is king

★ In exercise, as long as there is an uncomfortable uncomfortable feeling, such as suffering, chest tightness, chest pain, dizziness, headache, dazzling, etc., you must reduce the amount of exercise or stop immediately, indicating that the amount of exercise is likely to be too large.

The training intensity from easy to difficult, time from short to long, step -by -step principles

★ Do not have a strong movement.

★ After exercise, the body has no adverse reactions, slightly fatigue, fast recovery, good emotion and appetite, high sleep quality, feel full of energy after waking, indicating that the exercise intensity and the amount of exercise are appropriate.

The principle of warm -up and stretching must be warm before and after exercise

★ Be sure to warm up before exercise, feel that your body is hot, and then keep up slowly.

Mastering the correct action posture is an important prerequisite for scientific exercise

★ The correct posture is not easy to be injured, and it can better reflect the exercise effect.

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