International Biological Diversity Day 丨 Ministry of Ecology and Environment: my country’s biodiversity protection has achieved remarkable results.

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CCTV Beijing May 22. According to the Voice of China of the Central Radio and Television Station, biodiversity is the basis for human beings to survive and develop, and the blood and root foundation of the community of life of the earth.May 22 is the International Biological Diversity Day. This year’s theme is “Biological Diversity, you and I participate.”In order to call on all sectors of society to actively participate in the protection of biodiversity, the 2024 International Biological Diversity Daily Publicity Activities were held in Wuzhishan City, Hainan.

In recent years, my country has continued to improve the system of biological diversity, increase the protection of biodiversity, and embarked on the road of biodiversity protection with Chinese characteristics.At present, what are the latest progress and results of biodiversity protection in my country?How will they contribute Chinese wisdom to global biological diversity protection?

90%of my country’s land ecosystem types are effectively protected

2024 International Biological Diversity Daily Publicity Activity was held in Wuzhishan City, Hainan (Liu Mengya/Photo)

Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve is the largest Mangrove Nature Reserve in my country. In recent years, Mangroves restoration of mangrove forests in the mangroves of retreating ponds and forests, forestry, and post -disaster species. The area of ​​the protected mangroves exceeds 1771 hectares, and countless migratory birds run thousands of miles every year.Feng Erhui, the leader of the scientific research monitoring team of the National Nature Reserve Management Bureau of Hainan, introduced that the national key protection birds such as Caisha, Black -faced Spoonbill, and Spoon Top Toshin are all “frequent customers” of Dongzhai Port.”So far, the birds in our protected area have reached 229 species from more than 190 in the past, and crabs have reached 155 species from more than 120.”” “

Hainan is one of the areas with the most abundant biodiversity in my country and the natural gene library of my country and the world.In order to protect the national representative natural ecosystem, in October 2021, my country officially established the first batch of national parks such as Sanjiangyuan, Panda, Northeast Tiger Leopard, Hainan Tropical Rain Forest, and Wuyishan.Yan Zhen, deputy director of the State Forestry Bureau, introduced that in more than two years, the protection of biodiversity in the national park has achieved significant results, and a large number of rare and endangered wild and plant populations have grown steadily.”For example, the Northeast Tiger Leopard National Park has 20 new wild Northeast tiger cubs, 15 wild Northeast leopard cubs, about 70 wild Northeast tigers, and about 80 wild Northeast leopards;It is the only place in Hainan gibbon in Hainan, the most endangered gibbon in the world. The number of Hainan gibbonal groups has increased to 37 groups.

From the establishment of a natural protection land system with national parks as the main body, to continuous promotion of the protection and repair of ecosystems, to the ability level of continuous improvement of the regulatory and system system and improving the protection of biodiversity. In recent yearsStrategy and deeply participate in global biodiversity governance.Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment, said that at present, the overall stability of my country’s ecosystem pattern has been continuously optimized, and the quality of natural ecosystems has continued to improve. The proportion of excellent levels accounted for more than 43%, which exceeded the low -level ratio for the first time.

Huang Runqiu said: “Innovate the implementation of the ecological protection red line system, effectively protects more than 30%of the land and land area. Establish a planning system of major ecosystem protection and restoration of major projects in the country, and implement 52 landscapes, forests, lakes, grass and sand,The protection and restoration projects have exceeded 100 million acres.

Establish a complete monitoring system and start implementing major projects, and make Chinese contributions to the protection of global biodiversity

Qiyunshan National Nature Reserve shoots wild macaques (Photo Conferry, Qiyunshan National Nature Reserve)

In the past two days, in Qiyunshan National Nature Reserve, Chongyi County, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, two infrared cameras of different forest land were recorded and recorded in wild macaques.According to Lu Jian, an engineer of Qiyunshan National Nature Reserve, from the 14 macaque images recorded by 5 videos, macaques with old age, adults, and young children confirmed the reproduction and development of wild macaques in the protected area.

“We used infrared cameras to shoot the video of macaques many times, indicating that Qiyun Mountain is an important habitat for macaques, which provides strong empirical evidence for wild animals.The daily patrol of the ground increases the crackdown on illegal acts such as chaotic hunting. “Lu Jian said.

Building a complete monitoring system is an important part of the protection of biodiversity.Zhang Yujun, director of the Natural Ecological Protection Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, introduced that my country has continued to strengthen biological diversity investigations, monitoring and evaluation, and has contributed technological power to the protection of biological diversity for remote sensing monitoring.

Zhang Yujun said: “We will establish a long -term mechanism for biological diversity surveys and monitoring, improve the standard system of biological diversity surveys, monitoring and evaluation, and improve biodiversity protection and monitoring information cloud platforms, and regularly update the” Chinese Biological Diversity Red List “, Strengthen the evaluation of the influence of biological diversity, and strengthen the protection and recovery results of major ecological engineering biological diversity. “

The symbiosis of human and nature is a beautiful vision of global biodiversity governance.This year is the fourth year and the last year of China as the chairman of the Convention on the Convention on Biological Diversity.As a responsible country, early this year, my country released the “Chinese Biological Diversity Protection Strategy and Action Plan (2023-2030)”, becoming the first developing country to submit action plans.Zhang Yujun said that the relevant implementation plans are currently preparing. This year, major projects for the implementation of biological diversity protection are launched. The project has a 7 -year project and involves 7 major tasks and 28 projects. It will carry out investigations of key areas, key species and important biological genetic resources.

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